Looking to sell all the case gauges, check the website for what other cases these gauges are compatible with.
6.5/6 creedmoor
308 win
.223 rem
$160 shipped for all 3 gauges. I'm trying to sell as a package, if this doesn't get an traction, i'll end up splitting them. I'll take some more pics when I get home from work.

Case Gauge - Whidden Gunworks
Use the chart below to reference the other compatible calibers for each gauge. If you don’t see the Case Gauge you need, we can custom build you one with your supplied Go Gauge. Select the "Custom" option in the drop down menu and follow the instructions. Attention: The Belted Magnum Family...

6.5/6 creedmoor
308 win
.223 rem
$160 shipped for all 3 gauges. I'm trying to sell as a package, if this doesn't get an traction, i'll end up splitting them. I'll take some more pics when I get home from work.