@Precision Underground (only)
The extraction of an AR/gas round relies on gas force to unlock the bolt, often a little early, allowing the body to expand a little outside the chamber. A No-Gas AR, almost like a bolt gun, leaves the case inside the chamber but does not have the decocking advantage of rotating the bolt with a big ass handle.
0.002" headspace results (in my case) in a case stretched by the 0.002" (datum to base) and a tight extraction. 0.004" and stickage is pretty much eliminated. I have a bore swab on a 90 degree handle I use after every 20 rounds or so to clear some carbon from the neck area that also helps
( I shoot 60+ rounds per match).
Yes, that would tend to equate to a little heavy bolt lift in a bolt gun.
Factory rounds start out with about 0.004"- 0.005" headspace and don't stick.
Regardless of stretch, I size to my chamber plus what I think I need for headspace.
The commonly accepted 0.004" for a gas gun (with gas) stretches cases more than a bolt gun and requires watching for body thining.
I tend to to get loose pockets long before I have to worry about head separation. Some cases might make 5 or 6 reloads where I lose 10% of the pockets that feel loose.
Getting cases that won't chamber is annoying but not knowing the headspace of loaded ammo could be unsafe.
Or, at the very least, wear out cases sooner than expected.
A full length sizing die should be set for bump. If the base isn't sized enough then use a small base die.
Long story short,
KNOW how short your sized cases are.
The No-gas AR I am referring to is a 22 Nosler using Nosler and Dogtown brass.
My loads are pretty stiff. No obvious pressure signs and at or near the upper range of published reloading data.
I send 88's and 90s at high 2900s from a 28 inch barrel.
Check reloading data for the 22 Nosler, usually listed with a 24" barrel, and Staball6.5 powder.
90 grain Sierra:
Winchester | StaBALL 6.5 | | 0.224" | 2.460" | | 29.3 | 2,649 | 42,500 PSI | | 32.3 | 2,889 | 53,500 PSI | |
SAAMI pressure for the 22N is 55k
Plug an 88ELD (.224) with a muzzle velocity of about 2970fps into your favorite calculator.
I do not own a 6ARC, in AR or bolt gun. Watch out for gas gun vs bolt gun reloading data.
In a bolt gun the 6ARC cuts the mustard