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Glock fanbois are on another level

I got my dad's 357 Sig compact, never did care for it, or other Glocks, turned down a ftf deal last week for a "new this year" $450 45.
Dad gave me an HK when I was 18, I've owned many more over the next 40 years, and have 1 now. But even so, not a fanboy. I've had/have, nut'n fancy, pistols that just shoot for me. My "always in my pocket" is a 357 mag derringer, can't aim it, but I've shot it so much I can hit center mass instinctively from the hip, hell I've taken snake heads off with it!
So what ever works for you...
If I could only have one, I'd go with the one I started with.

Colt Series 70, gone through by Virgil Tripp.

I'm a hammer fired, DA/SA kind of guy...started on revolvers back about the Civil War and when I graduated to automatic pieces for concealed carry the love of a heavy DA pull on the first round stayed with me. Beretta PX4 full size in 9mm is my primary carry gun (and a Sig Sauer P290RS )and while I like Glocks I love my DA/SA or DAO Autos.

My Wife is a 1911 platform lover/aficionado but all her hide out guns 'round the house are revolvers - 3" Ruger LCRx in .38 Special, S&W model 19, S&W 15-3 and Colt Detective Special. We have owned and shot lots of Glocks and they are awesome. We don't have any more of them as they have been set aside to have stuff we shoot better/faster and are more comfortable with.

Glock FanBois seem to feel that anyone who rejects Glocks perfection is because they are stupid/incompetent/ignorant but that's OK. I have left more Glocks for them to acquire.

People laugh at hi points but they do work.

As for 1911s:

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I mean if it's all you can afford it's better than nothing. The .40 seems to run the best they need the higher pressure to run consistently it seems.

It'll put a hole In something just like anything else but the build quality is laughable. The carbines are ugly as sin but they actually are "decent". I've known people who's picked them up to beat around.
I mean if it's all you can afford it's better than nothing. The .40 seems to run the best they need the higher pressure to run consistently it seems.

It'll put a hole In something just like anything else but the build quality is laughable. The carbines are ugly as sin but they actually are "decent". I've known people who's picked them up to beat around.

A friend of mind had them at his rental range in Sacramento and they were popular. Everyone wants to shoot the POS ghetto gun.
I have a couple Berettas and FN’s too, so the redheads and goth chicks get equal treatment as well. Might pick up a Yeet cannon because I like ‘em a little trashy sometimes.

Meanwhile, the Hi Point, Kel-Tek, Raven, Lorcin and Jennings owners are all like …. “But she has a nice personality…”


Not everyone buys guns to play games with them
A champion IPSC shooter once called me out and said he would 'whip my ass' on the range when I told him I was faster than him on the first shot from the holster. He got super pissed and said nobody has ever talked to him that way. I told him to just shut up and show up. And bring his girlfriend and other witnesses so he couldn't lie about it later. That really freaked him out.

We all met on the range, he brought his backup and shot timer. I whipped his ass just like I said.

He later said 'You should have been a serious shooter.' I told him 'I am. I just don't play games'.
Glock fan boys are the vegans of the shooting world.
How can you tell someone shoots a glock?
Just wait they'll tell you.
I own a 1911, I like it and shoot it well. I carry a PO9.
I actually have a glock, got it when my dad passed. He had sent it to Robar for trimming up the 2x2 lumber style grip and texturing.
They did a really nice job, now it feels like a textured turd.
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A champion IPSC shooter once called me out and said he would 'whip my ass' on the range when I told him I was faster than him on the first shot from the holster. He got super pissed and said nobody has ever talked to him that way. I told him to just shut up and show up. And bring his girlfriend and other witnesses so he couldn't lie about it later. That really freaked him out.

We all met on the range, he brought his backup and shot timer. I whipped his ass just like I said.

He later said 'You should have been a serious shooter.' I told him 'I am. I just don't play games'.
What's his name?
A champion IPSC shooter once called me out and said he would 'whip my ass' on the range when I told him I was faster than him on the first shot from the holster. He got super pissed and said nobody has ever talked to him that way. I told him to just shut up and show up. And bring his girlfriend and other witnesses so he couldn't lie about it later. That really freaked him out.

We all met on the range, he brought his backup and shot timer. I whipped his ass just like I said.

He later said 'You should have been a serious shooter.' I told him 'I am. I just don't play games'.
You may have looked cool beating him, but saying that at the end like a bad 80s movie ending sure ruined it.

Did you look back at him with your perfectly groomed mustache and mullet blowing in the wind? Then a tough tune plays and it fades to black? 🤣

"I refused to go to recess as a kid my teacher lady asked why and I told her "I don't play games".
You may have looked cool beating him, but saying that at the end like a bad 80s movie ending sure ruined it.

Did you look back at him with your perfectly groomed mustache and mullet blowing in the wind? Then a tough tune plays and it fades to black? 🤣

"I refused to go to recess as a kid my teacher lady asked why and I told her "I don't play games".
It was on a dove hunt/campout some time later, sitting around the fire drinking we had that exchange.

No mullets and mustaches involved.
Actually, I did a demo of that 'hold' for the dept. years ago. All you have to do is hold high and to the right (for a right hander) and use the sights like normal. Ran the set of dueling tree plates almost as fast as with 'normal' hold. Point was that the Gangsta 'hold' is no joke... it's as deadly as the Weaver stance or any other combat shooting style if you know what you are doing and practice enough. Don't underestimate stupid-looking.

See the Fuck Around Find Out Graph thread for results of underestimating anyone! Even if they look retarded.

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I’m an unapologetic 1911 fan, but also own several Glocks, and an STI era 2011 as well (that thing’s just awesome), but if I shot pistols competitively, I’d have one of these CZs…. Honestly the best ’feel’ while cycling of any hand gun I’ve actually handled.

I have my eye set on one of these…Laugo Alien. IMHO the ultimate expression of the CZ design:




Edit: I tried to get one of the cool sets pictured above when they were first introduced, but was too slow to get on the list. Was on the waiting list, but never got into the actual queue. Will eventually pick up one of the new production sets, but life has changed a bit since then and they’re not cheap…need to complete some home remodeling/build projects first!
Surprised there hasn't been more talk about these. Very interesting. More expensive than I thought they were, perhaps thats why?
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