Dear LabRadar ... you have a problem, and it's name is "Garmin". The best way to solve that problem is to get your new LabRadar LX into the hands of as many people as possible, just as quickly as possible, even if it means "buying" a little market share. The LX looks like an interesting hybrid device, but it's late to market, and carries some significant baggage left over from the old LabRadar (buggy phone app, bulky form-factor, trigger and battery issues, etc.). Getting people like the readers on this forum to get one and start talking positively about it, is your best and only hope for retaining at least some significant percentage of your market share. The Garmin is (a) feature rich, (b) very flexible, (c) reasonably priced, and most importantly ... (d) available.
You need to make a bold move now, or you're going to be crushed by the bull-dozer that says "Garmin" on the license plate. By the time the LX ships and is in a position to gain some momentum, this race will be over, and you'll never catch up.
Here is my suggestion: While the final version is waiting to ship ... and for ~90 days thereafter, offer a "Trade-In/Trade-Up" special to existing LabRadar owners, and allow them to pre-order / purchase the new LX with a "Rebate" program. Sell the LX at the standard price, and between now and, say, June 1st, that sale comes with a rebate coupon where once your new LX arrives, you send in the coupon with proof of LX purchase, and your old LabRadar, and get a rebate check for (I'm suggesting) $150. If you did this, you'd get the LX into the hands of literally thousands of existing LabRadar owners, you'd "freeze" at least some percentage of the Garmin target audience, and give yourself time to catch up.
Or you can do nothing, and allow the Garmin Xero to literally "steal" your target market. Choose wisely, your next steps. If all you do is finish the LX and put it out there for normal sales ... you're gonna get creamed. (Don't say we didn't warn you.)
An Existing LabRadar Owner that would buy an LX if it had an early-adopter rebate program.