Any Local Ghost Stories worth sharing?


Old Salt
Full Member
  • Nov 4, 2020
    I haven't come across this topic being discussed here so thought I'd start a thread on the subject. I'm personally a skeptic by all means but love a good local ghost story. For me- it's the history that builds up the reason for why an object, room, location, what have you, is 'haunted' because that's usually grounded in some part to factual history.

    To start the discussion off- here's a story of my own. Decades ago when I was in High School- local legend surrounded a place called Amity Hall in Duncannon, PA. This building had so many stories surrounding it but from what I remember it was an old fashioned stop for the carriage lines at the time. Apparently being a hotel of sorts then, there was a lot of speculation of why it was shut down many years ago which conveniently checked all of the boxes for a young adolescent's mind of a place that was haunted. A defunct hotel- with murderous stories that alluded to a blood stained room, a ghost of a woman that hated men, locals that rivaled the hillbillies from the Deliverance movie, and even hellhounds that allegedly patrolled the grounds. Many a High School students tried to prove their bravery at that time by stepping foot in that building but apparently the building burnt down about 15-20 years ago.

    I reckon that it's not so much the authenticity of 'ghosts' but would imagine that these type of stories perpetuate all across the country if not world and thought it'd make for a good thread sharing those local legends. Any interest?

    There is an Inn near Indianapolis I stayed in for an LEO class. The instrustor was staying there as well. In class he brought up that as he was walking to his room, he noiced a young girl peeking around a corner at him. He thought it was very strange and walk around to speak to her. She wasn't there and the hallway went no where. No doors or anything, just ended. We later found out that its supposed to be one of the most haunted buildings in the state if I recall correctly. It was said to be built on ground that were once an asylum or hospital.

    Others in the class also had strange things going on but I had no issues.
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    I'll be the first to say that I don't believe in least ghosts of dead people.

    That being said, I have a pretty wierd experience:

    I had a buddy visiting me here at the ranch about 4 years ago. He was staying at our guest cabin, that was rebuilt on the location of an old homestead about 600 yards from my house.

    He and I were going out that night to shoot whatever we could find with our thermals (ended up being a bunch of skunks and armadillos). Between hunts, we were back at the cabin, having a beer and sharing old war stories around midnight.

    At one point there was a distinctive knock (three knocks) at the door. I actually verbally answered it, thinking that a neighbor or meth head (sometimes both) had wandered way too far onto my place in the middle of the night. When I got no answer I got up and opened the door...nothing. my buddy immediately got nervous 😄. I actually grabbed my rifle and went out and cleared the area with my thermal...nothing. After a few ghost jokes we finished our beers and then went out to look around for something to shoot again.

    Fast forward to last year. A meth head old neighbor shared a story with me about a "dance hall" that was built where our guest cabin now sits. He said a guy got cut up and died there in the late 40's. Intrigued, I asked two old boys about it one afternoon at the community center. They're both in their mid 80s and been local their whole lives...

    Sure as shit, they corroborated the old meth head's story...although these old boys had the last name of the boy that got cut up. They also said it was a dance party at a house, not a dance hall, and it happened in the early 50's.

    Apparently there was drinking and a fight over a girl. A boy with the last name of Guthrie got stabbed multiple times and was left outside by his buddies that jumped in a truck and sped off (some buddies). I guess the Guthrie boy laid there all night and finally died shortly after being found in the morning.

    Boy did I have fun telling that story to my buddy! 😄 He refuses to come and visit, and stay at the cabin now...that's how certain he is that we had a knocking at the door that night.

    I've spent hundreds of hours around at area with a thermal at night, and I've never seem anything out of the ordinary. But I promise you that I too heard that knock that night.
    My first wife and I had a friend who lived with us. He went out with another friend for an evening. Sometime after midnight, she was asking if he was home and I felt it, too. But he was not. But this other friend has a place and he could have easily stayed there. About 9 am the next morning, police investigators arrived to inform us that he had been shot and killed and gathered background information.

    Years earlier, my mother shot herself 4 times in the body with a gun that I bought for her for home protection. She was in the hospital being a vegetable and she had always strongly stated her DNR wishes. My younger brother, who was living with her at the time, had to make the decision to pull the plug. When the police were done with their investigation, I retrieved the gun.

    I never felt a visit from my mother. When she was gone, not even tail lights.

    Years later, my wife swallowed the barrel of that gun. I came home from work and found her. So, the police took the gun and continued their investigation and ultimately determined it was as it appeared to be, a suicide. They were keeping the gun and I let them keep it, maybe it was haunted.

    That never affected my belief in the 2A.

    About 4 months after she passed, I felt a weight sit on the bed, saw a bit of a glow. She was letting me know she was okay now, that she had to work through some things, and that she was going. And she left.

    It was easy for me to think these were products of my imagination and I would really think that if it kept happening. But they were singular events.

    Also, I learned to quit letting women have access to firearms.
    My first wife and I had a friend who lived with us. He went out with another friend for an evening. Sometime after midnight, she was asking if he was home and I felt it, too. But he was not. But this other friend has a place and he could have easily stayed there. About 9 am the next morning, police investigators arrived to inform us that he had been shot and killed and gathered background information.

    Years earlier, my mother shot herself 4 times in the body with a gun that I bought for her for home protection. She was in the hospital being a vegetable and she had always strongly stated her DNR wishes. My younger brother, who was living with her at the time, had to make the decision to pull the plug. When the police were done with their investigation, I retrieved the gun.

    I never felt a visit from my mother. When she was gone, not even tail lights.

    Years later, my wife swallowed the barrel of that gun. I came home from work and found her. So, the police took the gun and continued their investigation and ultimately determined it was as it appeared to be, a suicide. They were keeping the gun and I let them keep it, maybe it was haunted.

    That never affected my belief in the 2A.

    About 4 months after she passed, I felt a weight sit on the bed, saw a bit of a glow. She was letting me know she was okay now, that she had to work through some things, and that she was going. And she left.

    It was easy for me to think these were products of my imagination and I would really think that if it kept happening. But they were singular events.

    Also, I learned to quit letting women have access to firearms.
    I have... no words for that story.

    Me and my friend John were maybe 12 years old and were given a book of black magic from his much older brothers wife. After reading some of the book we decided to have a seance in a storage room in my basement.

    The room had a door that would rub hard on the floor so it required a bit of force to fully open or close (keep this in mind). We setup the seance best we could according to the book, we read some verses and wait. Nothing happens. Ok lets try again maybe we missed something. Again nothing.

    We put out the candles calling the book bullshit and walk out of the room, as we clear the doorway the fucking door SLAMS shut behind us. John and I exploded out of that basement and ran down the block so fast there was not a person or animal that could keep up, we are talking Olympic 100 yard gold medal speed.

    We are freaking out and laughing but after some time we decide to go back, parents are not home so John and I
    go down the basement and walk to the dark green door. I grab the door knob and try to open the door, I can push the door open maybe an inch but no more and it feels like something is pushing back. We quickly leave hoping one of our parents come home early.

    My father comes home from work and I tell him the the door to the storage room wont open, did not mention
    anything about candles and a seance avoiding getting grounded or getting my ass beat. My father tries and he cannot open the door its not locked but it cant be pushed open.

    The next day my father removed the basement window from the outside and climbed in the room.
    Fortunately there were no real ghosts or demons.

    What happened was a one in a million, when we walked out for whatever reason a king size box spring that was leaning on the wall fell slamming the door shut and wedging between the door and the wall.

    But who knows maybe a ghost pushed the bed.
    I imagine that this story exists all across the country but near Bloomsburg, PA (there's a state university there) there's something locally called 'gravity hill'. The way the story goes is you'll come across a downward hill that has some sort of tragic story about a school bus from decades ago. The rendition here is that should you be brave enough to place your car on that hill in neutral, and cover your windshield with flour or baby powder, you'd see the handprints of the children that died there pushing your vehicle 'uphill'.

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    I live right off this road.

    The David Wolpert House: Dissecting A Riverdale Road Ghost Story​

    In recent years, Riverdale Road—an 11-mile-long thoroughfare connecting Thornton to Brighton—has become the subject of many blogs, YouTube videos and even local TV news segments on the paranormal.

    Riverdale Road's reputation as "the most haunted road in the country" comes from a handful of stories passed down over the years. There's the ghost jogger who taps on the sides of passing cars...the phantom Camaro with one headlight...the hitchhiker in white who disappears into the night.

    Perhaps the story that yields the most intrigue involves a mansion owner who went insane and set his home aflame with his family inside. The family perished in the fire...and the man was never seen again.

    We decided to look into Riverdale Road's history to see if such a horrific fire had in fact occurred. Our findings led us to the David Wolpert House.


    At around 1 a.m. on November 28, 1975, a home located at 9190 Riverdale Road became engulfed in flames. The two-story brick home, believed to have been built in the 1860s, was severely damaged. On December 4th, the Denver Post reported:

    The flames Friday left only remnants of walls of the main building plus a smaller structure in the rear.
    No fatalities or injuries were reported as the home had not been inhabited at the time of the fire. According to The Forgotten Past of Adams County, Volume 1, there was good reason for this:

    In May 1975, when the chicken house burned down, the fire department came and extinguished the fire and put in a report to county health authorities stating that the house was a fire hazard and a danger to the community. The health department ordered the owner to dismiss the tenants. When they moved, heavy vandalism started.


    Just a few months prior, in January 1975, Dr. Hugo Rodeck (former director of the University of Colorado Museum from 1939 to 1971) had submitted a National Register of Historic Places nomination form for 9190 Riverdale Road. His application form, preserved by the Colorado Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (OAHP), describes the home's physical appearance and its history, attributing the building to an early Colorado settler named David Wolpert:

    Two story and attic, brick house, built about 1864. Fine looking structure with dignity, in a favorable position beside a through drive, backed by Platte River banks and flood plain....The Wolpert's were typical of the hordes of people coming west to make their fortunes in gold and silver. Like many other argonaut [sic], Wolpert found his true fortune in agriculture and permanent settlement.

    A look at William B. Vicker's History of the City of Denver, Arapahoe County, and Colorado reveals that David Wolpert came west from Ohio in 1859. He was lured by gold discoveries in the Rockies and traveled to New Mexico and then Colorado, visiting Pikes Peak, South Park and Fairplay. Wolpert and a party of sixteen men

    ....then crossed the mountains to Blue River, near Breckenridge where they began prospecting; but being driven out by the Indians, the entire party returned to Pike's Peak, whence Mr. Wolpert soon came to Denver. Deciding to try farming, then an experiment in Colorado, he pre-empted a piece of land on the Platte, nine miles below Denver, where he has since resided, and which he has converted into one of the finest farms in the county.
    Wolpert married Catherine Henderson on January 20, 1864. The couple had two daughters, Lucille and Mary, and a son David. David Wolpert, Sr. died on October 21, 1909, at the age of 75, and Catherine died in 1915. The couple is buried in Riverside Cemetery.


    What is unclear is how the fire started, and if there were any investigations into its cause. The only newspaper report of the fire on Denver 4, 1975, in the Denver Post does not allude to any suspicion of arson. There were, however, business interests in the 145-acre parcel that the Wolpert House stood on.

    On January 25, 1975, a story titled "Drive To Save Old Home Started" in the Rocky Mountain News revealed just why Dr. Hugo Rodeck and wife Orian Sallie Lewis Rodeck had been working so hard on behalf of the Adams County Historical Society to preserve 9190 Riverdale Road:

    The house until recently was in little or no immediate danger except from neglect, but now the property has been purchased by a development firm and there is talk of a new city, Washington City, going in on the site.
    Instead, the area where the Wolpert House once stood is now the site of the Pelican Ponds Open Space.

    One of Riverdale Road's favorite spooky tales can probably be attributed to the 1975 David Wolpert House fire. After all, a historic brick mansion in the country devastated by a mysterious fire in the middle of the night has all of the makings of a perfect ghost story.

    As for the other chilling Riverdale Road stories? The story of their origins awaits your research!

    More stories about Riverdale Rd.

    I hope that you do.


    Wayback in high school, a couple of my friends and a foreign exchange student wanted to go 20 miles over to the next town that had a climbing wall. My parents were out of town and that’s what we decided to do for an activity. I drove an old company truck from my dad’s business. He owned a two-way radio company that did radios for fire departments, police department, oilfield, and so on. My truck had a two-way radio in it but it wasn’t working but it had the microphone hanging on the dash like a cop car. as we were driving to the next town, the foreign exchange student loved to play with the microphone, pretending to be a cop, even though it didn’t work. About the same time I had a new Alice in chains CD that we were listening to while driving. Tunes, cranked, loud, boys, being boys playing with the microphone being obnoxious. Half an hour later, we make it to the climbing wall and have fun for a few hours before returning home in the dark. Didn’t think much of it. We talked about all the cool things we did at our plans for the summer. drop off my friends and go back home, pull into my driveway about 11 o’clock at night and go into the empty house and turn on the kitchen light, and there on the table, sat a Motorola microphone with a cord disconnected from the radio, and an Alice In Chains, CD in its case. Just sitting on the table with nothing else. I stopped and looked at it for a good solid minute. Just stared at it. And then thought that’s weird, walk back out to my truck and open the door and the dome light turns on. The microphone is missing , unplugged from the radio mounted on the floor. And there is no CD or case in the truck. Walk back into the house, and just stare at the microphone and CD on the table. My whole family was gone., Out of town for some activities. Call my friends the next day and ask them if they knew anything about it. They thought I was joking or just being weird.

    So, what was it? To this day, I have no idea. Never got spooked or scared as it was just weird. Nothing like that ever happened again.
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    Wayback in high school, a couple of my friends and a foreign exchange student wanted to go 20 miles over to the next town that had a climbing wall. My parents were out of town and that’s what we decided to do for an activity. I drove an old company truck from my dad’s business. He owned a two-way radio company that did radios for fire departments, police department, oilfield, and so on. My truck had a two-way radio in it but it wasn’t working but it had the microphone hanging on the dash like a cop car. as we were driving to the next town, the foreign exchange student loved to play with the microphone, pretending to be a cop, even though it didn’t work. About the same time I had a new Alice in chains CD that we were listening to while driving. Tunes, cranked, loud, boys, being boys playing with the microphone being obnoxious. Half an hour later, we make it to the climbing wall and have fun for a few hours before returning home in the dark. Didn’t think much of it. We talked about all the cool things we did at our plans for the summer. drop off my friends and go back home, pull into my driveway about 11 o’clock at night and go into the empty house and turn on the kitchen light, and there on the table, sat a Motorola microphone with a cord disconnected from the radio, and an Alice In Chains, CD in its case. Just sitting on the table with nothing else. I stopped and looked at it for a good solid minute. Just stared at it. And then thought that’s weird, walk back out to my truck and open the door and the dome light turns on. The microphone is missing , unplugged from the radio mounted on the floor. And there is no CD or case in the truck. Walk back into the house, and just stare at the microphone and CD on the table. My whole family was gone., Out of town for some activities. Call my friends the next day and ask them if they knew anything about it. They thought I was joking or just being weird.

    So, what was it? To this day, I have no idea. Never got spooked or scared as it was just weird. Nothing like that ever happened again.

    Well... I got something just Way More Spooky unexplainable than that....LOL . Me and my two buddies were hard partying all night in the parking lot of stadium night before a Zeppelin concert to start. All 3 of us woke-up in my Mustang with a huge case of hangover, and BAD case of dehydration Cotton Mouth. I opened up the drivers door to get out and take a well deserved morning piss . I looked down as I set foot out the car door . ' Mysteriously ' placed there, Just sitting there in front of me were Three 16 oz. Ice cold cans of Rainer Beer . One for each of us to kill the cotton mouth, and we chugged them down to start a new day.
    Let me preface this by saying that I don't believe in that crap. Or at least poltergeists and specters or ghosts.

    That being said, a very close friend of mine had their dog pass away. A few days later he was at his vacation property and an alert for one of his Ring cameras inside his home kept going off. When he pulled up the camera on his phone, there was this small orb of light floating around the living room where the dog's bed was. He watched it for awhile then turned on the audio and started talking to it. He said is that you Gracie? And this orb would bounce around like an excited dog does. This went on for like ten minutes.

    When he sent me the footage I tried to explain it away as a piece of dust floating in close proximity to the camera, or maybe a reflection of some sort. But the more I watched it and saw what it did when he talked to it over the camera, the more I couldn't explain it. It was some really bizarre stuff.

    I'll see if I can find the link to the footage and see what you guys think. Like I said, I don't believe in that crap but this I couldn't explain.
    Can't remember if I've told this story here or not. If I have, bear with me...

    I bought my house 20 years ago. My ex wife and her son both claimed the house was haunted. But she was a bit of a dipshit (hence the ex part) so I didn't pay them much mind.

    Anyway... 10+ years ago my daughter was in her room on a Saturday night. It was May or June and we had just had a recent rain. She was doing typical teenage girl junk... Listening to music, trying on clothes in front of her mirror, etc... while my wife and I had gone to bed.

    At some point, she and her stepbrothers came in and woke me and my wife up. My daughter said she had seen someone looking in her bedroom window. I got up, grabbed a flashlight and pistol and headed out the door... The window she claimed the person was looking through actually looked out on the driveway... There was a big puddle of water there. So whoever looked in her window would have had to walk through it to get close to the window. No wet footprints on the concrete. No tracks in the wet grass in the yard. Nothing.

    I chalked it up to a teenage girl catching her reflection in the window out of the corner of her while posing in front of the mirror.

    Fast forward a while... Several months, maybe a year or more. Daughter's tale is long forgotten... My wife takes the boys to the optometrist.

    My wife fills out the insurance paperwork and is visiting with the gal at the desk. The gal sees our address and asks why it's ringing a bell...

    Then she says, "Oh! I used to live in that house! Have you seen the face in the window?"

    And she proceeds to describe the exact bedroom and exact window. Same one my daughter claimed to have seen someone looking through.

    I'm pretty levelheaded. But that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up a little.

    My daughter is grown and married and one of the boys has that room now. I guess Casper gets to peek in at the back of a TV nowadays.

    A bit spooky I guess. But the walls don't bleed and stuff doesn't fly off the shelves and across the room... So, whatever.

    There are a few more tales about other things that my wife and kids talk about... But I'm not sure how accurate they are.

    Wayback in high school, a couple of my friends and a foreign exchange student wanted to go 20 miles over to the next town that had a climbing wall. My parents were out of town and that’s what we decided to do for an activity. I drove an old company truck from my dad’s business. He owned a two-way radio company that did radios for fire departments, police department, oilfield, and so on. My truck had a two-way radio in it but it wasn’t working but it had the microphone hanging on the dash like a cop car. as we were driving to the next town, the foreign exchange student loved to play with the microphone, pretending to be a cop, even though it didn’t work. About the same time I had a new Alice in chains CD that we were listening to while driving. Tunes, cranked, loud, boys, being boys playing with the microphone being obnoxious. Half an hour later, we make it to the climbing wall and have fun for a few hours before returning home in the dark. Didn’t think much of it. We talked about all the cool things we did at our plans for the summer. drop off my friends and go back home, pull into my driveway about 11 o’clock at night and go into the empty house and turn on the kitchen light, and there on the table, sat a Motorola microphone with a cord disconnected from the radio, and an Alice In Chains, CD in its case. Just sitting on the table with nothing else. I stopped and looked at it for a good solid minute. Just stared at it. And then thought that’s weird, walk back out to my truck and open the door and the dome light turns on. The microphone is missing , unplugged from the radio mounted on the floor. And there is no CD or case in the truck. Walk back into the house, and just stare at the microphone and CD on the table. My whole family was gone., Out of town for some activities. Call my friends the next day and ask them if they knew anything about it. They thought I was joking or just being weird.

    So, what was it? To this day, I have no idea. Never got spooked or scared as it was just weird. Nothing like that ever happened again.
    Cocaine is a very strong substance!😂😂😂
    So, back in the 1940's or 50's, there was a young girl abducted in our area on her way to or from school. Some said a band of Gypsies were in the area during this time and blamed them.
    Fast forward a bit, my grandpa buys our family farm in the mid 60's. Across the road lived a strange, old fellow, I've been told, and after his death my family bought his property. On a couple of occasions during the mid 70's and early 1980's, local rumors had it that the abducted girl was buried somewhere on my family's property and her parents had stopped by to inquire about searching the woods; nothing was found. Over the next few years psychic's are contacted and indicate that the girl was buried in a general area on the property near water.

    Years pass and around 2001 or so, my sister and her husband, and their young daughter, build a new house on the property - near to the area the psychic's had pointed out years earlier, near water and being less than 1/2 a mile from the strange old guy's former home.
    My niece's room was upstairs on the second level and she had a craft / playroom up there as well. Shortly after moving in, my sister would hear my niece talking and laughing as she played, thinking nothing of it as she was quite young at the time. At some point months later my sister asks her daughter who she is talking to while she plays? Her response - a little girl! This continues off and on through the years.

    My sister's husband is LEO, and doesn't believe any of it, trust the science, right? One night he is awakened to the sound of footsteps upstairs, knowing his daughter is at a friend's house for the night, he wakes my sister while preparing to clear the house, she tells him to go back to sleep, it's just the little girl playing and dancing in their daughters room! As my niece grew older and became more occupied with friends and school, the little girls visits became less and less frequent.

    3 years ago, my dad was walking the edges of the pasture a few hundred yards from my sister's house and a couple hundred yards from where the strange old guy's house used to stand. 50 yards inside the tree line sits a large old rock pile which used to be edge of the pasture and field many years ago. He noticed a small, out of place depression in the rock pile, rectangular in shape. He began removing rocks, tossing them aside, making it to ground level about 4' down where he encountered some rather large rocks partially buried. He sent me pictures, told me what he had seen and to bring a shovel. I dug and threw rocks for 3 days to get those boulders out as I had a "feeling" something would be under them. I managed to get them out, by hand, and that "feeling" grew stronger, but I didn't find anything under those rocks. I was both relieved and disappointed, but that "feeling" stuck with me.

    The following spring we brought in a mini excavator to dig deeper and wider, digging down 5' below ground level and widening the search area; nothing was ever found.

    We may never know what really happened to that missing girl so many years ago, but after all that digging trying to find her, I did find one thing, peace. That strong "feeling" I had, it turned into a strong feeling that she was now, somehow, suddenly free and at peace.......
    Okay…I’m going to share this “ghost” story. SO my wife wanted to visit this local area historical house that does the whole “haunted tour” thing. No problem, let’s go. We stop off at a friends home, have some dinner. By this time it’s dark, cold outside, etc etc etc. We get to the house, pay the fee, walk around while waiting for the “briefing”. Some other people/families are there as well…say about 12-20 people total. We all sit down, they introduce themselves one as a “paranormal guide/expert”, been on some show on TV, they start the whole historical story of the property..…southern home, slaves, death, illnesses…. blah blah blah. We start walking around the first floor. This room here…..blah blah blah…..this room here….blah blah blah. “Okay everyone we are heading to the basement.”

    Now JUST to be clear I’m not a naysayer. My wife as an ICU RN has had plenty of situations that as a person passes there’s an energy in the (to a)room.

    So we are in the basement, they continue the briefing, I see something off to side in an area (trying to just get the vibe). The “paranormal guide” agrees to the visual, but states it’s from the outside moonlight. As we are in the basement we are all standing wherever….I end up across the room from my wife, right next to some random kid from some other family. They ask people to turn off all their lights, phones, etc etc to get the room well digger dark. “Okay, let’s sit here as quiet as possible.” .
    It’s DARK….it’s REALLY quiet… if on cue…..My stomach decides to digest a little bit of that BBQ brisket I ate at dinner. (GGGrrrrUUUUMMMbbbbLLLLLeeeee) as my stomach decides it’s existance to be known to the group.
    As if the devil has appeared before the group the “paranormal guide” YELLS out….”DID YOU HEAR THAT?!?!” I say…”That was my stomach."

    Needless to say….I’m pretty sure I ruined the whole tour for a few families. My wife and I cried laughing on the drive home….I swear that kid next to me is probably in therapy over standing next to “the beast”.
    The wife was bed ridden the last 30 days of her life and passed away here at home from cancer. The next morning when I got up, her favorite Tea cup was sitting beside my favorite coffee cup, neither were there when I went to bed at 0200. Over the last 11 years I have had my feet slapped just as I was falling asleep, air moving by me at different times and other things I can't explain. Until all of this started I never believed in Ghosts, now I'm almost certain, so called after life, is real.
    I have had this happen several times. I will have conversation with people. Doesn't seem to matter the topic. The next day or even days afterward, I will get on my phone and I notice that I see a bunch of items in the ads that match up with the topic of our conversation. Pretty sure it is ghost or my phone is haunted!
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    My first wife and I had a friend who lived with us. He went out with another friend for an evening. Sometime after midnight, she was asking if he was home and I felt it, too. But he was not. But this other friend has a place and he could have easily stayed there. About 9 am the next morning, police investigators arrived to inform us that he had been shot and killed and gathered background information.

    Years earlier, my mother shot herself 4 times in the body with a gun that I bought for her for home protection. She was in the hospital being a vegetable and she had always strongly stated her DNR wishes. My younger brother, who was living with her at the time, had to make the decision to pull the plug. When the police were done with their investigation, I retrieved the gun.

    I never felt a visit from my mother. When she was gone, not even tail lights.

    Years later, my wife swallowed the barrel of that gun. I came home from work and found her. So, the police took the gun and continued their investigation and ultimately determined it was as it appeared to be, a suicide. They were keeping the gun and I let them keep it, maybe it was haunted.

    That never affected my belief in the 2A.

    About 4 months after she passed, I felt a weight sit on the bed, saw a bit of a glow. She was letting me know she was okay now, that she had to work through some things, and that she was going. And she left.

    It was easy for me to think these were products of my imagination and I would really think that if it kept happening. But they were singular events.

    Also, I learned to quit letting women have access to firearms.
    Is this true? You bought a gun for your mom that she used to kill herself (Accidentally or other) and then this gun got passed down to your ex-wife that used the same gun to take her own life? If true, that is fucked up!!!!!
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    When my dog was dieing of cancer I wanted to see him not suffering one more time. I prayed about it and was told that prayer would be answered. For a while i wondered if meant he would miraculously recover. At some point after he died, he was sent to me in a dream. When he showed up I became fully cognizant that it was both him and dream and this was my chance to see him again before I die.

    When I was in my early 20s I lived with freind who bought a house I pretty sure belonged to a serial killer. There were big excavations outside. He said he was told were proabaly fuel tanks or something. Several large squares had been dug and refilled. Which I know they did on the serial killers property in this particular town. I had a back bedroom, one of the two bedrooms. I alway felt fear if i walked into that room and it was dark. I only slept in that room one night. I spent the entire night waking up in cold sweats. I would wake up in panic and look at the window. In my mind I can still see a figure and glowing eyes starring into that window at me. I can honestly say I never saw anything. It was always a feeling.

    One night we were messing around outside, and my friend went around behind the old barn. It was midsummer and there was 8ft tall corn for about 40 to 100 acres in every direction. I stayed out in front of the barn with my brother. He came back around the front and looked at us strangely. And says. I thought you guys were beside the barn throwing rocks at me. We hadn't moved.

    Move forward a few years later. His sister moves into that room. She says a ghost woke her up in the middle of the night. She said it looked like her brother kind of at first and was telling her to come with me, come with me. When she didn't, she said it's appearance changed to something else.
    My stories aren't as good as some of y'alls, but i'll tell.

    Years ago at our old house in the city, which was a tri-level, think raised ranch style, split in the middle and shifted a 1/2 story. Wife and I and our girls were watching a show in the living room. We were on the couch on the end, and we could see up the 6 steps and down the hallway that goes between the bathroom, and bedrooms. The TV was right next to the stairs going up, so the hallway is in our peripheral, but not far into it. I see a little girl walk out of our youngests bedroom, come down the hall, and enter the bathroom. I move my head to look, and lean over a bit to get a angle, and my wife does the same. I look at her and said "you saw that too?", then we both looked over at our girls on the couch by the window, and I got up to see who it was, of course nobody there.

    Same house, we used to see cats in the basement out of the corners of our eyes, all the time, and we didn't have a cat back then. Always the basement, never anywhere else in the house. We had a sewer backup incident some years later that resulted in us remodeling the basement, never saw a cat ever again.

    I started my current company in that house, I turned the garage into a work space, and worked in there for years painting. The garage was under the bedrooms and bathrooms. More than a few times I would hear someone walking around above me, thinking it was our dog, only to turn around and realize that she was asleep on the floor behind me. Go to clear the house and find nobody there. That was when I started ALWAYS having music, or a movie, something going that would make it so I didn't hear all the footsteps all the time.

    Current home, previous owners wife died of cancer some years before. I don't know if she died in the house, I don't think so, but maybe. Once in a while we get eerie feelings, strange unexplainable sounds, our cat will watch something that we don't see, and we just joke that it's the ghost. The ring camera will go off randomly from time to time, and I can't see a thing on there that would cause it to tell me that there's a person out there.

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    Let me preface this by saying that I don't believe in that crap. Or at least poltergeists and specters or ghosts.

    That being said, a very close friend of mine had their dog pass away. A few days later he was at his vacation property and an alert for one of his Ring cameras inside his home kept going off. When he pulled up the camera on his phone, there was this small orb of light floating around the living room where the dog's bed was. He watched it for awhile then turned on the audio and started talking to it. He said is that you Gracie? And this orb would bounce around like an excited dog does. This went on for like ten minutes.

    When he sent me the footage I tried to explain it away as a piece of dust floating in close proximity to the camera, or maybe a reflection of some sort. But the more I watched it and saw what it did when he talked to it over the camera, the more I couldn't explain it. It was some really bizarre stuff.

    I'll see if I can find the link to the footage and see what you guys think. Like I said, I don't believe in that crap but this I couldn't explain.
    Our dog passed away two months ago. Since the time she passed while watching TV at night in the living room we hear strange creaking noises coming from the kitchen. My wife has spent countless hours in the kitchen where she works on jigsaw puzzles with our beloved dog always at her feet. When we hear these noises we say, there she is again looking for her mom.
    Even after my story I posted above I don't really claim to be a believer. But I guess I'm not a denier either.

    I guess Hamlet said it best...

    "There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

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    My favorite thing about ghost stories is that they're all very stereotypically "ghosty". It's always some "scored lover who haunts a house" or "person unjustly killed in the 1920s who wanders a street looking for their killer". Ghost are never "some illegal immigrant contractor who spends their afterlife performing housing renovations" or "a grocery store clerk who appears and bags your groceries and helps you out to the car". Ghosts are never practical.
    My favorite thing about ghost stories is that they're all very stereotypically "ghosty". It's always some "scored lover who haunts a house" or "person unjustly killed in the 1920s who wanders a street looking for their killer". Ghost are never "some illegal immigrant contractor who spends their afterlife performing housing renovations" or "a grocery store clerk who appears and bags your groceries and helps you out to the car". Ghosts are never practical.
    Or one that does all your brass prep.
    Stanley hotel in Colorado. Definitely real deal. Have been a few times got married out there. After wedding just started getting to sleep and door opened up as I rolled over to look door closed. Same night as I was "sleeping " I could hear kids running up and down hallways stomping feet laughing and carrying on. In my brain is saying "who the fuck let's their kids act like this at 230 am. Then I realize no kids there. Nice. I love that place.
    I hear st augustine light house is haunted along with myrtles plantation
    When I was 7 years old I lived in Monroe la with my divorced mom and 2 brothers and one sister , we were dirt poor and lived one house away from the rail road tracks , back then the tracks separated the white side of town from the black side of town, the closer you lived to the tracks the poorer you were, anyway my younger brother and I shared a bed on the screened in back porch , I've always been a light sleeper , and about midnight or so the screen door opens and in walks 4 ghost , they walked up to the bed and stared at me and my brother , I was scared to death and couldn't scream or anything, they left after a few minutes, I didn't say anything about it for a few days ,but finally told my older brother who then told my mother, she then asked me about it and I described the ghost to her , a few days later she told me it was the klu klux klan , and that my barber was one of them ,they had came into the porch to hide from the law , hell of a ghost story , fucking assholes scared me half to death.
    Not sure if this was a ghost or not, but the wife and I had a weird situation happen a couple of years ago.

    A few years ago, we were in Greer AZ. A small little town that I believe was built around the logging industry in the mid to late 1800's. Not a whole lot going on around there, and I believe there's only two restaurants where you can go out to eat.

    So my wife and I were at one of them for dinner - Molly Butlers. This place has been open since 1910, servicing the area as a (now former) lodge and current restaurant. We were sitting at a high-top table that was abutted up to another high-top, which we used to stage empty plates for the waiter and our bottle of wine that we were enjoying. Our bottle of wine had been sitting at that high-top for about ~30-40 minutes untouched, until my wife made a comment along the lines of "lets cork that bottle and head back to the cabin". As soon as she said that, the bottle of wine rapidly slid across the high-top and fell into my lap, where I caught it. Our waiter happened to be behind us, and asked us what the commotion was about, and we just told him what occurred, in a state of disbelief. He just chuckles and says "oh, that's Molly. She loves playing tricks on people". And proceeded to follow up with many weird stories of things happening to him in that restaurant.

    So far, that's the only experience I've had where I've had no explanation for, beyond the supernatural. Both my wife and I were pretty shocked when it occurred, it was so bizarre.
    During the fall quarter at the University of Arkansas a visiting professor was asked to give a lecture on poltergeists and the paranormal. The auditorium was packed for the evening lecture. After the eloquent introduction the professor took to the podium.

    “Before I begin tonight’s lecture,” he began, “I usually like to take a poll of the audience to conduct an informal survey.”

    “By a show of hands, could I see how many members of the audience believe in ghosts?”

    About 90% of the audience raised their hands.

    “Thank you, ladies, and gentlemen. I usually get about that many responses in my lectures and it isn’t surprising. So, by another show of hands could I see how many of you nice people have actually seen a ghost?”

    This time about 30 people raised their hands.

    “Thank you again. Please lower your hands. If you have ever talked with a ghost, can you raise your hands?”

    The professor could only count about 10 people with their hands raised.

    “Thank you very much. So far, the responses have been typical of my audiences. Please raise your hand if you have ever touched a ghost.”

    This time, only three people raised their hands.

    “Ladies and gentlemen, this again, is typical of the responses to my informal survey. So with your indulgence, could I ask you to raise your hand if you have ever had sex with a ghost?”

    This time there were a few giggles from the audience, and everyone looked around to see if anyone was going to raise their hand. To everyone’s astonishment, a young man in bib overalls, a tattered baseball cap and plug of tobacco in his mouth and seated in the back of the auditorium raised his hand. This generated a lot of conversation from the audience and side bar conversations from the faculty on the stage.

    The professor asked everyone to calm down and for a few moments of silence. “Young man,” he began, “I must say that I have never had an affirmative response to that last query. You are truly a unique individual. If you don’t mind, sir, would you please join me on stage? I’m sure we all would like to hear of your experience.”

    He turned to the faculty members and asked, “I’m sure the faculty members of the esteemed institution would not mind forgoing my presentation to hear a few words from this fine young gentleman.”

    They all nodded in agreement and consented to the change in the evening’s agenda.

    “Young man, could you please come up hear and tell us about your experience? Can everyone give this gentleman a round of applause?"

    Everyone gave the kid in the bib overalls a standing ovation as he made his way to the podium on stage. Everyone of the faculty members and the visiting professor stood up, shook his hand warmly and escorted him over to the podium. The faculty members returned to the seats but held in rapt attention the professor guided the young man to the podium.

    “Sir,” the professor said as he looked admiringly at the young man, “I am at a loss for words. I’ve never met anyone that has had your experience. Please step over to the microphone and tell us what it was like to have sex with a ghost!”

    The professor stepped out of the way while the kid with bib overalls stepped up to the microphone with a puzzled look on his face.

    “Ghosts! Ghosts! Aw shucks from waaay back over yonder, I couldn’t hear everything you said. I thought you said goats.”
    I've got a couple

    I farmed on a place that my boss's bought from an old farmer when he died
    They razed the old place and put up a big shop.
    Sometimes at night when I was working in there, off beside one of the tractors I would see an old man in bib overhalls watching me.
    He would watch me for sometimes up to an hour
    If I looked directly at him he would fade back into the dark.
    I described him to neighbors and they said he was the farmer that owned the ground and the new shop set on top the house where they found him deceased.

    I lived in an old ranch house and would see a little girl in an upstairs window. It was a closet with a window between two rooms and was boarded shut. A 3 year old girl had died in that house many years before.

    Same house, the door to the upstairs would blow open as from a big wind, on a calm night.

    Also lost my big hound to getting hit on the road while I was living there.
    That night, pitch assed, can't see your hand in front of your face dark, I heard "his" footsteps pacing around my bed. I reached out but never felt anything, I called out to him, nothing.
    Then it felt like he jumped up on the bed and layed down at the foot where he always slept.
    I never tried to reach out to him, just talked to him till I fell asleep.
    Never heard from him again.

    All friendly encounters, never any harm except the hair standing up on my neck

    But I have a friend that was staying in an old ranch house that his boss owned.
    Never had anything unusual happen
    About six months later he brought a new wife home.
    After a week she would complain of noises when he wasn't home and she was alone at night.
    After a bit he started hearing them to and then one night they both were woke up by someone ripping the covers off their bed and then a helluva commotion in the kitchen.
    They would run out to find chairs upset, stuff thrown off counters, out of cupboards and drawers. Made a huge mess.
    After a few nights of this he told the boss either get them another house or he was quitting.
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    This isn’t very dramatic but it’s something

    My parents were in town a few weeks ago and we decided to take them somewhere nice for dinner. It was also the end of restaurant week in the Denver area so we settled on The Melting Pot in Louisville(really small town north of the Denver metro). As soon as we get there the hostess and a few of the wait staff start in on how the place is haunted(the building was built around a mine a long time ago so I’m sure there are plenty of bodies). When we get to our table my dad puts his hat on one of the hooks above the seats and a few more of the wait staff tell him “Oh, you probably shouldn’t do that. The ghosts will try to carry it off”. My middle son starts fidgeting around and looks a little nervous so we ask him what’s wrong and he says “I don’t want the ghosts to get grandpa’s hat”. Grandpa’s hat will be fine, buddy. He kept glancing up the whole time we were eating trying to make sure his grandpa’s hat didn’t get carried off by any ghost
    I haven't come across this topic being discussed here so thought I'd start a thread on the subject. I'm personally a skeptic by all means but love a good local ghost story. For me- it's the history that builds up the reason for why an object, room, location, what have you, is 'haunted' because that's usually grounded in some part to factual history.

    To start the discussion off- here's a story of my own. Decades ago when I was in High School- local legend surrounded a place called Amity Hall in Duncannon, PA. This building had so many stories surrounding it but from what I remember it was an old fashioned stop for the carriage lines at the time. Apparently being a hotel of sorts then, there was a lot of speculation of why it was shut down many years ago which conveniently checked all of the boxes for a young adolescent's mind of a place that was haunted. A defunct hotel- with murderous stories that alluded to a blood stained room, a ghost of a woman that hated men, locals that rivaled the hillbillies from the Deliverance movie, and even hellhounds that allegedly patrolled the grounds. Many a High School students tried to prove their bravery at that time by stepping foot in that building but apparently the building burnt down about 15-20 years ago.

    I reckon that it's not so much the authenticity of 'ghosts' but would imagine that these type of stories perpetuate all across the country if not world and thought it'd make for a good thread sharing those local legends. Any interest?

    Oh look the ghost himself is back

    You buy any new dildos for yourself lately?