Zero peq15


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Jun 22, 2018
Petersburg Alaska
So, I am throwing a few of our HP Peq15s on out bolt guns for our upcoming class and was wondering what at yardage everyone was co-aligning / cowitnessing at. I have a target for when they are zero them on our patrol rifles. Was wanting to either mount it off the Badger EFR. These will only be on the rifles until the UHP ones are delivered.

Either parallel zero it or if using it mainly for illumination, adjust illuminator to desired focus, and make sure that the 100m zero is in the upper 1/3 of the circle of illumination so you have some illumination play at distance.
Sounds logical, I was looking at parallel zero at 100yrds and record data for 200, 300 and 400. I don’t ever see a need for te data other then practice, or wildlife like bear and wolf issues in town.
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Just understand/know your hold under and hold over when co-aligned with your optic. So, as you dial elevation your laser will be off. Or if you have to hold under at closer distances.
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