Optics WTT: Bushnell XRS2 for Ammo: Buy a scope with bullets!


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Full Member
Sep 3, 2004
Hastings, MN
I have an almost brand new Bushnell XRS 2 with the G3 reticle in vortex branded seeking rings. Scope has seen exactly one trip to the range and 10 rounds to zero it. Its just too much scope for me. They said it was heavy, I didn't believe them. They said turning 50 sucks and things get heavier...I didn't believe them. I was wrong on both counts...lol

I have a new lighter scope in-bound from Scott at Liberty so this one needs to go:

I would like to trade if possible: My scope for your ammo. You mail me the ammo I mail you the scope. Will simultaneously mail if we've done business before or if I know you.

Trade Interests: Trade value with rings ~$1100
308 Ammo: 168 varieties. FGMM, SMK loadings, TMK loadings, Amax loadings
6.5 Creedmore: ELD-M varieties, old amax stock
223: Match varieties of 75-77 grain, varmint amax/vmax loads in 50-60 grain varieties. Might be interested in good 55 FMJ loads but have to be 223 and would have to be a lot...lol

I believe in the free market, I believe in capitalism. So, I can't complain about current market rates. Not looking to trade at pre madness levels but also hoping to find someone with stockpile to spare who wants to scope and we can find some middle ground.

IF you've already sold you 6.5 stuff on gun broker for $5/round....cash price of $950 OBO shipped to lower 48 gets the scope/rings too (PP FF preferred)

text for pictures: 651600 twenty-five 3one
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