There is a shit load of Russian speaking Norks , they have been working in Russia since 50's , at least 30-50k at any time ,then there are Norks that live in Russia many ex-officers . Its not just in Russia
Whenever i do some bargain hunting crossing border from Germany into Czech Rebublic i sometimes stop at resident Vietcong or NVA colonel and check ''anything your want , 10 dolla'' store

on the border. When the wall fell , much of the east block still had asian troops in training and suddenly it all fell apart , many remained ,Vietnamese for some reason run the stores on the border with Germany
I don't expect Norks going to war in ukraine beyond role of mercs and advisors on the ground so that Norks get some combat experience , and even with that i am sceptical they would be used beyond Kursk.
Norks as a labor force in Ukraine absolutely , russian labor market is near full employment and facing shortages of manpower as the economy is somewhat overheated by war economy.
For Russia Norks could be extremely cheap labor that might not even cost money but supply of food and raw material grain and oil to North Korea . By all acounts they are well regarded as a labor force they do their job do it well and cause no issues vs labor force they get from mostly muslim neighbours that come with the religious bagage
Future billionare in the making probably opening number of Sanctionbustin-R-Us LLCs in Russia as we speak ,next step is setting up shop in Africa
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Norks worked in EU not that long ago , Poland and Netherlands still traded with the norks in 2022 and Norks worked for them in shipyards
Hundreds of North Korean workers are believed to be toiling in Poland under degrading conditions. An MEP calls on the European Commission to act, but the EC says it's a national matter. Others remain silent.
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