You backpacking or day hunting?
That changes it a lot IMO.
Im up early, just have a little java and hit the trail. no breakfast in camp
For my daily snacks in my pack, I make my snack bags up the week before in quart ziplocks.
I then store those in my pack in scent proof bag because I dont need help getting winded if the winds shift and they always do and food has strong and unique odors.
My daily snack load:
1 clif Builder's Bar (the PB/choc is really pretty tasty)
a nut bar (I like the costco ones, they are about $0.50 ea and pretty good) pack 2 if you want
granola bars x2
snack bag size ziploc with peanuts
1 hot choc packet
1 coffee packet (2 when its nasty cold out during late rifle).
1 cup of soup (extra noodle if you can find it)
1 Clifshot with caffeine.
I also last year started carrying a Mountain House granola and berries 2 servings pack with a light spoon (GSI, 79 cents) in my scent proof bag. Some days you may want/need it and some days not. Recent hunt did not eat at all. Recommend if you think you do, get the #10 can from them, measure it out and vac seal, cuts your price in 1/2 for a few minutes work.
Some of this is for just in case I get stuck out (cup o soup, hot choc, Cliff shot, extra coffee packet) or end up with a late kill, clean, and pack out and want the extra juice for it.
I also carry a small ti pot, super light stove, small fuel can, and lighter if I need any of the warm stuff above.
On cold hunts, a second cup of java around 1000 really kicks some butt.
These are light, so if you like that, carry more. I tend to buy a bunch when they go on sale, too spendy otherwise for me. Starbucks and lavaza are the only ones I know of, but happy to learn of more if someone knows.
Sometimes I make my famous triple decker PB and J, but usually for pack out days or just hiking or scouting trips.
Kinda messy and need none of that chasing critters.
I eat like a pig when I return to camp at night.