This being written in the article makes me feel like they are being intentionally deceptive.
"Festive Foods, LLC is located in Waupaca, Wisconsin and is part of the Animal Slaughtering and Processing Industry."
Festive foods makes frozen pizza and pastries. This is going to have about as much effect as the "lean pocket" plant that "burned." {I.E had some degree of fire anyway} Or the Tyson plant that burned in 2019 i keep seeing on the list of "food processing facilities destroyed in the last year."
There is a graph showing these "events" I have seen posted a few times. It starts in 2019, you know when tons of stuff was shut down or at minimum capacity. Will you accept a climate change graph that starts in say 1970?
One of the major lines on the graph is animal culling. Which has been happening more and more because of the back up in butchering that happened when they shut down or reduced capacity at the butchering plants in 2019. It is also worth mentioning as fuel goes through the roof, many dairies are going to start culling Holstein calves again because no-one is gong to give enough for them to justify shipping them around the country. Lastly that is 96 "food processors" actually 95 if they haven't removed the Garden City, KS tyson plant from the list yet, out of 36,000. What percent capacity have we lost there? Even less than those numbers would make you think, since most of them are small processors.
What did they do to cause a baby formula shortage? Made an accusation about 4 sick babies, kept the plant closed after they knew the formula wasn't the cause of their illness.
So, to say the least I am still pretty skeptical about this conspiracy.
I wonder if thats the same Mike Holmgren that coached the packers.
You want to know what will be the first thing to cause actual food shortages? fertilizer shortages and fuel prices. Those clamps will squeeze harder and faster the longer it lasts.