XM408 Heading to JSOC/SOCOM...


Full Member
Aug 9, 2011
Received approval from JSOC/SOCOM for a review of our XM408 weapons system. Complete package to include rifle with bipod/hand guard, suppressor, scope, anti personnel/anti material ammunition, ballistic computer and thousands of hours of proven data to include doppler studies at Yuma Proving Grounds. You heard it here first.
The XM408 has been proposed to JSOC as an alternative to the .50 caliber. The .375 might have been a better choice than the .338 Lapua, but that die is cast for now.
Man that's great!!! The reason I went with 408 over the 375 was because of the possibility of it being adopted by the military, and hopefully more ammunition and projectile developement will come about on the 408.
Thanks for the sitrep.
So does this mean the XM408 will be more disseminated(and available) throughout socom?...cause guys are already using the .408.

Also, they sticking with NF glass?
It's being evaluated, not fielded yet. The .408 only recently got some AP and payload capabilities, which traditionally have given the .50BMG an advantage. Without AP and payload capability, no big bore rifle will be suitable for HTI missions.
Not sure where Dogtown is getting his intel, as the XM408 has been deployed in combat for several years now with NAVSPECWAR, US Army Special Forces and MARSOC, and the caliber is proven to out perform the .50 cal beyond 800 yards, I would suggest that more variations and availability of ammunition will be the net result. RMB is spearheading the R&D on the combat round. An anti personnel bullet that punches steel at ELR. George has been shooting and developing the round for a good while now and has it perfected. I have shot some and it is very accurate and lethal, and have nearly the same ballistics as the aluminum tipped bullet RMB produces. The NightForce Beast was solicited by SOCOM, it is a solid possibility that their scope would be adapted, but nothing is cast in stone as of yet. We have approached US Optics and asked them if they would be interested in bringing the SN-9 back into production for the submission. Either way, it will be a solid rifle system.
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Yes, it has been downrange in extremely limited numbers, not as an adopted platform. Not trying to poo-poo the platform or cartridge - I'm a user too, but I'm trying to clear up the misconceptions about it.

And yes, I'm well aware that the .408 can outperform the .50BMG ballistically - hell, I bought an EDM XM04 for that very reason about 7 years ago. But for much of the .408's existence, it lacked any HTI capability because the bullets were copper/nickel solids and not something along the lines of Mk211. As I wrote above, there has been AP and payload developments over the years, which will no doubt open it up to those missions. But that has been the number one stumbling block for SOF units to do more than just take one with them on deployment.
"not fielded yet" and "been downrange in extremely limited numbers". Which? Currently JSOC/SOCOM are well aware of the available data on the caliber and rifle from after action reports, range testing and manufacturer supplied information of the components. Hence their interest reviewing the system for acquisition and possible contract. MLC of SEAL Team 3 has numerous kills using the XM408 rifle in OEF and OIF. There are other confirmed ELR kills in less well known units. Nothing you can read about online.
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Isn't this a bit of old news, wasn't the XM408 tried and moved beyond when it was with Cheytac ? the Old ABC Software... Having worked with SEALs on a training capacity over the years i can say, there is a mix of equipment not necessarily official issue.

What real difference will they find now that wasn't experienced then, and it's a bit disingenuous to say it is being fielded when you can find a variety of stuff out there being used on a micro level because the individual units were given them or tried them as interest moved up and down. I mean you can find any number of "one offs" over the last 10 years of combat.

Sure maybe the right guy is in JSOC / SOCOM today as opposed to yesterday, as guys move up or out they are replaced by more receptive minds, or not.

I know back in 2004 we had a former SEAL who worked with Cheytac that brought a "used in combat' rifle to our 2nd Sniper's Hide Cup for everyone too shoot.

I won't even address the software, as I am not sure which version of what you are using, but hopefully it is one that the user can use and not the last version where an end user could not enter a new bullet into the library.
There are other confirmed ELR kills in less well known units. Nothing you can read about online.

Yea those guys get all the cool stuff (a lot of talent needed to get there). If somebody were to produce a lighter m2 in 408 instead of the 50 bmg with Anti material an anti personal rounds alongside the xm408, and introduce it to those units. If successful they could secure a very lucrative contract for arms and ammunition. The 408 round in a machine gun would be very very interesting considering the range it could have on point and area targets in theory. That and 20 years down the road it would do wonder for the civilian market.
EDM XM408, Elite Iron Suppressor and Bipod, RMB bullets, scope to be determined (NF or USO), ballistic software loaded on Trimble T-41 or MILTOPE. Chris Kyle had been using the software for several years, Steve Richert is using it now as well as Ward Brian and some others not to be mentioned. It is not currently in the public domain but will be civilianized as soon as the military version is sold (without night vision capability, self destruct capability, less than 4000 yard solutions, etc). It has a 9 gun recall and holds limitless memory for any bullet which can be entered with accurate data.
Self destruct software, that was the AIMEE I think it was called when AI was playing with it.

It sounds like the exact same unit, the change color, NV mode, the wipe delete (self destruct) etc.

again, nothing was really answered, and who is playing with it is of little importance if its already been played with and passed on.

I get trying it a second or third time but the secret squirrel stuff is comical especially when it's already been around the block for years now.
I contacted the maker of a new portable laser wind meter that can measure wind real time downrange (probably the same unit used with this ballistic computer, or similar). IIRC, their estimated hit ratio was such that it did not allow a high percentage of first round hits on torso sized targets beyond 2000 yds or so. And that is still manufacturer's claims, not validated by an independent, knowledgeable third party.

Considering small targets, it seems to me the wind measurement is by far the biggest issue for extreme long range shooting, the system dispersion probably the second. The laser wind meter still has dome glitches for small arms shooting:
- it cannot measure several winds zones at the same time and take all of them into account, so in rapid changing winds or some conditions you have to rely on some algorithm that may or may not be accurate
- the wind is measured along the LOS, but for a 3000 yds shot on flat range with a 408 CT the apex of the trajectory is about 47 yds above the LOS, so the wind may very well be VERY different there than at ground level. The effectiveness will depend of the environment you are shooting in.
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How many guys here on SH are using or have access to an AIM-E ballistic computer software distributed by Empyreal Sciences with all the newest technological upgrades? The one Tom Irwin at AI tested has gone through about 10 upgrades in the last 2 years. Hence JSOC/SOCOM's interest in procuring the technology.
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FYI: An XM408 fired 420 grain bullet needs 35.67 mils to get to the target at 3000 yards. It is sub sonic at that range and has a 5.32 second TOF. It hits it's apex at 1881 yards and is 113.91 feet in the air at that moment. Any luck on your Google search of Empyreal Sciences or AIM-E? Like I said, not in the public domain.
Unless the guy from Empyreal changed from when I met him at SHOT 2 years ago, I'll pass on the google search. And based on the conversation we had back then, 10 upgrades probably brought him in line with your basic iphone App like Shooter. He was a bit of a, well anyway, so when I saw him at this last show, I continued past, I am sure the civilian world can live without his Top Secret program with the high speed, low drag "self destruct" code. Sure someone will think it's cool you can type in "666" and it'll wipe the flash, but its not what most are looking for in a ballistic program. When everything is a big secret it really starts to get ridiculous. As if solving a ballistic solution won the cold war. The way I see it, the AIM E will stay out of the public domain for a lot longer and that's ok, too many other choices where the designers are happy to talk about the engine to solve the problem and not the itar implications of talking about it. Ballistics aren't exactly a closed source, proprietary method, as he would lead you to believe.

When you're ready to come out of the shadows you can update us, until then, best of luck.
To each his own Frank. Will all due respect, the guy that designed the software holds 2 doctorates at MIT and was on staff as a professor at MIT for many years. He still works and consults for NASA, and has won Presidential awards for his research. He is very well known by many manufacturers here on this board and in the gun industry. He has very close working relations with Trimble and other tech manufacturers and vendors outside the firearms industry. His name is Dr. Lyman Hazelton. Ask around. His understanding of external ballistics and astrophysics shrinks what guys like you and I know to about ballistics to a grain of sand. Maybe your expertise and education exceeds his, I do not really know. The difference in his program is the way the mathematical solution is solved. The main reason most programs blow up at 2000 yards. It took him 10 years to solve the math problem. I have his equation and it is about 2 pages long. It differs from every other program in existence. Perhaps you truly believe that FFS would remain the best ballistic program for all time and eternity. You can talk all the smack you want about new technology, it is your bully pulpit, your board, your realm. I do respect you for that. You are providing a great forum for the exchange of information and technology. AIM-E has undergone tremendous advances in the last 2 years. And it will continue to morph as long as innovation and science thrive. It is not a neato gimmick as you have painted it, but instead a cutting edge, state of the art piece of equipment that does what no other program can. If it were just another piece of this and that, do you think that PEO Soldier, JSOC and SOCOM would be inviting him to come make presentations for a contract in a no compete solicitation. Not to easy to come by in this day and age. Here is a link with some good reading: http://soldiersystems.net/2012/11/26/steve-reichert-on-the-2815-meter-shot/
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Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but why not the .375 CT? It has proven to out-perform the .50 and .408 in ELR in every way except KE IIRC. If it was found that the .375 could not be converted to an API or RAUFOSS style projectile while .408 could then I could understand. Please clarify how the .408 was chosen instead.

In the end I would appreciate anything that would fill an HTI role and replace the Barrett .50 in it's numerous guises. The Barrett just isn't accurate enough and an increase in portability wouldn't be a bad thing.

Right now the .300 WM is the best thing we have but it is definitely limited in range and HTI compared to the truly big boys such as the .375 and up.
There are shooters using the 375 in theater. Steve Reichart has reported some very long range kill shots using the .375 from spec ops units in OEF. The system we are submitting uses an EDM XM408 rifle. Bill Richie at EDM did doppler studies at Yuma when the .408 caliber first hit the market. He and others have been testing and refining it for military applications since. Some shooters on SH like Dogtown and George at RMB have been shooting it for years. Plenty of data and feedback available. Bill tested the .375 when it was first introduced and did not like the results. To this day he does not build a .375, others do. The ammunition is clearly improving. Our submission is not a done deal, but JSOC/SOCOM has remained interested in the .408 caliber for several years now. They have shown interest in AIM-E and the XM408 system, and we aim to please. We can compute accurate solutions and hit targets out to 3600 yards. The .408 does maintain a degree more kinetic energy at long range due to the mass of the bullet as compared to the .375, the scope elevation being the telling factor beyond 3000 yards. We require accurate ballistic data (doppler radar) for the AIM-E computer to integrate a caliber into the program. We are not aware of any radar data available for the .375 at this time. Nothing is stopping any manufacturer from developing and submitting a .375 weapons system for consideration, and requesting range time at Aberdeen or Yuma to get doppler studies. The command at McDill is all ears for long range weapons systems and a litany of other technology listed on their webpage. If anybody has radar data for a .375 we would love to talk to you. As far as the .300 WM, I shot the hell out of that caliber for years with USASOC and it is still a winner in my book. Keep your head down McCrazy, burn the tax money by the wheel barrel, thanks for your imput, stay in touch.
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My Dad likes to say, some guys are so smart they are stupid, that is how I felt talking to your DR.

I was given the pitch and get it, but lets face the Facts, programs like FFS have been doing the same thing for close to 10 years, reinventing the wheel and not offering particular features that are known to work should not be overlooked because the inventor has a resume. If you are not willing to understand the point of the man on the ground, well he will have very little use for your product.

The idea there is all this history, and nobody knows about it, but I knew exactly what you were talking about is telling in this industry. In that spec sheet where is the integration with lasers, kestrel, etc? Don't see it, and most guys shooting ELR want this first, not as an after thought. 10 years for the math, ok, sounds like a snow job. Adding Doppler alone to FFS has increased the accuracy, ask Ashbury. You have 3 sections on that spec on mil targeting and ranging you find SOCOM is doing a lot of mil ranging & targeting are you to put your focus there? You think 3000 yards with a mil reticle is gonna get you a hit hmm, would have thought a guy from MIT would skip the inaccurate legacy skill for a modern solution.

Old gun, not quite right software, new bullet that forgoes logistics, which, we should talk about these same guys when the PSR was happening, the claimed the 408 would win, then Ward was backing the 338Norma after the 408 was overlooked, so the talk has been going on for 2 years and never seemed to hit the nail on the head. Sure all the math was in their corner admittedly so, you couldn't argue with that, as you pointed out you can't. Doesn't mean they predicted or delivered winners.

Could I use his knowledge, I am sure, but if you can't explain it in a useable way, he is the only one who gets it. Maybe in the last 2 years he learned to dumb his sales pitch down for us little folks, can't say he left that impression.
Just to expand, a few years ago we worked with Aquilo who had the old CheyTac ABC Software which is now Fieldcraft. If you read the specs on that, you'll see a lot of similarities.

Software for Windows Mobile 6
FieldCraft™ is a revolutionary software enhancement for the most popular RPDA units in the world. FieldCraft™ is designed to be a component of an integrated system offering the shooter a degree of accuracy & assurance of performance never seen before.
With our Military Edition you can rest assured that you will be prepared for the ever changing elements that you encounter in the field. Our superior technology makes FieldCraft an essential tool for all long range shooters working in the field.

Exciting New Advancements
• 100+ Preloaded Doppler Radar Bullet Data
• Graphical Wind Interface
• User-configurable MOA
• Kill Zone Diameter
• Calculate Multiple Targets & Moving Targets
• Onboard instrument integration- our software will read data from a built in GPS or Compass
• Field-independent measurements.
• 99+ Target Indexing
• Compass Enabled (requires GPS option)

FieldCraft™ is user-friendly– the shooter doesn’t need to know ballistic coefficient to use the software. The user only needs direction, range and bullet to become functional.

User can manage multiple gun systems simultaneously;
• Calibers currently supported include .223, .243, .277, .308, .338, .375, .408, .460, .50
• Users will be able to select bullet “packages” when purchasing software.
• Ability to save multiple different bullets with easy customization for different loads of the same bullet.
Our Military version has everything a shooter a needs to make a long range shot with any rifle/cartridge-including more data input options and a trajectory module that aids in training scenarios.
No other software comes even close to this technology

Now, you'll notice the "no BC" cause they use Point Mass with the Coefficient of Drag Curves... same here I would suspect.

Dr Hazelton has spoken at a recent meet up and there is no claim to a "new method" just a new program. This is very telling given I have seen both pieces of software before.

How exactly is this different and what in this software has anything not offered some where else.

I will tell you, during a Demo we attended for the Canadian Army (Yes they were interested too in the volunteered trial) a group of Regimental Sniper's arrived with 250gr Lapua Lock Base where everyone else was using Scenars, so it was asked of Fieldcraft to add this. No can do, so at Breakfast with the JTF guys I knew, I added it to my iPhone and Bulletflight... I was within .1 @ 1k... and I guarantee the difference between AIM-E and Fieldcraft are not so wide spread hence the missing features.

Coincidences just don't happen this close. I think when you have guys revisiting this old system, they tend to go with what they know with a few tweaks to freshen it up a bit.
I am the dumbed down guy retained to present the system to JSOC/SOCOM. With my 20 years in Special Forces and Special Operations Units in the Army, I learned a little about shooting. I have been working as a consultant since 2006 to Gov't and LE. All that is left for me to do right now is complete the deal with SORDAC and PEO Soldier. If we succeed, I will consider it time well spent. My Dad taught me some guys think they know everything. But life has taught me that isn't true.
You volunteered this, I am just reacting to what I know based off the Top Secret nuggets you are presenting. If you weren't interested in the discussion maybe you should have not volunteered the veiled references.

Ive been doing this a long time too, and I have the privilege of peeking behind the curtain now and then, so don't try selling me on the Great & Powerful Oz if you don't want me pointing out he truth.
Truth the next, like the 11 years here and the doors that opened or the years spent instructing, to include SOCOM & JSOC types. Plus, I was active reserve, I did my IRR in a reserve unit, apparent my experience wasn't wasted blowing smoke up people's ass.

I love how I am the bad guy despite the fact I have actually touched this stuff, I can post pictures that go back at least 8 years, using this stuff. 408, ya Cheytac sponsored the 2nd SHC with a unit and a Devgrp guy, software, that list is long, custom bullets, been there done that.

Apparently the most common questions one would ask are a sore subject, like working to 3000+ yards with the emphasis on mil ranging and no way to link to a laser. Cutting edge displayed in those specs, hell even Bryan Litz with his $20 App is more robust. He is even wirelessly linking wind meters now.

How old is the Doppler data again? Which bullets .... And can't you find that in the $300 FFS as opposed to your $2k masterpiece.

These are basic questions, and I got the stonewalling when I asked the good doctor.

Youre welcome to turn it on me, I can take it.
I see you both getting antsy over this, and I think it would be better for the both of you to end it as friends, then continue it, and be enemies of some sort.

Just a thought, and an idea.
complete bullshit across the board, how's that for a truth...

Oh wait,

They put it it Writing that nobody else has any of these or better... so it has to be true. It's written down and they always follow truth in Advertising.

Heck I think even an Internet Warrior like me can read that and see it's not exactly factual, maybe I can run it by an Airsoft chat room I bet they can even spot the errors,

Shouldn't matter ArmaHeavy

I am just an internet commando and have not clue what i am saying
Both of you are the same in terms of personality. Get pissed with me all you want, but your attitudes thus far have been the same. Check your posts when you both calm down if you don't believe me.

Get pissed at each other all you both want, but I expect neither one of you to back down unless you both do at the same time.

It makes for the the loss of a potentially good friend if you both continue down this discussion of apples and oranges.

In the words of Don Rickles...

"Potato, Tomato, who gives a fuck?"
All of this makes me wonder what the whole point of this thread was in the first place? It reminds me of Killmore trying to either jerk off in front of us or attempt to fill us with envy because he has access to secret squirrel sauce?
I'm done, I believe people are savvy enough to see what I am saying, despite my chat room credentials.

Its all XFiles from here, the truth is out there, so I recommend looking for yourself, the curtain is drawn far enough to find it.

Like I said, my skin is thick enough and I'm happy to be portrayed as the bad guy, catch ya in the funny papers.
I'm done, I believe people are savvy enough to see what I am saying, despite my chat room credentials.

Its all XFiles from here, the truth is out there, so I recommend looking for yourself, the curtain is drawn far enough to find it.

Like I said, my skin is thick enough and I'm happy to be portrayed as the bad guy, catch ya in the funny papers.
I was a POG in the corps, and I fix servers for a living now so what the hell do I know but my shooter app can do a lot of shit on that list. It even can pull weather date and import it automatically, from the net or my kestral.
AIM-E doesn't do some or part or a few of those things. It does everything on that list. Feel free to post the name of another ballistic software that can perform all the same functions. The chart is actually incomplete and an updated version is now available. I just don't have it on hand to post it.
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You clearly have no idea what is actually out there software wise... You use the same engine as an App. Point Mass.

The Fieldcraft page states the same functions, Field Firing Solutions can do more including communicate with external devices for data, Patagonia Ballistics does also and more. Most $20 apps are on par, and JBM is free.

Truncated 6DOF please, a PDA isnt doing any of that, if you like the breakdown of what that means I can provide it. But I am sure explaining that method would be a sore spot. Believe me others are watching and the savvy aren't fooled.

After Walking Dead I can possibly go point by point, but trust us when when I say, AIME is not alone feature wise and compared to FFS & CB1 it falls short. These do all that plus... Link wirelessly to lasers and kestrels for real time data, 1 button solutions in fact as you can fire the laser and it instantly updates the software, while being fed wind from the kestrel.
All of this makes me wonder what the whole point of this thread was in the first place? It reminds me of Killmore trying to either jerk off in front of us or attempt to fill us with envy because he has access to secret squirrel sauce?

+1. And I also wonder why Killmore aka Strac is such an EDM .408 booster now, after this thread, almost six months ago:


which was initially titled "EDM - POS" or something like that, then the title was changed.

in any case, I own one of these rifles, and I welcome the advent of more bullet availabiliy.

But, I'm gonna stick with FFS Delta V!!!
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Clearly we agree to disagree. That's what makes America great. Freedom of Speech. I salute Frank G for letting this thread run it's course. Most board moderators would have flushed the whole deal at the first sign of someone contesting their point of view. Stand up guy fo' shore. We do owe this board a huge thank you as this dialog has generated 2 new contacts about AIM-E. One from the USMC Scout Sniper's that wants to demo a computer during training, and a contact from DHS. Time will tell if the US Mil/Gov't/LE interest in our technology will make the cut.
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Hmmmmm this: My rifle had a few problems when I first got it. Bill heard my complaints and fixed every damn one of them just like my postings say. Threw in a .408 conversion, a hard case, 3 magazines, and a trigger job just to make it right. Not many manufacturers would go to that length to keep a customer. Bill is rock solid. Thats the reason he sells 25 rifles per month, is sub contracted by Remington to produce receivers for them, and why he still has my business. You can run your suck all day long about me, call me names, hate the work I am doing for the State Department, loathe my military service, consider our proposal to SOCOM so much ash and trash, and kick my dog. But if you don't shoot an EDM rifles or have any complaint against Bill Richie, you might want to reconsider disparaging him in this forum for your own pathetic amusement.
Hmmmmm this: My rifle had a few problems when I first got it. Bill heard my complaints and fixed every damn one of them just like my postings say. Threw in a .408 conversion, a hard case, 3 magazines, and a trigger job just to make it right. Not many manufacturers would go to that length to keep a customer. Bill is rock solid. Thats the reason he sells 25 rifles per month, is sub contracted by Remington to produce receivers for them, and why he still has my business. You can run your suck all day long about me, call me names, hate the work I am doing for the State Department, loathe my military service, consider our proposal to SOCOM so much ash and trash, and kick my dog. But if you don't shoot an EDM rifles or have any complaint against Bill Richie, you might want to reconsider disparaging him in this forum for your own pathetic amusement.
You were the one who originally was shit-talking Bill Ritchie, calling your EDM .338 a "broke-dick" rifle back in October 2012. No one here now is disparaging Bill, they are disparaging you.