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Glock fanbois are on another level


Full Member
  • Oct 23, 2011
    Forest hill, Louisiana
    Gotta admit, you bois are true believers lmao

    Yeah, I do own a couple myself. Agreed, not the Be all-End all. I am a S&W and Rem. guy tho. It's what happens when you're a "Boomer". Can't afford them Glocks! Mac;)
    I may or may not have a few, but they are the AR of pistols. My reasoning was parts are friggin everywhere and cheap mags.
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    I may or may not have a few, but they are the AR of pistols. My reasoning was parts are friggin everywhere and cheap mags.
    Yep, sometimes I just pick em up, just to pick em up. Why, I don't know. Still have mags that are 30+ years old, most of them stay loaded, and the damn things still work. I must do it just so I can get the stink-eye from the little woman. I hope she never finds them shoeboxes! Mac
    I recently had my hands on a Rock Island full size double stack, but I didn't care for the way the grip felt in my hands.

    I'm not used to something that girthy 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Try a CZ97.
    Full size 45acp but it's more a staggered mag than a double stack.
    It's bigger, but not overly so like the HK Mk23.
    Still bigger than a 1911 tho, but damn is it rock solid reliable, accurate, and you can easily club someone to death with it when you run out of bullets (frame and slide are very solid steel).
    I wish I could like my glock more....but it's so small my little finger has no room on the grip (G19) and it's kinda like shooting a cap gun or something, it just feels like a toy.
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    Try a CZ97.
    Full size 45acp but it's more a staggered mag than a double stack.
    It's bigger, but not overly so like the HK Mk23.
    Still bigger than a 1911 tho, but damn is it rock solid reliable, accurate, and you can easily club someone to death with it when you run out of bullets (frame and slide are very solid steel).
    I wish I could like my glock more....but it's so small my little finger has no room on the grip (G19) and it's kinda like shooting a cap gun or something, it just feels like a toy.
    19x or 45 would solve that for you.
    Nah, I'm done with Glocks.
    I'm a big caliber revolver dude from way back and that's what I'll be sticking with from here out, probably.
    Don't know anyone that can say anything bad about a .44mag or a Casull.....drop them in a mud puddle, pick it up and fire away.
    I used to shoot big bore revolvers a lot. 700gr S&W 500, 460 with I'm pretty sure 400gr? Both with 3.5" barrels.

    not anywhere near as bad as people talk about even one handed.

    Speaking of wheel guns I need a 686 at some point
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    Why it's taken them this long is beyond me. They have a ton of AR-15/18 patents

    Because like most euro gunmakers, their principal customers are .govs and they don't waste time developing shit that isn't for some government contract.

    Glock sells us stuff as an afterthought, even though they are better in that regard that HK and Walther.
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    I think people might be missing the point on why people prefer Glocks.

    1. Load out, 10 to 33 rnd mags

    2. A metric shit ton of aftermarket parts

    3. Can be very accurate with match barrel

    4. They can be completely stripped down and rebuilt with minimal tools by end user.

    5 . They run dirty as fuck, mine probably has 1000 rnds threw it now, might need to think about cleaning it.

    6. Lots of parts are interchangeable with other models

    7. Are they comfortable to shoot, not really. Is it a deal breaker ? To some yes, to me no.

    8. Is there any other pistol out on the market that has the Glock capabilities on a whole, I don’t think so.

    9. In my opinion it’s the ultimate shtf pistol, the benefits far out weigh the negatives. And personally I’m willing to sacrifice the negatives.

    10. Is there other handguns out there that I want ? absolutely. I may see a CZ in my future. But rest assured
    all my Glocks will not be sold for the purposes stated above.
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    I’m an unapologetic 1911 fan, but also own several Glocks, and an STI era 2011 as well (that thing’s just awesome), but if I shot pistols competitively, I’d have one of these CZs…. Honestly the best ’feel’ while cycling of any hand gun I’ve actually handled.

    I have my eye set on one of these…Laugo Alien. IMHO the ultimate expression of the CZ design:




    Edit: I tried to get one of the cool sets pictured above when they were first introduced, but was too slow to get on the list. Was on the waiting list, but never got into the actual queue. Will eventually pick up one of the new production sets, but life has changed a bit since then and they’re not cheap…need to complete some home remodeling/build projects first!
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    I liked Glocks just fine...we owned a 19, a 26, a 42 and a 43. They were moved on to loving Glock Homes because both my Wife and I, while we liked our Glocks, settled on other choices for EDC and training.

    Nothing wrong with Glocks they are just not our bag. The LGS Glock Fanboy bought all my used Glocks with a smile with minimal loss of investment on my part. Win/Win for everyone.

    Because like most euro gunmakers, their principal customers are .govs and they don't waste time developing shit that isn't for some government contract.

    Glock sells us stuff as an afterthought, even though they are better in that regard that HK and Walther.
    That’s what I’m saying there’s no way this is the first contract to come up, seems they would have branched out to something else years ago.
    That’s what I’m saying there’s no way this is the first contract to come up, seems they would have branched out to something else years ago.

    Most militaries to whom Glock supplies handguns already had non-AR based service rifles.

    I think the UK is the first military that purchases large number of Glock pistols that is considering a move to an AR based rifle as standard issue.

    In any case, it's sometimes very smart to focus on your core competency and not be everything to everyone.
    • Like
    Reactions: 338dude and XP1K
    I think people might be missing the point on why people prefer Glocks.

    1. Load out, 10 to 33 rnd mags

    2. A metric shit ton of aftermarket parts

    3. Can be very accurate with match barrel

    4. They can be completely stripped down and rebuilt with minimal tools by end user.

    5 . They run dirty as fuck, mine probably has 1000 rnds threw it now, might need to think about cleaning it.

    6. Lots of parts are interchangeable with other models

    7. Are they comfortable to shoot, not really. Is it a deal breaker ? To some yes, to me no.

    8. Is there any other pistol out on the market that has the Glock capabilities on a whole, I don’t think so.

    9. In my opinion it’s the ultimate shtf pistol, the benefits far out weigh the negatives. And personally I’m willing to sacrifice the negatives.

    10. Is there other handguns out there that I want ? absolutely. I may see a CZ in my future. But rest assured
    all my Glocks will not be sold for the purposes stated above.

    Most that used to be true 10 years ago.

    Not so today

    There are several polymer handguns that match (or closely match) Glock in all those areas, they were just late to the party and institutional inertia keeps them from growing big. The S&W M&P is the only exception in that it has had significant LE sales success.
    Most militaries to whom Glock supplies handguns already had non-AR based service rifles.

    I think the UK is the first military that purchases large number of Glock pistols that is considering a move to an AR based rifle as standard issue.

    In any case, it's sometimes very smart to focus on your core competency and not be everything to everyone.
    Almost every US federal agency is transitioning to Glock as well.

    This shit reeks of 9mm vs 45. Fuck it. Shoot ‘em all. Use what you like. I’ve done armorers courses on VP9’s and Glocks. Glocks are legos. They are so easy a caveman could do it and that’s a good thing.

    And now Glock is apparently making AR-15’s.