Hey, Zuckerwinsteinbergowitz... you lost 16 billion in one day as your stock is TANKING because you are spying on members, censoring them... selling their data while trying to act like you are going to be the President. Remember MySpace? Get ready to head for the DotCom graveyard, Zuckersteinwitzbergovitchsteen! Could not happen to a better libtard. When this tanks... I'm going to hoist a big pulled-pork sandwich to Zuckerwitzsteinbergsteen's poverty.
How's that wall coming around your Hawaii compound?
Ah hah aha hha ha hahhah aha....
Be ready for a tech bloodbath tomorrow....
How's that wall coming around your Hawaii compound?
Ah hah aha hha ha hahhah aha....
Be ready for a tech bloodbath tomorrow....