I started shooting with tripods in Dec 2015. Started with Manfrotto M055s and M190s and 322-RC2 joy sticks. Here's first image I have of one of my rifles on one of my tripods
Brand new 300WM on M190.
I shot the Manfrottos a lot for 3 years, 2016,17,18. I couldn't believe it was possible to hit smallish targets from distance. Flipping through my images I'm not sure I tried it standing up farther than 500yds during that period, but I do have one image of shooting seated tripod at 600yds.
Here's first image I have of RRS+Anvil-30 in April 2019.
I'm trying 750yds in that one.
So what about accuracy ?
I recall plateauing at 1.5 iphy off the manfrottos - and hecque - I thought that was pretty good for standing up !!
But my first group off a buddies RRS/A-30 was 11/16th (0.6875 iphy) and I was SOLD - and bought one before sundown that day. As he said, I was literally "buying" accuracy.
So, I was plateaued at .75 for awhile, but I think with better ammo and better trigger control, I finally got to 0.5 iphy.
Here's 2 groups at 100yds with Insight LWTS-LR ... one group 7/16 the other 9/16 ... avg 0.5 iphy (I use iphy as I don't see the value in the extra step of dividing by 1.047, though it does make the result a little smaller

I have heard several people say .75 MOA is a barrier for them, including my buddy that got me to shoot of his RRS.
And I've had several people say "You're doing it all wrong" in terms of my tripod technique. But, when you've developed a technique that works consistently for you and gets the results you are after, why abandon it?
Watching a number of videos about tripod shooting and reading half a zillion posts on the hide about tripod shooting over the years, I'd say, if you ask 100 ppl "what is best way to shoot off tripod" you'll get at least 97 answers
So, I'd say "go forth and shoot" ... and your expectations (given stated background/experience) should be "In a year or 2 of shooting off tripod 50 rds a week, you'll get to .75 ... and if you keep it up for 2 more years, then maybe 0.5"
( but conversely, If you get discouraged and quit, then well, you won't get there

Here's a group I shot yesterday off tripod.
Its .75" at 150yds or
.75/1.5 = 0.5 iphy
Standing off RRS/A-30 with rem700/criterion 22" hbar/krg bravo/harvester suppressor, NX8 2.5-20x t3, hdy black amax 155
Its definitely possible to get 0.5 iphy !
So again, as to expectation management, while the RRS/a-30 is "Magic" you still (probably) need some practice. I needed years - maybe YMWV.
But I got to the point a few years ago, where I thought I am about equal between prone and tripod - and that was scary, so I think it was in 2019, I forced myself to shoot prone as much as a could, managed about 40%. And based on measuring group sizes across the year, I confirmed I was about equal. Since, then, I shoot prone a little, but not much. In the sorts of terrain I'm in - in KS and SWMO, "You will rarely take a prone shot" ( a saying I saw years ago on the "hog saddle" website

). So, I keep shooting with tripod.