My old man isnt doing very well but has wanted a Vudoo 22 for as long as I can remember. I would love to get him one. Timing is bad- Im cash poor and he is time short. So here is the deal- I have a lot of nice guns for trade. Very open to deals. Trade of course is dependent on what you got but some things on the chopping block-
AIMS-74, Bulgarian T3, TRG-22 308, Crazy Horse SEI built M14, HK 45C, Trijicon MROs, suppressed Browning HiPower clone, and a pile of other stuff. Optics, guns, reloading gear, boxes of parts for lots of guns, optics parts, NVG parts, and anything I may be able to scrounge it up....literally ask what I got if you have a Vudoo for trade
AIMS-74, Bulgarian T3, TRG-22 308, Crazy Horse SEI built M14, HK 45C, Trijicon MROs, suppressed Browning HiPower clone, and a pile of other stuff. Optics, guns, reloading gear, boxes of parts for lots of guns, optics parts, NVG parts, and anything I may be able to scrounge it up....literally ask what I got if you have a Vudoo for trade