Any Local Ghost Stories worth sharing?

Worked at a state agency years ago. A lady who did art work and cartography had a mirror at her desk facing behind her in case anyone came up behind her. Thing was, your would have had to walk past her to do it. When asked, she had worked late and heard footsteps in the hall (downstairs of a two story building, one side exposed the other in ground) checked an no one there. She went back to work an after a couple of minutes, felt a hand on her shoulder, again no one there. There were a few evenings where I heard some strange noises but figured it was just the building creaking due to temp or humidity. Found out the buildings excavation was on an old prison cemetery. Records room was called The Dungeon.
I was out on the West Coast, tryin' to make a
And things didn't work out, I was down on my luck
Got tired a-roamin' and bummin' around
So I started thumbin' back East, toward my home town.
Made a lot of miles, the first two days
And I figured I'd be home in week, if my luck held out this way
But, the third night I got stranded, way out of town
At a cold, lonely crossroads, rain was pourin' down.
I was hungry and freezin', done caught a chill
When the lights of a big semi topped the hill Lord, I sure was glad to hear them air brakes come on
And I climbed in that cab, where I knew it'd be warm.
At the wheel sit a big man, he weighed about two-ten
He stuck out his hand and said with a grin
"Big Joe's the name", I told him mine
And he said: "The name of my rig is Phantom 309."
I asked him why he called his rig such a name
He said: "Son, this old Mack can put 'em all to shame
There ain't a driver, or a rig, a-runnin' any line
Ain't seen nothin' but taillights from Phantom 309."
Well, we rode and talked the better part of the night
When the lights of a truck stop came in sight
He said: "I'm sorry son, this is as far as you go
'Cause, I gotta make a turn, just on up the road."
Well, he tossed me a dime as he pulled her in low
And said: "Have yourself a cup on old Big Joe."
When Joe and his rig roared out in the night
In nothin' flat, he was clean out of sight.
Well, I went inside and ordered me a cup
Told the waiter Big Joe was settin' me up
Aw!, you coulda heard a pin drop, it got deathly quiet
And the waiter's face turned kinda white.
Well, did I say something wrong? I said with a halfway grin
He said: "Naw, this happens every now and then
Ever' driver in here knows Big Joe
But son, let me tell you what happened about ten years ago.
At the crossroads tonight, where you flagged him down
There was a bus load of kids, comin' from town
And they were right in the middle, when Big Joe topped the hill
It could have been slaughter, but he turned his wheel.
Well, Joe lost control, went into a skid A
nd gave his life to save that bunch-a kids
And there at that crossroads, was the end of the line
For Big Joe and Phantom 309
But, every now and then, some hiker'll come by
And like you, Big Joe'll give 'em a ride
Here, have another cup and forget about the dime
Keep it as a souvenir, from Big Joe and Phantom 309!"
Prickly Bay, Grenada 1991
I have had 4 “encounters “, but this one was with more than one witness.
my wife and I were at a local bar and met a young man from Trinidad that was working in Grenada for a couple of months. He was renting a house overlooking the bay and invited us to come up and enjoy the sunset view and have a beer. When we arrived we saw it was an old plantation house that back in the day was on a large sugar plantation. He showed us a small basement area that was the “dungeon “ for the slaves with the iron rings on the walls and the shackles on the floor. Then we went to the porch for a beer and enjoy the sunset ive4 the bay. Maybe 15 minutes later, with the hair on our arms staring up, we looked at each other like, WTH? Then over our right shoulder we see a woman, head to toe, in an old style gown from neck to floor, her hair was up in a bun. She was floating, coming through the window. Floating across the room, through the door leading to the hallway, she turned right and then we heard a door slam loudly to one of the bedrooms. We jumped up and ran to the hallway to see where she went but after checking the three bedrooms she was gone. cool experience! 😉
Of the four encounters I’ve experienced there has never been one nefarious.
I've had a few, but this was the first and most vivid experience. In the late 80's, my Dad was into real estate. I worked for him and a job at McDonalds while I was in high school. Well, he sold our house, and while we were working on the new place, he bought this old vacant house in the middle of town to live in while we finished ours. It was built around 1880 or so in LeClaire IA. Story was it was a riverboat captain's home, as back then there were pilots that only navigated the rapids in that part of the Mississippi. Pretty fancy house for that time period, lots of windows and gingerbread, solid oak doors, big trim. Pretty high level of craftsmanship went into this home.
I just got a creepy feeling the entire time we were there. The first night we stayed there-there was a constant banging on my wall. All night long. I went downstairs, asked my parents if they could hear anything-they hadn't heard anything. Next night-same thing. Went on for about 4-5 days until I hung a cross that was given to me on my Confirmation on the wall over my bed. The knocking stopped. There was a room in the upstairs that for some reason was not finished. Not an attic, but like a 3rd bedroom. I swear that room was 20 degrees colder than the rest of the house. The basement of this house was a dug-out dirt floor with a stone foundation. In the basement was a door that lead to a path that went under the kitchen. The backside of that door was covered in mud covered prints-like someone was trying to claw their way through the door. Just so odd.
Fast forward to October 17, 1989. I'm 17, just worked my shift at McDonald's, got home and cleaned up. I was supposed to head up to the new house to work that night, but was taking a break-thought I would watch the World Series. Just as the game was coming on, the TV goes black-they had that massive earthquake. It was weird, the house went completely silent. I looked over, and there floating above the dining room table, was a headless figure wearing a dress. It was a black dress, with a white overlay, like an old time apron. It hung there in the air for what seemed like an eternity. Of course, the only way out of the house was through that room. There was nothing I could do. I hated that house. Doing reaseach on the house, I found that the riverboat captain's daughter had commited suicide in the early 1900's by hanging herself on the property. Weird stuff just kept happening while we lived there. I would have stuff happen to my car like both motor mounts broke. Every time I turned left, the carb linkage would bind and it would go WOT. It wasn't like I had a tourque monster of a car, it was a 66 Fairlane with a 289. I had to fix that in January in Iowa with no garage, below freezing with a windchill. I would work 20 minutes and go in to warm up. That sucked.
After we finished our new house and finally moved, my Dad was showing it to a prospective buyer. She immediately asked him if anyone had any experiences in the house. Dad told her that I had, and I wasn't comfortable there. She said that she felt something too.
Years later, my parents told me they heard things too, but didn't want to tell me.
Since then, I've feelings of a presence, but no interactions like that one.
Man. I was trying to sleep last night but I couldn't. I just had a feeling the vail between the world of the living and dead was paper thin in my house last night. I kept waking up with this Erie feeling. And I kept hearing this clinking and whirring. All night I would wake up and hear it. Clink whir clink whir clink whir. I was to afraid to investigate until day light. I just laid in bed listening all night hearing the disembodied sounds of a spooky spectral. When I got up this morning to investigate I began checking every room in the house. Nothing was amiss until I finally made it to the garage. Casper must be a member here. Because he trimmed all brass last night. I hope he used the correct WFT. Because the one in the drill isn't the same as the cases that are trimmed. 💩
I was just there last night.

For real? I been there several times. Its all theater and invented paid for by our tax dollars to hide some stuff they were doing there in the 90's. I had 2 different experiences there, wild if you didnt know what they were doing. Since the circus TV show took over its pretty much pointless to go there and its so dumb now. There is nothing at the ranch and never was.. we were all played.
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The Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum here in WV is pretty well known for being haunted as !@#$
I live 15 minutes from the old "Eastern State Hospital" here in NE Oklahoma. Actually worked as a machinist at a place just down the street from it for several years. Sometimes when I worked 3-11 I would take the back roads home and drive by it.

Not a nice looking place at midnight. Lol.

During my electrical apprenticeship I was told that at some point in the past the hospital had new feeders pulled in to the buildings... It had a central physical plant with underground service tunnels that went to all the different buildings. Supposedly, it was decided that it would cost too much to remove the old 500 kcmil feeders from the tunnels... So they just laid them on the floors shoved against the bases of the walls.

Thousands of feet of large diameter copper feeders just laying there...

Don't know if it's true though. I wouldn't set foot on the place to investigate the story. Lol.

I live 15 minutes from the old "Eastern State Hospital" here in NE Oklahoma. Actually worked as a machinist at a place just down the street from it for several years. Sometimes when I worked 3-11 I would take the back roads home and drive by it.

Not a nice looking place at midnight. Lol.

During my electrical apprenticeship I was told that at some point in the past the hospital had new feeders pulled in to the buildings... It had a central physical plant with underground service tunnels that went to all the different buildings. Supposedly, it was decided that it would cost too much to remove the old 500 kcmil feeders from the tunnels... So they just laid them on the floors shoved against the bases of the walls.

Thousands of feet of large diameter copper feeders just laying there...

Don't know if it's true though. I wouldn't set foot on the place to investigate the story. Lol.

Have you ever investigted the spook light at Miami? I was going to college there and for whatever reason I never made it.
There is another abandoned hospital in the northeast side of Enid. It is huge.
Another very interesting campus is the old Chiloco Indian School north of Newkirk. It was a Narconon treatment center. It was funded by Church of Scientology. Very scary rumors going around. I was told of child sacrafices. This day and age I might believe it. The last I heard was top secret government agencies doing military stuff. If anywhere was spooky, I can't imagine Chiloco isn't.

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Have you ever investigted the spook light at Miami? I was going to college there and for whatever reason I never made it.
There is another abandoned hospital in the northeast side of Enid. It is huge.
Another very interesting campus is the old Chiloco Indian School north of Newkirk. It was a Narconon treatment center. It was funded by Church of Scientology. Very scary rumors going around. I was told of child sacrafices. This day and age I might believe it. The last I heard was top secret government agencies doing military stuff. If anywhere was spooky, I can't imagine Chiloco isn't.

Went to see the Spook Light several times... I first learned of it as the Hornet Spook Light. Which derives its name from the little township on the Missouri side. But if you go up past Miami around the Peoria area it all takes you to the same place... Just different sides of the state line.

Yes, I went several times. And yes, I saw... Something. Now remember, we're talking mid 90's, so about 30 years ago.

It wasn't exactly a life-changing experience. What we saw always stayed quite a distance away.

Went up there with a buddy of mine (and a couple girls) a few times. We saw a light down the road and my buddy decided to chase it. So we took off down the road after it. It moved down the road ahead of us and disappeared. So we stopped. And tried to figure out what to do next... I was in the backseat with my date and happened to look out the back window... And it was behind us. Like back where we were when we decided to chase it. We never got close to it... Or rather, it never came close to us.

What I saw looked the way a set of tail lights will look at a distance... The way 2 tail lights look like just one from afar. But it would... What's the word I'm looking for? Bounce? Tremble? But honestly that could be a trick of the eyes. Like when you try to focus on a distant light in the dark and it tends to bob about in your field of vision.

I had always been told it looked like a porch light viewed from a distance... And I guess that works too. It did seem to change colors a bit. But again, trick of the eyes? Like a twinkling star appears to change shades.

I talked to other people who supposedly saw it too and heard all the wild stories... How it would float right up to their car and burn a pinhole in the paint on the hood... And seems I heard one story where it came in the car with a group of people... Just floated right through the windshield... Stuff like that. Believe those stories at your own risk.

Last I had heard the county started patrolling the area and running people off if they caught them parked there. And I can assure you it was a good place to park if you had a girl with you... I think it just got to the point that teenagers were going out there to drink and party and other "recreational" activities and residents in the area complained... So the law started running people off.

Might have to see if the wife wants to go park on a back road tonight... We both have cell phones with cameras... Something none of us had back in the day.

As for abandoned insane asylums and state institutions... I plan to avoid those. Why push my luck? Lol

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There's a fort in St Augustine, FL that I've been to several times. Once or twice while I lived there and at least once while visiting my wife's family. We took our kids when they were young there during that visit. Since I had already been there, I was aware of room within a room that they once placed an officer and his Indian lover in and then walled up the entrance and left them to die of starvation/dehydration. One would think this room would be haunted. I recall going in it the first visit and being weary but it was no big deal other than having to bend over quite a bit to get in. When we took our kids we entered through the only entrance to get into the fort and I generally always go right when entering a structure and proceed in that direction to continue the entire process. At this fort the first room to the immediate right was the "soldier's room"

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It's and out a back room meaning there's only one entrance and you go in, explore the couple of rooms and leave the same way you came in. My wife and kids declined to go in. Not sure why but mostly probably not interested. I went in alone. There were probably a couple of people in there too just looking around. It's not much except some rooms and some barracks. But I got weirded out and needed to leave almost as soon as entering. Didn't think much of it and continued to explore the fort including the "death" room without incident.

After returning home to Colorado, a couple weeks or months passed and I was watching the Travel Channel and they had a ghost show on and this fort was included. The had some psychics explore the fort and they stated that the only "haunted" room was the "soldier room". They stated it was likely because this is where soldiers would be kept if sick or wounded and many likely died here.

That fort doesn’t exist

It’s a myth

Stay away

The whole fort is haunted. They do haunted tours at night of that and the old cemetery and stuff. Big tourist trap.
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That fort doesn’t exist

It’s a myth

Stay away

The whole fort is haunted. They do haunted tours at night of that and the old cemetery and stuff. Big tourist trap.
My sister came up with a book of weird tales and ghost stories when we were kids. I want to say it was one of those books you ordered from the little deals they used to have at schools.

Anyway, there was a tale about a Spanish fort (maybe in Florida) and there was a certain outpost that none of the soldiers liked to stand watch in. Kind of an isolated cupola that made them all uneasy.

I don't remember all the details but one of the soldiers was standing watch in that position during the night... At some point in the night the other soldiers heard him screaming and could see a bright light shining through the viewing slots in the stone.

Of course everyone else on watch came running and when they got there... The soldier was gone. The little room was smoky and smelled of sulfur and there was soot on the walls.

I can't remember if the story was supposed to be true or just a good read... But the posts about the Spanish fort made me think of that story.

Not sure if this qualifies as a ghost story

In the Spring of 1997, I had a dream where my mother came to me and said “GoodBy.” (She was living in Arizona at the time, we were in Louisiana.

Late one evening after pulling water ski practice for our son and his friend We went out on the main lake and checked out the Hale-Boop comet.

Comets are foretellers of death according to legend.

After putting the MasterCraft away, I got a call from my sister. My mother had a stroke at the very time we were on the lake observing the comet.

She never regained consciousness.
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The Crossett Light

Appearance: White, blue, red, or greenish ball of light that hovers several feet above the ground, sometimes swinging back and forth. Size varies from two feet across to man-sized. May approach the observer and reappear behind him. May also display avoidant behavior. May hover over vehicle hoods or travel through the vehicle, or shoot up into the trees.


  1. The light is said to be that of a railroad worker who was decapitated in an accident.
  2. A second story claims the light is the headlight of a train that was derailed, killing passengers.
Additional notes: This light has been active since the 1950s.


The Crossett light is a ghost light that appears in Crossett, Arkansas. Like many other spooklights, it is associated with railroad tracks and a legend of a person killed by the train, swinging his lantern and looking for his missing head. The actual tracks no longer exist in the location, but the stories and sightings persist.

Witnesses describe a white, blue, red, or greenish ball of light that hovers several feet above the ground, sometimes swinging back and forth in the air like a lantern. Its size varies from a couple feet across to “man-sized,” according to reports. This light may approach the observer and reappear behind them, but it may also display avoidant behavior and keep a certain distance when approached. Both behaviors have been described. Some observers have reported the light to hover over the hoods of their cars or even travel through or into the vehicle. It may also shoot up into the trees or into the woods on either side of the road.

Compared to some other, more obscure ghost lights, the Crossett light is well-attested online. Recent sightings seem more scarce, but I did find several from the 2010s. It does appear that subsequent to the tracks being taken up in the 1980s, the viewing point for the light changed. Therefore, the details of stories from the 1950s to the 1980s may not match up with current locations and other particulars. This change would also explain the decrease in modern sightings. Most of the firsthand accounts I received from readers of my website concerned older encounters.

I’ve been to Crossett looking for the light, However, I was never successful in seeing. The story we always heard was of the decapitated brakeman, using the light to look for his head.
Many, many years ago, when I was 21, I hitchhiked through Mexico for 4.5 months. Started in California, travelled to Cozumel and then back. Usually I was by myself, but occasionally would meet someone and travel with them for a week or so. At one point I was in the Yucatan and met up with an English guy who had backpacked around the world. He told me some wild stories about Afghanistan.

He stated he was going to the Ruins of Palenque, and suggested I come. Once off the main road, we were on a gravel road for 5-6 miles. Eventually made it to the ruins. Checked them out for several hours, but only 1% has been excavated. This is one of the places where human sacrifices were done. About 4 PM, the 5 -6 tourist buses left, and it was only the two of us plus silence. We had planned on camping close to the gravel parking lot.

We were about 50 yards away from one of the temples, and I could "see" some indigenous persons milling around about, talking to each other. There were probably 150 of them total, then 5 of them came close to us, with the center person's arms outstretched saying "Get out of here, get out of here". It was like a watermark, maybe 25% transparent. These five persons were about 15' off the ground, and only 30' away. I peered into the jungle behind the temple, and it was totally quiet. No movement, no leaves rustling, and no bird sounds. But I could see them clearly. I looked at the other guy and suggested we camp somewhere else. He answered Yes! We walked about 1/4 mile away, on a dirt road, found a place to sleep. There were no more apparitions, and everything was calm. We never spoke about it.

My take on it is that these were local Indians who offered themselves to be sacrificed, but ended up in some sort of in-between state. They were cognizant that they made a mistake by offering or agreeing to be sacrificed, and were trapped there for all time. The experience was a real as could be. The image below is from Google maps. We were standing approximately where the X is, facing SSW. We moved off to the west to camp for the night. Parking lot location appears to have moved.

I have read a couple of recent accounts of persons who had committed suicide, but were brought back to live in the ER. One woman commented that she was in a location where various individuals were just floating around, somberly contemplating their life's bad decision. When the ER brought the woman back to life, she realized she had no reason to kill herself, and was very lucky to have a husband and two children who loved her. The place the woman described was similar to where the central American Indians appeared to be stuck.
1 Palenque.jpg
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Many, many years ago, when I was 21, I hitchhiked through Mexico for 4.5 months. Started in California, travelled to Cozumel and then back. Usually I was by myself, but occasionally would meet someone and travel with them for a week or so. At one point I was in the Yucatan and met up with an English guy who had backpacked around the world. He told me some wild stories about Afghanistan.

He stated he was going to the Ruins of Palenque, and suggested I come. Once off the main road, we were on a gravel road for 5-6 miles. Eventually made it to the ruins. Checked them out for several hours, but only 1% has been excavated. This is one of the places where human sacrifices were done. About 4 PM, the 5 -6 tourist buses left, and it was only the two of us plus silence. We had planned on camping close to the gravel parking lot.

We were about 50 yards away from one of the temples, and I could "see" some indigenous persons milling around about, talking to each other. There were probably 150 of them total, then 5 of them came close to us, with the center person's arms outstretched saying "Get out of here, get out of here". It was like a watermark, maybe 25% transparent. These five persons were about 15' off the ground, and only 30' away. I peered into the jungle behind the temple, and it was totally quiet. No movement, no leaves rustling, and no bird sounds. But I could see them clearly. I looked at the other guy and suggested we camp somewhere else. He answered Yes! We walked about 1/4 mile away, on a dirt road, found a place to sleep. There were no more apparitions, and everything was calm. We never spoke about it.

My take on it is that these were local Indians who offered themselves to be sacrificed, but ended up in some sort of in-between state. They were cognizant that they made a mistake by offering or agreeing to be sacrificed, and were trapped there for all time. The experience was a real as could be. The image below is from Google maps. We were standing approximately where the X is, facing SSW. We moved off to the west to camp for the night. Parking lot location appears to have moved.

I have read a couple of recent accounts of persons who had committed suicide, but were brought back to live in the ER. One woman commented that she was in a location where various individuals were just floating around, somberly contemplating their life's bad decision. When the ER brought the woman back to life, she realized she had no reason to kill herself, and was very lucky to have a husband and two children who loved her. The place the woman described was similar to where the central American Indians appeared to be stuck.
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Peyote is a strong drug indeed!
I'll be the first to say that I don't believe in least ghosts of dead people.

I believed in inter-dimensional beings (demons) more so that ghosts.The Bible forbids of necromancy so I don't "go" there (albeit intrigued by stories)but some things have changed after loved ones passed that has jacked with my prior beliefs on this topic - could still be demons I suppose faking it.

I do know there is evil in this world, and occult power is very strong.
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I notice some commonality with a few of the local locations mentioned being state hospitals and we've got a few fairly well known in these parts but suspect that their infamy is largely localized but also mirrored across the country from similar facilities. Among the more famous of locations with a haunted reputation is the Pennhurst State School and Hospital (commonly called the Pennhurst Asylum) located not to far west of Philadelphia.

From what I know of the compound- it was originally opened in 1908 and called "The Eastern Pennsylvania Institution for the Feeble Minded and Epileptic" officially. It essentially existed to house those that were considered mentally unfit for society at the time (as many other facilities were built for). Long and short of it was the condition in which the state run facility treated its tenants was unconscionable and went on up until its closure in the mid 1980's. The conditions were so egregious that it's now part of the 'international site of conscience'. The reason it was closed in the 1980's was due in part to investigative journalists that published these conditions and it became known as the "Shame of Pennsylvania". The campus still exists today and has since been purchased by a company that runs annual Halloween haunted attractions and paranormal investigations.



I imagine it's replicated across the nation but these type of facilities were quite an impressive project at the time of their conception. The closest analogy I can come up with is to picture an older college campus and that's what these now abandoned locations resemble and throw in the neglect of maintaining those buildings. Imagine an entire section of brick buildings styled in what I'd refer to as 'American Gothic' and built with the intention of being entirely self-sustaining. So you you have the office buildings, the dormitories, the dinning buildings, etc. Where the differences show up is that these locations also contain large morgues, large cemeteries that are also poorly maintained with grave markers known only to us now as numbers, and at times crematories. Abandon those locations for a couple of decades given their history and stories contained behind their fences, it's no surprise that the paranormal stories abound.

Another location of similar pedigree/history but slightly less infamous is the Harrisburg Hospital. Similar construction of the campus with similar stories (albeit not as prevalent as Pennhurst). One thing that I'm not certain is replicated in other states but here, one of the other unique features of these campuses is that there's an entire subterranean network of tunnels connecting these buildings (of course almost all leading to the morgue) but dating back to 1851. Most of that facility is still around but has been scheduled to be demolished moving forward.

Some 'fun' facts with the Harrisburg Hospital is that if you ever caught the 1999 film "Girl, Interrupted" the psych ward portions of that movie were filmed at the Harrisburg Hospital. Also, if you ever heard about the "Great American Outdoor Show" held in Harrisburg, PA (essentially the SHOT Show East that's held a couple weeks afterwards) the Harrisburg Hospital I'm discussing is just a couple of blocks above the Farm Show building and you'd likely drive past it if you use the shuttle service from their parking lots.

I hope that's of some interest to our members. I wasn't expecting all of the personal experiences that were shared but have found the stories that were posted to be fascinating personally. I myself haven't had any personal paranormal experiences to share along the same lines other than seeing dogs/cats/babies looking into the void in a room with no explanation as to what they were looking at/amused with but by all means keep the stories coming.

The Crossett Light

Appearance: White, blue, red, or greenish ball of light that hovers several feet above the ground, sometimes swinging back and forth. Size varies from two feet across to man-sized. May approach the observer and reappear behind him. May also display avoidant behavior. May hover over vehicle hoods or travel through the vehicle, or shoot up into the trees.


  1. The light is said to be that of a railroad worker who was decapitated in an accident.
  2. A second story claims the light is the headlight of a train that was derailed, killing passengers.
Additional notes: This light has been active since the 1950s.


The Crossett light is a ghost light that appears in Crossett, Arkansas. Like many other spooklights, it is associated with railroad tracks and a legend of a person killed by the train, swinging his lantern and looking for his missing head. The actual tracks no longer exist in the location, but the stories and sightings persist.

Witnesses describe a white, blue, red, or greenish ball of light that hovers several feet above the ground, sometimes swinging back and forth in the air like a lantern. Its size varies from a couple feet across to “man-sized,” according to reports. This light may approach the observer and reappear behind them, but it may also display avoidant behavior and keep a certain distance when approached. Both behaviors have been described. Some observers have reported the light to hover over the hoods of their cars or even travel through or into the vehicle. It may also shoot up into the trees or into the woods on either side of the road.

Compared to some other, more obscure ghost lights, the Crossett light is well-attested online. Recent sightings seem more scarce, but I did find several from the 2010s. It does appear that subsequent to the tracks being taken up in the 1980s, the viewing point for the light changed. Therefore, the details of stories from the 1950s to the 1980s may not match up with current locations and other particulars. This change would also explain the decrease in modern sightings. Most of the firsthand accounts I received from readers of my website concerned older encounters.

I’ve been to Crossett looking for the light, However, I was never successful in seeing. The story we always heard was of the decapitated brakeman, using the light to look for his head.
There is a deep canyon called Devil's Holler on a ranch we boys hunted on growing up. Sitting around, the local old timers who grew up in the area would ask if we boys had ever seen the lantern light that mysteriously appeared and dissapeared in the canyon, that was said to be a devil. We always respectfully answered no and wrote it off as the Pearl beer talking.

But later, further down where the canyon ran into Barton Creek we definately saw a round ball of light one night, bouncing silently toward us along the far bank of the flowing creek. We at first thought it was a man carrying a lantern and we were more curious than anything until it went out, only to reappear on our side of the creek.

We took off at a fast pace, looking back and asking "What was that?" only to turn around to see the light about forty feet in front of us. We literally, four of us, tore buttons off and ripped each others shirts trying to get traction to get away from it. We never figured out what it was.

That was one time. Another time while 'coon hunting along the same stretch of creek, a ball of phosperous white light appeared overhead, came down tree top height and remained there motionless and completely silent as if studying us before rising straight up and disappearing.
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So my hunt club is about 30 miles west of Georgetown South Carolina near a little town called Nesmith we have about 3500 acers it's a pretty rural area. There is a two-lane paved road that runs between Georgetown and Kingstree, SC you turn off that road onto a dirt road to get to our property and a little house we use for a "club house" which is about a mile down the dirt road after you turn off the paved road. The dirt road is considered a public road, but nobody really uses it except the guys going to and from our hunting property. (Getting to the ghost story but had to set the scene up)

Ok so one evening my friend was coming down the dirt road from the paved road toward the club house and about halfway to the club house he comes up on this person wearing a black trench looking coat pushing a bicycle down the dirt road going toward the club house. He thought it seemed really odd, so he pulls up next to the person and ask, "hey is everything ok are you lost?" He said when the person turned to him, she turned out to be this pretty younger looking girl about in her early twenties, but she was dressed and looked like a person from the 1950s even the bicycle he said looked like it was from that time. She said to him in a very mellow slow tone "Is this the way to Georgetown?" He said, "no you need to turn around go back to the paved road take a right, and it's about 30 miles" She says, "Oh I always do that" he said then she turns around and heads back the other way.

So, he pulled away but stopped and took a pic with his phone from behind then headed to the club house. When he got to the clubhouse he couldn't quit thinking about the strange encounter so he got back in his truck to see if he could find her again (this is only about 5-10 minutes later she couldn't have gone too far pushing a bicycle) She was nowhere to be seen he said he drove every which way she could have gone and she was nowhere even if she had gotten on the bike and started peddling she couldn't have gotten to far down the road after only 5-10 minutes.

He sent me the pic he took from his phone I will post it on the bottom.


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I dare all of you guys with thermal optics to go to a cemetery some moonless night and scan the resting place of the dearly departed. Get back to us with a report. Video helps.
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I notice some commonality with a few of the local locations mentioned being state hospitals and we've got a few fairly well known in these parts but suspect that their infamy is largely localized but also mirrored across the country from similar facilities. Among the more famous of locations with a haunted reputation is the Pennhurst State School and Hospital (commonly called the Pennhurst Asylum) located not to far west of Philadelphia.

From what I know of the compound- it was originally opened in 1908 and called "The Eastern Pennsylvania Institution for the Feeble Minded and Epileptic" officially. It essentially existed to house those that were considered mentally unfit for society at the time (as many other facilities were built for). Long and short of it was the condition in which the state run facility treated its tenants was unconscionable and went on up until its closure in the mid 1980's. The conditions were so egregious that it's now part of the 'international site of conscience'. The reason it was closed in the 1980's was due in part to investigative journalists that published these conditions and it became known as the "Shame of Pennsylvania". The campus still exists today and has since been purchased by a company that runs annual Halloween haunted attractions and paranormal investigations.

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I imagine it's replicated across the nation but these type of facilities were quite an impressive project at the time of their conception. The closest analogy I can come up with is to picture an older college campus and that's what these now abandoned locations resemble and throw in the neglect of maintaining those buildings. Imagine an entire section of brick buildings styled in what I'd refer to as 'American Gothic' and built with the intention of being entirely self-sustaining. So you you have the office buildings, the dormitories, the dinning buildings, etc. Where the differences show up is that these locations also contain large morgues, large cemeteries that are also poorly maintained with grave markers known only to us now as numbers, and at times crematories. Abandon those locations for a couple of decades given their history and stories contained behind their fences, it's no surprise that the paranormal stories abound.

Another location of similar pedigree/history but slightly less infamous is the Harrisburg Hospital. Similar construction of the campus with similar stories (albeit not as prevalent as Pennhurst). One thing that I'm not certain is replicated in other states but here, one of the other unique features of these campuses is that there's an entire subterranean network of tunnels connecting these buildings (of course almost all leading to the morgue) but dating back to 1851. Most of that facility is still around but has been scheduled to be demolished moving forward.

Some 'fun' facts with the Harrisburg Hospital is that if you ever caught the 1999 film "Girl, Interrupted" the psych ward portions of that movie were filmed at the Harrisburg Hospital. Also, if you ever heard about the "Great American Outdoor Show" held in Harrisburg, PA (essentially the SHOT Show East that's held a couple weeks afterwards) the Harrisburg Hospital I'm discussing is just a couple of blocks above the Farm Show building and you'd likely drive past it if you use the shuttle service from their parking lots.

I hope that's of some interest to our members. I wasn't expecting all of the personal experiences that were shared but have found the stories that were posted to be fascinating personally. I myself haven't had any personal paranormal experiences to share along the same lines other than seeing dogs/cats/babies looking into the void in a room with no explanation as to what they were looking at/amused with but by all means keep the stories coming.

Go back to the loony bin
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Legit ghosts are evil spirits. There is not one behind every bush but they do exist partially in this dimension.

I do believe they can shape shift beyond the normal appearance in which they were created. I was allowed to see one. I say allowed because it seemed surprised that I was able to see it. After it caught my eye it lumbered over in front of me standing there and learned down to get a better look into my eyes.

A 8 or 9 foot tall apparition of a Minotaur. Had a hulking man’s upper body with the natural looking, albeit massive, head of a bull.

I played like I didn’t see it and moved on. Turned myself over Jesus Christ within a matter of days after that.

This is a true detail of events.

Many more will be cast out of their domain soon enough. Looking like long lost relatives to convince many that Satan is Jesus returned. And many in Christ will fall for the lie and put their belief in Satan instead of Christ.

It is coming. Please hear this warning.
Legit ghosts are evil spirits. There is not one behind every bush but they do exist partially in this dimension.

I do believe they can shape shift beyond the normal appearance in which they were created. I was allowed to see one. I say allowed because it seemed surprised that I was able to see it. After it caught my eye it lumbered over in front of me standing there and learned down to get a better look into my eyes.

A 8 or 9 foot tall apparition of a Minotaur. Had a hulking man’s upper body with the natural looking, albeit massive, head of a bull.

I played like I didn’t see it and moved on. Turned myself over Jesus Christ within a matter of days after that.

This is a true detail of events.

Many more will be cast out of their domain soon enough. Looking like long lost relatives to convince many that Satan is Jesus returned. And many in Christ will fall for the lie and put their belief in Satan instead of Christ.

It is coming. Please hear this warning.
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Yep, upon death of the body the spirit immediatly goes back to the dimension it came from before it was born into this world. There is no wandering back and forth. Except for those evil spirits that were never born naturally of a woman’s waters into this world and are already judged for eventual destruction.

Could you imagine the mind mess that would be if every Tom , Dick, and Harry that ever existed could move back and forth between dimensions?

God has good watchers/angels here also, but they are highly disciplined beyond comprehension and I suspect will not reveal their presence unless it serves God’s larger plan.
The Crossett Light

Appearance: White, blue, red, or greenish ball of light that hovers several feet above the ground, sometimes swinging back and forth. Size varies from two feet across to man-sized. May approach the observer and reappear behind him. May also display avoidant behavior. May hover over vehicle hoods or travel through the vehicle, or shoot up into the trees.


  1. The light is said to be that of a railroad worker who was decapitated in an accident.
  2. A second story claims the light is the headlight of a train that was derailed, killing passengers.
Additional notes: This light has been active since the 1950s.


The Crossett light is a ghost light that appears in Crossett, Arkansas. Like many other spooklights, it is associated with railroad tracks and a legend of a person killed by the train, swinging his lantern and looking for his missing head. The actual tracks no longer exist in the location, but the stories and sightings persist.

Witnesses describe a white, blue, red, or greenish ball of light that hovers several feet above the ground, sometimes swinging back and forth in the air like a lantern. Its size varies from a couple feet across to “man-sized,” according to reports. This light may approach the observer and reappear behind them, but it may also display avoidant behavior and keep a certain distance when approached. Both behaviors have been described. Some observers have reported the light to hover over the hoods of their cars or even travel through or into the vehicle. It may also shoot up into the trees or into the woods on either side of the road.

Compared to some other, more obscure ghost lights, the Crossett light is well-attested online. Recent sightings seem more scarce, but I did find several from the 2010s. It does appear that subsequent to the tracks being taken up in the 1980s, the viewing point for the light changed. Therefore, the details of stories from the 1950s to the 1980s may not match up with current locations and other particulars. This change would also explain the decrease in modern sightings. Most of the firsthand accounts I received from readers of my website concerned older encounters.

I’ve been to Crossett looking for the light, However, I was never successful in seeing. The story we always heard was of the decapitated brakeman, using the light to look for his head.
Saw the Crossett light a few times in the mid 70s while in college. A couple of us started down the tracks to try to get closer. We made it a couple of hundred feet when the rest of the group complained of a sudden gust of cold air and wanted to leave. Went back a couple of times with newer students.
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In all seriousness, I’d be interested in hearing that theory of yours.
More of a hunch/assumption/campfire BS topic than a theory. But here goes...

I catch bits and pieces of the Joe Rogan podcast on YT occasionally. He's had a couple of guests that I always enjoy listening to the discussion. The one I really like is Randall Carlson.

Carlson believes the Younger-Dryas was possibly the result of an impact from a comet, maybe more than one event. And that it nearly did the human race in.

The more I thought about what he said the more some things started clicking...

Most advanced ancient cultures were serious about astronomy and the movements of the stars... Why? It never made a lot of sense to me until Carlson talked about his impact theory.

If you survived an event like that wouldn't you pass some suggestions along to your kids and grandkids?

"Hey, keep an eye on the sky. Those bright things with the long tails can jack up your program if they fall down here. Pay attention. Track the movements and keep some kind of records. Maybe we'll have a bit more warning if it looks like it might happen again."

No argument that people back then were superstitious. But there's always a certain percentage of a group who are levelheaded and pragmatic...

So when a comet appeared and bad stuff happened coincidentally some people would attribute it to the comet...

"Star with long tail show up in sky and Blag get trampled by mammoths so star with long tail bring bad luck."

But I guarantee there were plenty of people who were just the opposite... "Blag get trampled by mammoths cause Blag eat too many magic mushrooms and not move fast enough. Blag an idiot, not star with long tail's fault."

But the fact that just about every culture watched and mapped the heavens and noted (with serious dread) the appearance of a comet... Makes me think there was something that made everyone agree that "star with long tail bring bad luck."

And over time we never quit being afraid of comets even though the real reason was lost to the ages. I've even heard speculation that all the different flood narratives are possibly related to it. I had a pretty strict Christian upbringing and I believe the Genesis flood narrative... But the Bible is a bit scant on the details surrounding it... So I suppose it could be possible.

Carlson has SOME evidence that points to his theory having some merit... But there's a lot that disputes it too.

I'm not sure I believe all of my own theory on this. It's more a conversation topic that's fun to turn over and pick apart.

I could talk about all this some more, but I'm tired of typing. Lol

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Legit ghosts are evil spirits. There is not one behind every bush but they do exist partially in this dimension.

I do believe they can shape shift beyond the normal appearance in which they were created. I was allowed to see one. I say allowed because it seemed surprised that I was able to see it. After it caught my eye it lumbered over in front of me standing there and learned down to get a better look into my eyes.

A 8 or 9 foot tall apparition of a Minotaur. Had a hulking man’s upper body with the natural looking, albeit massive, head of a bull.

I played like I didn’t see it and moved on. Turned myself over Jesus Christ within a matter of days after that.

This is a true detail of events.

Many more will be cast out of their domain soon enough. Looking like long lost relatives to convince many that Satan is Jesus returned. And many in Christ will fall for the lie and put their belief in Satan instead of Christ.

It is coming. Please hear this warning.
i absolutely believe in the angels and demons and the daily battle for our souls. too many coincidences to prove otherwise.

i believe that ghosts are either one of 3 things

1 - the most common, demons messing with you to bring you into despair to bring you into hell. after my brother died my dad saw his fav swing moving daily for quite along time. even with no wind. i told dad its the devil trying to make you despair. Aric who was 2 when he died, was most def already in heaven. he isnt on earth troubling you with that.

2-souls of past humans begging for your prayers that must atone for their sins before they can go to heaven. i always laugh when people say you cant pray for the dead or you go straight to heaven if you lived any sort of a sinful life. only clean souls stand before the might throne.. ive had several instances where i have been asked to pray by a ghost and after praying the ghost leaves and is satisfied. and there are tons of references to this. one lady wrote a book and received letters from people asking if loved ones who died are in heaven or not. she usually knew if they were. she also was asked to pray for souls constantly. crazy stuff thats hard to believe until you experience it.

first time it happened to me i was sleeping in the room my wifes grandpa died. i awoke to pipe smoke and he asked me to pray for him. i dropped to my knees and after a long prayer he said thanks and disappeared. the peace i felt was overwhelming. i swear on this experience with my life. has happened several times since.

3-souls of past humans sent to warn you through some singular grace allowed by God for some special reason. most rare but makes perfect sense also if you are lucky enough for example to have people praying for your behalf.

Life. Death. Heaven. Hell. Be warned they are very real.

I live right off this road.

The David Wolpert House: Dissecting A Riverdale Road Ghost Story​

In recent years, Riverdale Road—an 11-mile-long thoroughfare connecting Thornton to Brighton—has become the subject of many blogs, YouTube videos and even local TV news segments on the paranormal.

Riverdale Road's reputation as "the most haunted road in the country" comes from a handful of stories passed down over the years. There's the ghost jogger who taps on the sides of passing cars...the phantom Camaro with one headlight...the hitchhiker in white who disappears into the night.

Perhaps the story that yields the most intrigue involves a mansion owner who went insane and set his home aflame with his family inside. The family perished in the fire...and the man was never seen again.

We decided to look into Riverdale Road's history to see if such a horrific fire had in fact occurred. Our findings led us to the David Wolpert House.


At around 1 a.m. on November 28, 1975, a home located at 9190 Riverdale Road became engulfed in flames. The two-story brick home, believed to have been built in the 1860s, was severely damaged. On December 4th, the Denver Post reported:

No fatalities or injuries were reported as the home had not been inhabited at the time of the fire. According to The Forgotten Past of Adams County, Volume 1, there was good reason for this:


Just a few months prior, in January 1975, Dr. Hugo Rodeck (former director of the University of Colorado Museum from 1939 to 1971) had submitted a National Register of Historic Places nomination form for 9190 Riverdale Road. His application form, preserved by the Colorado Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (OAHP), describes the home's physical appearance and its history, attributing the building to an early Colorado settler named David Wolpert:

A look at William B. Vicker's History of the City of Denver, Arapahoe County, and Colorado reveals that David Wolpert came west from Ohio in 1859. He was lured by gold discoveries in the Rockies and traveled to New Mexico and then Colorado, visiting Pikes Peak, South Park and Fairplay. Wolpert and a party of sixteen men

Wolpert married Catherine Henderson on January 20, 1864. The couple had two daughters, Lucille and Mary, and a son David. David Wolpert, Sr. died on October 21, 1909, at the age of 75, and Catherine died in 1915. The couple is buried in Riverside Cemetery.


What is unclear is how the fire started, and if there were any investigations into its cause. The only newspaper report of the fire on Denver 4, 1975, in the Denver Post does not allude to any suspicion of arson. There were, however, business interests in the 145-acre parcel that the Wolpert House stood on.

On January 25, 1975, a story titled "Drive To Save Old Home Started" in the Rocky Mountain News revealed just why Dr. Hugo Rodeck and wife Orian Sallie Lewis Rodeck had been working so hard on behalf of the Adams County Historical Society to preserve 9190 Riverdale Road:

Instead, the area where the Wolpert House once stood is now the site of the Pelican Ponds Open Space.

One of Riverdale Road's favorite spooky tales can probably be attributed to the 1975 David Wolpert House fire. After all, a historic brick mansion in the country devastated by a mysterious fire in the middle of the night has all of the makings of a perfect ghost story.

As for the other chilling Riverdale Road stories? The story of their origins awaits your research!

More stories about Riverdale Rd.

MY last house backed up to riverdale rd. when in high school i drove that rd to my brothers house every morning. very creepy rd.

my great great garndpa died on that road in 1901 when his hay wagon flipped on him. plenty of stories growing up.

Stanley hotel in Colorado. Definitely real deal. Have been a few times got married out there. After wedding just started getting to sleep and door opened up as I rolled over to look door closed. Same night as I was "sleeping " I could hear kids running up and down hallways stomping feet laughing and carrying on. In my brain is saying "who the fuck let's their kids act like this at 230 am. Then I realize no kids there. Nice. I love that place.
I hear st augustine light house is haunted along with myrtles plantation

spent the night there and did the ghost tour. very cool place. nvr saw anything myself. tons of stories of kids running around tho.
More of a hunch/assumption/campfire BS topic than a theory. But here goes...

I catch bits and pieces of the Joe Rogan podcast on YT occasionally. He's had a couple of guests that I always enjoy listening to the discussion. The one I really like is Randall Carlson.

Carlson believes the Younger-Dryas was possibly the result of an impact from a comet, maybe more than one event. And that it nearly did the human race in.

The more I thought about what he said the more some things started clicking...

Most advanced ancient cultures were serious about astronomy and the movements of the stars... Why? It never made a lot of sense to me until Carlson talked about his impact theory.

If you survived an event like that wouldn't you pass some suggestions along to your kids and grandkids?

"Hey, keep an eye on the sky. Those bright things with the long tails can jack up your program if they fall down here. Pay attention. Track the movements and keep some kind of records. Maybe we'll have a bit more warning if it looks like it might happen again."

No argument that people back then were superstitious. But there's always a certain percentage of a group who are levelheaded and pragmatic...

So when a comet appeared and bad stuff happened coincidentally some people would attribute it to the comet...

"Star with long tail show up in sky and Blag get trampled by mammoths so star with long tail bring bad luck."

But I guarantee there were plenty of people who were just the opposite... "Blag get trampled by mammoths cause Blag eat too many magic mushrooms and not move fast enough. Blag an idiot, not star with long tail's fault."

But the fact that just about every culture watched and mapped the heavens and noted (with serious dread) the appearance of a comet... Makes me think there was something that made everyone agree that "star with long tail bring bad luck."

And over time we never quit being afraid of comets even though the real reason was lost to the ages. I've even heard speculation that all the different flood narratives are possibly related to it. I had a pretty strict Christian upbringing and I believe the Genesis flood narrative... But the Bible is a bit scant on the details surrounding it... So I suppose it could be possible.

Carlson has SOME evidence that points to his theory having some merit... But there's a lot that disputes it too.

I'm not sure I believe all of my own theory on this. It's more a conversation topic that's fun to turn over and pick apart.

I could talk about all this some more, but I'm tired of typing. Lol

I agree with that. Even if they only saw a small object hit it would be enough to create that dread they had over comets & similar.
Galatas barracks at Waiouru Army Camp in New Zealand, where I did my basic training in 1986 were supposedly haunted by two different ghosts.

One was in the ablution block and was the typical 'appears behind you in the mirror' ghost of a suicide. All just second or third hand stories and nobody ever claimed to have seen it themselves.
One of the guys in my platoon, Brett, simply refused to go into the ablutions alone after dark. Often going to another platoon's barracks for a piss at night.
(He was the same guy who thought a dead person from a railway crash 30 odd years before, was trying to grab and drown him, when we did river crossings below the bridge the train went off, killing 150 in 1953.)

The other ghost was supposedly that of Cadet Grant Bain, shot in the head with an M16 by another soldier, Andrew Reid, in the barracks in 1981.

When I was there, the end of the barracks where the shooting happened wasn't used for recruit accommodation. Although it was used for storage and lecture rooms. One of the corporals from another platoon's training staff lived in a small room next to the room Grant Bain was killed in.
Our platoon was in the rooms at the other end of the block, with a long corridor between and the ablutions and laundry off the corridor.

One morning I went down to the other end of the block to get a broom or something. For some reason I was the only one from my platoon in the barracks. I went down the long corridor and through the swinging doors into the other end of the barracks.

I came face to face with the Officer Commanding, the 2IC, the School Sergeant Major, the corporal who lived in the room next to the room Bain was shot in, and the catholic padre dressed in his vestments. The padre was sprinkling holy water around and praying.

I remember thinking 'I'm not supposed to be seeing this. If they wanted me to see it. I'd have been ordered to be here.'

I said that I would come back later and quickly retreated back through the swinging doors.

I found out from one of our own instructors that the corporal who lived in that end of the barracks was claiming that things were moving in his room at night and he could hear tapping sounds going right round the walls of his room.

He apparently used to spend most nights sleeping in the unit duty hut, rather than in his own room, convinced Bain was haunting the room.

There were many other ghost stories about Waiouru Camp, especially the camp theater where the recovered bodies of the train crash victims were brought and laid out for identification in 1953 after the Tangiwai rail disaster.

This painting perfectly captures what it was like waiting for the overnight train at Waiouru Station. Never saw any ghosts myself. (Probably because they don't exist.)


Waiting Graham Braddock
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i absolutely believe in the angels and demons and the daily battle for our souls. too many coincidences to prove otherwise.

i believe that ghosts are either one of 3 things

1 - the most common, demons messing with you to bring you into despair to bring you into hell. after my brother died my dad saw his fav swing moving daily for quite along time. even with no wind. i told dad its the devil trying to make you despair. Aric who was 2 when he died, was most def already in heaven. he isnt on earth troubling you with that.

2-souls of past humans begging for your prayers that must atone for their sins before they can go to heaven. i always laugh when people say you cant pray for the dead or you go straight to heaven if you lived any sort of a sinful life. only clean souls stand before the might throne.. ive had several instances where i have been asked to pray by a ghost and after praying the ghost leaves and is satisfied. and there are tons of references to this. one lady wrote a book and received letters from people asking if loved ones who died are in heaven or not. she usually knew if they were. she also was asked to pray for souls constantly. crazy stuff thats hard to believe until you experience it.

first time it happened to me i was sleeping in the room my wifes grandpa died. i awoke to pipe smoke and he asked me to pray for him. i dropped to my knees and after a long prayer he said thanks and disappeared. the peace i felt was overwhelming. i swear on this experience with my life. has happened several times since.

3-souls of past humans sent to warn you through some singular grace allowed by God for some special reason. most rare but makes perfect sense also if you are lucky enough for example to have people praying for your behalf.

Life. Death. Heaven. Hell. Be warned they are very real.

MY last house backed up to riverdale rd. when in high school i drove that rd to my brothers house every morning. very creepy rd.

my great great garndpa died on that road in 1901 when his hay wagon flipped on him. plenty of stories growing up.

spent the night there and did the ghost tour. very cool place. nvr saw anything myself. tons of stories of kids running around tho.
Very interesting post- I appreciate you sharing your thoughts & experiences. For what it's worth- my condolences to hear about your brother, it sounds like he passed young.

Warm Regards,

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Galatas barracks at Waiouru Army Camp in New Zealand, where I did my basic training in 1986 were supposedly haunted by two different ghosts.

One was in the ablution block and was the typical 'appears behind you in the mirror' ghost of a suicide. All just second or third hand stories and nobody ever claimed to have seen it themselves.
One of the guys in my platoon, Brett, simply refused to go into the ablutions alone after dark. Often going to another platoon's barracks for a piss at night.
(He was the same guy who thought a dead person from a railway crash 30 odd years before, was trying to grab and drown him, when we did river crossings below the bridge the train went off, killing 150 in 1953.)

The other ghost was supposedly that of Cadet Grant Bain, shot in the head with an M16 by another soldier, Andrew Reid, in the barracks in 1981.

When I was there, the end of the barracks where the shooting happened wasn't used for recruit accommodation. Although it was used for storage and lecture rooms. One of the corporals from another platoon's training staff lived in a small room next to the room Grant Bain was killed in.
Our platoon was in the rooms at the other end of the block, with a long corridor between and the ablutions and laundry off the corridor.

One morning I went down to the other end of the block to get a broom or something. For some reason I was the only one from my platoon in the barracks. I went down the long corridor and through the swinging doors into the other end of the barracks.

I came face to face with the Officer Commanding, the 2IC, the School Sergeant Major, the corporal who lived in the room next to the room Bain was shot in, and the catholic padre dressed in his vestments. The padre was sprinkling holy water around and praying.

I remember thinking 'I'm not supposed to be seeing this. If they wanted me to see it. I'd have been ordered to be here.'

I said that I would come back later and quickly retreated back through the swinging doors.

I found out from one of our own instructors that the corporal who lived in that end of the barracks was claiming that things were moving in his room at night and he could hear tapping sounds going right round the walls of his room.

He apparently used to spend most nights sleeping in the unit duty hut, rather than in his own room, convinced Bain was haunting the room.

There were many other ghost stories about Waiouru Camp, especially the camp theater where the recovered bodies of the train crash victims were brought and laid out for identification in 1953 after the Tangiwai rail disaster.

This painting perfectly captures what it was like waiting for the overnight train at Waiouru Station. Never saw any ghosts myself. (Probably because they don't exist.)


Waiting Graham Braddock
Cool, Military ghost stories.

Ever hear of the so called “Crusher” incidents at West Point or Fort Leavenworth’s phantom phone calls and supposedly haunted on post housing?
True. But I can also see the plausibility of what he said WRT comets as well.
Ya, but ignoring all the facts and evidence that dont fit your WAG is not good investigating.

Not to mention its not like you would sit out and watch a comment coming in. In all likley hood for those that could have seen it. I.E were in the area it exploded over. It was a normal day until the sky was on fire. I would think if anything they would have thought it was another sun.

The night sky is magnificent thing away from the city lights.
Ya, but ignoring all the facts and evidence that dont fit your WAG is not good investigating.

Not to mention its not like you would sit out and watch a comment coming in. In all likley hood for those that could have seen it. I.E were in the area it exploded over. It was a normal day until the sky was on fire. I would think if anything they would have thought it was another sun.

The night sky is magnificent thing away from the city lights.
It is indeed magnificent away from the city lights. Especially in southern Utah. And SOME parts of Arizona. Other remote parts of Arizona, such as Santa Cruz county, should be avoided at night no matter how nice the sky looks. And not because of ghosts or comets either.

I visited the Whaley House in Old Town, San Diego about 10 years or so ago. Tourist trap? Most likely but it certainly has an interesting history.


Another one I toured a few years ago- this time in Charleston, SC. An old prison (fully equipped with a 'hanging tree' on the grounds) Sadly I don't think this is available anymore to tour.

The Sallie House in Kansas is one I never visited but seems to get a lot of attention on the themed shows & channels as being one of their 'Top 10' almost universally. What's interesting with this is that it seems universally to not be presented as a 'haunted' location by a 'ghost' but rather an otherwise unassuming house with a 'demonic' presence. Not saying I buy into all of that but still find the stories to be interesting at least. More on this can be found at the link below. If that catches your fancy- there's plenty more websites/videos/etc. on the topic but reckon this is sufficient to see if this would be worth your time in checking out further.

Ghosts in Afganistan,

Not exactly a local ghost story here either but was recently listening to some paranormal stories from US Marines deployed to Afghanistan. If there ever was any merit to the precursor of what makes a location haunted- this story has the juice and even is repeated while the Soviet Union occupied the same space. Details below.

Ghosts in Afganistan,

Not exactly a local ghost story here either but was recently listening to some paranormal stories from US Marines deployed to Afghanistan. If there ever was any merit to the precursor of what makes a location haunted- this story has the juice and even is repeated while the Soviet Union occupied the same space. Details below.



I found this more entertaining:

I found this more entertaining:
I see that you're from the Philly area- have you spent anytime looking into the Eastern State Penitentiary which is in your backyard and the ghost stories attributed to it?