You were there way after my time. My Cousin was the Base Commander at Kadena from 71 through 73 I think. His name was Tom Benagh. He passed away in 2018.
When I was on the Constellation (CVA 64) we left Yankee Station in Vietnam heading home via a Yokosuka Japan port call on our way. I was a E4 at the time and I requested flying off to Kadena on Ships business. Had the chit denied at first and I told them I had kin folk stationed there. When the request went up the chain , I explained my cuz was the BC. Once that was confirmed, it was OK’ed and I flew off on the COD and landed at Kadena. I was the lowest rated person standing at the terminal with some Officers , who flew off the same time. Standing there when
when he and his wife my cuz too.. They
drove up in his Air Force blue sedan and that got there attention.
Everyone couldn’t figure out why …until she got out and hugged me. Then I saluted him, then he hugged me ! I Got my bag in the trunk and drove off. Had lots of head’s shaking wondering WTF was going on ?

I stayed with them all weekend, caught the COD back to ship. They asked what would I like to do ? Told them a LONG Hollywood shower and some fruit ! Took a hour long soak in the whirlpool like tub , and drank LOTS of fresh squeezed Orange juice …heavy on the Vodka.

Had a blast and made some future memories. I saw him a few times after we both got out.
Some great times looking back !