WWII M2 ball ammo/en bloc clips

looked like there were many sites with it for sale .
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Almost anything surplus WW2 US is either shot up now or the cartridge collector value far exceeds the value of shooting it.

Boxes of WW2 .45 ammo in paper wrapping can sell to collectors for hundreds of dollars just for the fact that it is intact and has the “right” date stamp to go in a collection or accompany a particular gun.

I can’t imagine the Garand stuff is much different. After a while, common surplus becomes collectible gems. Just look at an old Bannermans catalog!


Good for collecting but in a gasser like the Garand a pain for shooting.

WWII ammo is corrosive, so is Korean KA headstamp.

Stuff shoots great but if you come across it keep it pretty much for the bolt guns.