
Mar 12, 2024
Fort Campbell
WTS ZCO 4-20 MPCT2 NLE W/SPUHR 6016 Mount W/ZCO bikini caps, ZCO Sunshade and SPURH bubble level. $3350 shipped with everything listed. Everything is in good condition, just out pics, one screw on the SPURH mount base is slightly stripped but its not tricky to tighten, just visually you'll see its worn a bit. Glass and tube and everything that matters are 100%.

Im PCSing soon in the military and probably wont have a sick 1550 yard range to shoot at anymore so downsizing. Can call, text, facetime. Also ask about my reddit where I've bought and sold a bunch of ounces of gold.

Thanks for any interest, I'll respond to all inquires. Looking for PPFF payment.

Pics -

Edit : if the embedded link doesnt open, https://imgur.com /a/5AL1I11#n87JYed -Close the space in this URL after "com". Was made aware some users have an issue. Pics work for me.
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