New figures from the FBI show that heavily gun-controlled California led the nation in “active shooter incidents” in 2023.
The FBI “designated 48 shootings as active shooter incidents” in 2023. California was the leading state in the nation, having 8 of the 48 incidents, Fox News reported.
ABC News commented on the FBI findings, noting, “California had the largest number of active shooting incidents with eight. The locations of the shootings were open spaces, places of businesses and education centers.”
Fox News likewise noted, “California – which has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country – led the way with eight incidents.”
Breitbart News reported previous FBI data that showed California led the U.S. in “active shooter incidents” in 2021 as well, with six such incidents.
Ironically, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) consistently lauds the alleged success of gun control in his state while criticizing the loser gun laws in states in other parts of the country, such as Florida.
For example, on May 13, 2023, he tweeted, “It HAS to be the humidity. Why else would California’s gun violence rate be 57% lower than Florida’s?”
However, whereas the FBI data shows California led the nation with eight “active shooter incidents” in 2023, Florida only witnessed two such incidents, or one-fourth what occurred in Newsom’s state.