- Elcan Specter-DR: Got this today. Had a trade going for an upper but the guy backed off. Got this in a trade from another member. Has no box and papers but is in like new condition. Not sure if it was ever used. Will sell for SOLD.
- Franklin Armory Binary Trigger GenIII, used. SOLD
- Magpul MP5 handguard and grip module, New in box. $100 shipped or refer to the trades below.
- 1 5round AI and 1 5round Accurate Mag magazines. SOLD
- Streamlight TLR-1HL rifle/subgun set up with a remote pressure pad, used. SOLD
- SB Tactical SBA-4 brace with the buffer tube, buffer and spring (the buffer tube, buffer and spring are not depicted in the picture). Used, in good condition. $150 shipped or refer to the trades below.
- Fortis LA Stock
- 16“ 5.56 skinny barrel, mid-length
- lightweight bolt carrier group or Superlative Arms mid-length piston system
- PWS buffer tube with the ratcheting system
- good quality stripped upper
- PWS MK1 MOD2 Rail
- Surefire Mini Scout Pro
- May be interested in some good muzzle devices and charging handles for 5.56 AR.
- Franklin Armory Binary Trigger GenIII, used. SOLD
- Magpul MP5 handguard and grip module, New in box. $100 shipped or refer to the trades below.
- 1 5round AI and 1 5round Accurate Mag magazines. SOLD
- Streamlight TLR-1HL rifle/subgun set up with a remote pressure pad, used. SOLD
- SB Tactical SBA-4 brace with the buffer tube, buffer and spring (the buffer tube, buffer and spring are not depicted in the picture). Used, in good condition. $150 shipped or refer to the trades below.
- Fortis LA Stock
- 16“ 5.56 skinny barrel, mid-length
- lightweight bolt carrier group or Superlative Arms mid-length piston system
- PWS buffer tube with the ratcheting system
- good quality stripped upper
- PWS MK1 MOD2 Rail
- Surefire Mini Scout Pro
- May be interested in some good muzzle devices and charging handles for 5.56 AR.
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