Glad you are interested!! It's going to be a great shoot!! Format will be similar to prs, prc and nrl Mostly NRL style.
Inside a 1,000 yards, unknown distances, yes find it and range it, the targets aren't going to be crazy hidden by any means.
The lodges are unfortunately booked for the RO's and Vendor Sponsors. We will have space for camping and campers, some electrical hookups but no water or sewer. You can also find lodging in the surrounding area, Torrington, Scottsbluff and Cheyenne are the closest hotels.
Give us a call anytime if you have any more questions, our contact number is on websites
please spread the word, the prize table is growing rapidly and we need shooters!!
Have a look at our terrain at and
If you would like to rent the lodge and practice for the event prior please let us know, course will be closed but normal range will be open.
We plan on having the course and lodges open to the public for rent after the match, the range grows every year and the shooting venue is second to few. Annual memberships will also be available soon. Thanks