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Mk 13 Mod 0 stock

MK13 action has been added back to the Stiller site for backorder with a 30 week lead time. Speaking with the person behind their IG account, I was told this is due to some legal questions and their move to College Station.

**Edit: Was told new backorders will be marked Shiner instead of Garland or College Station.
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Are they taking the $$ right away or once it's ready to ship?
I was told money is being collected upfront. Seems strange to me since there's a 30 week back order. I previously worked for a large firearms/accessories retailer and with any order/backorder, our system took a pre-authorization when the order is submitted. Funds were collected once the item actually shipped. Not sure what back end Stiller has but I'll be placing an order either way.
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MK13 action has been added back to the Stiller site for backorder with a 30 week lead time. Speaking with the person behind their IG account, I was told this is due to some legal questions and their move to College Station.

**Edit: Was told new backorders will be marked Shiner instead of Garland or College Station.
Shiner?! I hardly know ‘er! But with all things considered, great to hear and will definitely be ordering a couple of these, especially since they’ll be at “retail” price.
My Wylie TX action was $1650 four years ago. Surprised to see the price go down.

Odds are with the cancellation of the government contract, they are free to charge what they want to civilians. You can't sell a COTS product to the civilian market for less than your contract. And when you are 'bidding' your contract, you add extra in because you have to deal with inspections, risk of rejections, delivery deadlines that are cast in stone.... all kinds of risk. So you build that risk in. You build in the cost of dropping everything for 2 days while Crane guys come into your plant and inspect things. Or you have to do security or financial audits... because.

With the 'reins' lifted from the government contract, they can probably both lower the price and make more (with less risk) for themselves.

Anyway... yeah, looks like one of these would be a great investment! For us 'fanboys.'

USMCSGT0331: is the Mod 3 barrel one of the crazynoto repops?

Yes it is and it's extremely well done, it's easily the best Mod 3 barrel you can get. I can't even tell where the pin holding the journal (apparently what the barrel collar is actually called) to the barrel is located. The pin is made from the same steel and is blended perfectly. The journal is press fit and pinned in place, so it's practically homogeneous and just part of the barrel now. No worries about it becoming loose or any other problems, it's a rock solid mount. The Mod 3 with the barrel journal uses a Mod 0 barrel, just in case anyone was wondering. Once you have the blank with the barrel journal, just send it to your gunsmith with the rest of your parts. The Mod 3 barrel is finished the exact same way as a Mod 0 barrel (cut to length, thread, chamber, mount to receiver, etc.), the only added step is the gate latch cuts in the journal itself. A gunsmith like Chris Higgins doesn't need a Mk11 silencer to be sent with the barrel (even though it's probably recommended to do so), the gate latch can be cut to spec without a silencer on hand

I think @crazynoto is going to be custom ordering the Lilja Mod 0 blanks to exact Mk13 dimensions (he had some issues with out of spec external dimensions on some Mod 0 barrels), so he's doing everything he can to insure these barrels are all uniform and meets his quality standards. So, he's probably going to be selling the barrel blanks with the journal attached, as opposed to having people send him their Mod 0 barrel blank. This will ensure that no one sends him a slightly out of spec Lilja barrel. He'll have to confirm this information, but I think this is what he told me last time we spoke about it.

When I say that the regular Lilja Mod 0 barrels are out of spec, I'm not saying they're bad barrels. They're still within Mod 0 specs that are required by Crane NSWC, @crazynoto just needs tighter tolerances to ensure that the barrel journal will fit properly. The Mod 0 barrels everyone has are still perfect for their builds, the ones used for the Mod 3 just need to be a very specific external dimension in a certain area. I hope this doesn't confuse anyone, hopefully I was able to adequately explain what's going on with the barrels and why people probably won't be able to send one in for modification. Again, @crazynoto will have to confirm how barrels are going to be purchased.

If anyone here needs a Mod 3 barrel, get one of these, they're the best you can get! I'm not sure how busy @crazynoto is right now or how he wants to handle orders, so please don't blow up his inbox right now. I'm sure he'll let everyone know what the status of these barrels and how to order one. Let me know if you guys have any questions about the Mod 3 barrels, I'll do what I can to answer them.
Anyone know what are good QD sling swivels to use with the thicker Turner national match slings for these builds? The Uncle Mike’s I currently have with the normal thickness M1907 sling barely fits. Thanks.
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Maybe the "mil-spec" ones.

I think I have one of these down stairs.

If a Ron Brown sling will fit these any Turner will.

Stand by.

Quick check on my shotty says even with the nylon GI sling attached I can slide a Ron Brown strap through one.
Actually I think these are the ones I bought because they were US made.....

Mine appear to say Grovetec though....


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Has anyone seen a scope built by these guys before?

Twomanattack is legit.

He rubs some people the wrong way but I just don’t think he suffers fools kindly.

His ego goes with the attitude. If snyone doesn’t like it they can go elsewhere but there is no elsewhere.

He makes good stuff.
I thought the RAD had a long action M700 with an M24 base?

Edit: I think that’s what you’re saying, yes? So where did these bases go to?
The M86 receiver profile is a bit of an enigma. Maybe some of those mounts were for them, assuming they had a round profile.

As for the M91 long action receivers, those are early 1990s Remington M700, and I would expect "C" prefix receivers for that era. (some of the old Navy Mk 13 aluminum cases show a C prefix). I understand that in the mid-1990s many of Crane's 300 M91 rifles were re-built into 300 Win Mag rifles, and got the "L" shaped lug, etc. (Development of the Mk 248 Mod 0 ammo occurred in the 1993-94 era, and when the DoD allowed Sierra's 190 grain 'open tip match' bullet to be permissible for both competition and combat usage, legitimized Crane's 300 WinMag sniper rifles. At least that is my understanding).

Here's a post from 1999. It doesn't mention the scope base for the M91, but based on the pics of those mounts, they look just like the M24 long action bases that the US Army used beginning in 1988. Made I think by Leupold.

1999 post re M91A2.jpg

M91 Sniper Rifle

Weapon Specifications NSN 1005-LL-L99-5443 (LH) 1005-LL-L99-5442 (RH) Model M91 Manufacturer NSWC Crane Caliber .308 Cal Mechanism type Bolt-action Magazine type Ammo capacity Rate of fire N/A Weight (empty) 14 lbs 8 oz Overall length 44.5 inches Barrel length 24.0 inches

Ammunition: ball (M59, M80 & M80E1), match special ball (M118), match (M852), match short-range (A169), and match longrange (A170 & AA11). Logistics: In-service Date 1975 Life expectancy 6,000 rounds Technical Manual # NA Operator Manual # SW370-BF-OPI-010

Discussion: The M91 is a Remington model 700 modified for use at sniper schools. It has a Remington trigger, a 1 in 11.2” twist chrome moly barrel, a HS Precision fiberglass stock, a Leupold 10X scope, a Harris bipod, a cleaning rod and guide, and an aluminum case. The rifle has a 1.0 MOA accuracy with M852 ammunition.
Accessories: None

.300 WinMag Sniper Rifle

Weapon Specifications NSN 1005-LL-L99-5364 (RH) 1005-LL-L99-5477 (LH) Model 700 Remington Manufacturer NSWC Crane Caliber .300 WinMag Mechanism type Bolt-action Magazine type Fixed box Ammo capacity 3+1 rounds Rate of fire N/A Weight (empty) 16 lbs 4 oz Overall length 47.5 inches Barrel length 26.5 inches

Ammunition: Mk 248 Mod 0 (A191).

Logistics: In-service Date 1975 Life expectancy 6,000 rounds Technical Manual # NA Operator Manual # SW370-BE-OPI-010

Discussion: The .300 WinMag is a modified Remington model 700 with a Remington trigger, a 1 in 10” twist chrome moly barrel, a McMillan fiberglass stock, a Leupold 10X scope, a Harris bipod, a cleaning rod and guide, and an aluminum case. The rifle is capable of 0.5 MOA accuracy with Mk 248 ammo. Accessories: None

...as for the early 1990s RAD scope bases and rings, those are sort-of an enigma as well. At some point in the 1990s Crane started using Leupold parts.

PS: A guy at Crane once told me that 'M91A2' was never an official Navy nomenclature. The M91s that were re-built into 300 WInMas in the mid-1990s were re-designated as "M700/300 sniper rifle" or "300 WinMag Sniper rifle." I got the impression that 'M91A2' was basically a RAD-based marketing model number (as noted in that old 1999 post), but not an official gov't designation per se. Just a random fyi that I was told.
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Has anyone seen a scope built by these guys before?

Don’t believe the lead times on any of the parts he sells. Absolute bullshit estimates on times.
I have a question that I’m hoping someone may be able to lend an assist with.

I’ve been working with a long time employee of McMillan (who recently left to start his own operation) to retrofit two “run of the mill” A2 stocks to match the mk13 mod 0 spec. McMillan isn’t interested in making new, or modify existing, A2’s so this is likely the new reality we’re dealing with when it comes to mod 0 or mod 3 clones.

The one nuance we’re not clear on is the third action screw metal insert / pillar. If someone with a return stock is willing to take approximate measurements with a caliper (outside diameter of the metal inset / pillar, inside diameter) and/or provide a couple of detailed pictures of that section of the stock I’d really appreciate it.
The one nuance we’re not clear on is the third action screw metal insert / pillar. If someone with a return stock is willing to take approximate measurements with a caliper (outside diameter of the metal inset / pillar, inside diameter) and/or provide a couple of detailed pictures of that section of the stock I’d really appreciate it.
Not able to see details of the insert, as it's obscured from the top with MarineTex bedding, and from the bottom it is below flush with the bottom of the stock. The bolt is about 1.487" long, with the threaded part about 1.220" or so in length. The bolt head is very slightly below flush with the stock. The bottom face of the metal bushing is about 0.280" below the surface of the A2 stock (3rd picture). I can't see anything else. Good luck with your project.


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Here is the other thread about the cmp auction stock.
At the price this currently going for and what it will probably end up going for $$$$ it makes me want to consider selling my rifle. At least my rifle has a real mod 3 surplus barrel, matching stock/ mod 3 bolt, and the correct 8-32 mil-spec scope.


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Do yall know if this is a Mk 13? Or..? At least to my eye, appears to be a long action R700 in a AI AX, so Id guess a .300 WM?


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Some Navy rifles.

Absolutely amazing! This is perfection!!! And every single rifle in that photo has a lot of history behind it and there's very rare parts everywhere! Congrats, my friend, you've definitely raised the bar for a SOCOM sniper rifle collection!

I noticed that you're missing Mod 2, shoot me an email if you need an original Army Ranger takeoff AICS 2.0 green chassis, a friend of mine has one for sale. I know you're doing the SOCOM stuff, but all those Mk13's needs a Mod 2 to wrap things up.

I don't know what the rifle on the very bottom is called, but I recently purchased 2 of those silhouette tan stocks and a painted barrel for one of them. All original SEAL takeoff parts, but one was modified to take M14 magazines (with a Remington short action receiver). I know someone who has a green stock of that type. Extremely rare rifles, I can't wait until mine are built! If possible, can you start a clone build thread on that rifle?
I have a Mod 5'ish "inspired" build with:
Tac 300 (non Mk13)
FDE AICS that was milled by LRI for the stiller
MARS that was fit by LRI to fit the Stiller action
Mk13 X-treme Mod22 trigger
Lija barrel but doesn't have the correct Aardvark contour
Incorrect SureFire SFMB-762-5/8-24 brake
The ATACR and NF mount are not correct either

However, I received a very nice example of the issued kits yesterday. I'd like to get my build updated with better parts. The chassis was most likely assigned to Team 5 (picture below). I'd like to get a S&B MK13 Special Edition ($$$ though), or an older issued painted (well worn) NXS and the correct NF issued rings. I have Mil-Spec NXS 5-25 on my Mod0 return build that I could move to the Mod5, but that would be 100% "correct" either. My mil-spec has odd ZS HS 1/4 click turrets, so I am not sure what it is really for lol. I also have a S&B 5-25 that I could paint and distress but that would be a bad move as well.

I'm hopeful that @ilikebmxbikes, @0812guns , and other MK13 Guru's in this thread will chime in as to what they think would help elivate this Mod5 to the parts that the kit deserves. I'd be fine with an Army or Navy build, but rather have a Navy spec'd rifle. I may just prepare my bank account to copy the rifle as picture below with the fella in the blue jacket and ask for help to trackdown the correct parts.


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