I don't think you are picking up what I'm putting down friend, and i may not have been clear either, its been a long day. I'm talking about pressuring LOCAL people. That's where it's at. Your Sherrif, your state reps, ect. The ones who have been up in DC for any time are bought and sold 10 times over. The local folks is who will be the next Senator and Congressman though, and they are also the ones who you know, who know you. That's where it's at and our only hope.
I will say, there are many states, including my own, that have unprecedented new blood in the state house and state senate. That's who makes your state law, and who has some power over the Govenor. The county sherif is a very powerful position too. The local folks is where we should all be pushing hard and get involved and get to know them. IF.... we are to survive this without an all out horrible endeavor, it will be with our local elected officials taking a stand against the Feds
I agree with this idea. But I'll suggest adding another level of pressure:
Those of us who are servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, Christian believers, are beginning to wake up and realize that we are authorized and empowered by Scripture to ENFORCE the will of God in the earth. We are ordered to begin putting spiritual pressure, not directly on people (we wrestle not against flesh & blood, but against spirits, principalities, powers of darkness, against rulers of wickedness in high places...). This means that as Christian believers, we will begin/continue to DEMAND that our spiritual enemies do as the Lord says. What the Lord has said is recorded in the Bible for everyone to read. You do what you want, but the time has come for the people of God to begin ENFORCING the plan of God in the earth. Jesus, as Creator and LORD is the ultimate authority in the universe.
The time has come for Christian believers to do whatever it takes to hear from the Holy Spirit, then DO whatever He leads. Act in obedience & faith and you will SEE GOD MOVE.
Genesis 22:17 God declares that the descendants of Abraham will "POSESS THE GATE OF THEIR ENEMIES."
Christian believers who are born again & have the Holy Spirit qualify for this. It puts us in position of authority and CONTROL. But only to use authority & control in order to implement and execute the plans of God in the earth. People who act outside of proper authority are illegal operators & history is full of bad examples...
Matthew 16:18 Jesus states factually that "the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church". So we see that Jesus says the church will come in conflict or opposition to the gates of hell. Our enemy, Satan, currently controls the gates of hell, but when we begin enforcing the things the Spirit of God shows us, WE become the controlling factor.
Christians have no authority over other people. We DO HAVE AUTHORITY OVER DEMONIC FORCES.
When servants of the Lord Jesus take their orders/commands from Him, act in faith and obey, they will see God move.
Christians must begin listening to the Lord, and hearing His voice, then doing what He says do. If you are doing this already, fine. If you say, "I've never heard God speak to me..." then you may want to re-evaluate your relationship. John 10:27 Jesus says, "My sheep hear my voice..."
So... Be a "gatekeeper". Assault in prayer & posess the gate of your enemy. The gate is symbolic in Scripture as a place of authority, a place where legal business was conducted, where deals are made.
Take control of he enemy's place of authority, his seat of power, and DEMAND Satan to put Hillary in prison. He controls her & the other corrupt politicians, he knows what dirty stuff they have done, because he made them do it. Christians must begin DEMANDING that Satan expose and humiliate these corrupt people. God desires that Hillary & these other corrupt people be saved. He created humanity, and loves people, but the enemy has corrupted them. Begin demanding that Satan immediately cease his campaign to crucify Trump, and if you wish... tell Satan to put Trump back in power & to restore to Trump everything he stole from him in the last 6 years.
Flame away! I'm going to have eternal life enjoy ETERNITY in the presence of the Almighty God and worship the Lord Jesus. Satan and his demons, and the people they control will end up in the lake of fire.