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Russia's Staggering Losses In Ukraine

No one "set a trap" for Putin. Like many dictators before him, and the many that will follow after, he became a victim of his own damn creation. He thought he was bigger and tougher than he was.

He also thought people were more afraid of him than than they were, or are. Now he's paying the price for his stupid overestimation of himself.
Yes, they did. The USA had/has CIA ops and bio-weapon labs in Ukraine, not to mention, dangling the NATO membership carrot in front of their dictator. We knew full well Putin would have no part of Ukraine in NATO. The One World Order folks, including the current USA admin, need Putin to kick off a conflict with a NATO country so they can start a global war. COVID didn't work, so they are going back to the original WWIII plan. Their goal is a global crisis and suffering that will have us begging for their savior. Unless the USA and NATO continue to pour resources into Ukraine, Putin will grind Ukraine into rubble. He will never allow Ukraine to be a part of NATO, because Ukraine has ALWAYS been Russia's soft underbelly for every invasion into Russia. It's a fact of history.
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So enough of the bullshit, why hasn't Russia won? It doesn't require a 4 paragraph dissertation to explain. Remember, this coming February 25th, this will have been going into its 3rd year. That's just 77 days from now. Ol Vlad isn't looking so good, is he?
IMHO, Russia hasn't won yet because they have not completed their main objective, which is bleeding the US dry of money and military resources. Funny how history repeats itself. Russia is doing to us what we did to them under Reagan, and Putin knows that crooked joe will keep shipping boatloads of money to Ukraine to protect the secrets tha zelensky holds.
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Whew, 8 pages so far, I may as well throw my opinion in the hat. Before I start I'll admit that my mind works like that of a criminal investigator at all times. Why did so-and-so do this, or that, was that natural, if not why so, etc etc. This post is intended to supply the reader with enough actual factual material to enable critical thought to take over, once the facts are established. Putin is not getting his ass kicked, never has been. The Nazi propaganda machine that encompasses the west is constantly lying, mockingbird style. Im sure if you are aware you have seen the compilations where the "reporters" or "news anchors" are all parroting the exact same words. Remember Vlad told the world Ukraine had a Nazi problem, and it sho nuff did, it was borne out to be the truth. In US you have Alinsky tactics being used by Nazis, actually implying that conservatives are the Nazis. Anyone calling anyone a Nazi in the US is most assuredly a Nazi. Anyway this goes back well over 100 years, and is only a part of it. This is a long train ride, and it is still rolling. You will not have seen the scenery while you were sleeping, so now wake up and take a look at factual history to get caught up on what you missed, because its important, and its alot, and it has a lot to do with where we are today. I am using this link because it isnt wordy and gets to the point in a simple bullet point style timeline. Great link HERE

A few takeaways from the link above that clearly illustrate that racial purity was not Hitlers idea at all. (So who is the original Nazi?)

1904: German Alfred Ploetz founds the Archive for Racial and Social Biology, which becomes the chief journal of the German eugenics or race hygiene movement. Ernst Haeckel popularized eugenics in Germany. John D. Rockefeller issues "Occasional Letter No.1" detailing plans to mold the people, reduce national intelligence to the lowest common denominator, destroy parental influence, traditional and customs, and eliminate science and real learning, "in order to perfect human nature". (Sound familiar?)

Thats just a taste of the historically accurate truth from the link above. Its easy to see who the Nazis are. Hollywood is full of them, preaching satan and flashing signs and symbols, promoting all the same things the Nazi regime espoused, putting on a big show for the Ukraine situation, attacking the bad orange man, on and on. They are simply Nazi party members. I have a very strong theory that Hollywood was populated in part with Lebensborn children- do you think after the US used Operation Paperclip to import the "best and brightest" that they just let all the sons and daughters of the SS stay in Germany? They brought them to the US and put them on a pedestal for people to worship, in Hollywood. There are entire publications devoted to shoving "star" peoples money, looks, lifestyles, and ideals into your never gonna quite be as good as they are head. Anyway, if you think the "US Government" brought this about, refer to the the last link that goes back over 100 years. Paperclip was all about what Rockefellers, et al; wanted, for their eugenics program to continue- and it still is. History says it was Hitlers idea- that he loved movies- but probably more along the lines of- Hitler was ordered to develop movies for propaganda by his handlers, so in the 1930s the Nazis began collaborating with Germany, who even had a party headquarter in Hollywood.

Today you see Hollywood openly acting as a propaganda arm, for this post we'll highlight Ukraine. Ukraine is simply another regime change snaked in by the same people who have run the show for 100 years, who have obviously become much more powerful over time, especially given that they have had access to the wealth afforded by the US and its taxpayers. One of Rockefellers big things was to not use HIS wealth to fuck you over, he wanted you to pay for your own fucking over, and so you have what they call modern medicine where they wring the last fucking dollar out of you knowing youre going to die from the "treatment" they are giving you. I digress. Regime change is how the Nazis operate, its a dusty old playbook. SO what Putin was trying to tell you when he announced his military operation regarding Ukraine, is that he had a Nazi problem and he wasnt going to allow it, on his border. He didn't point out places like Hawaii, Phillipines, Cuba, etc etc had the same problem, (or more recently places such as Venezuela or Syria). Putin simply pointed out that there was a Nazi problem, which says volumes in a single sentence. Anyone who can be persuaded to think that a puny little country like Ukraine can take on Russia has had their mind clouded by mockingbird MSM and Hollywood propagandists. In this day and time all anyone needs to do to know the truth is listen to Hollywood "stars" and CNN, and flip the script. Look at the regime changes brought on by the US original overlords, such as the invasion of California in 1846, quite awhile before Hitler was born or the moniker "Nazi" was invented.... to do so, is to look past the frontman into the eyes of the wizard of oz.

There never was a Nazi takeover of the USA, it has always been so, but the 13 families would like you look at the frontman. Why is it you hear of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos being the worlds richest men? Frontmen, whether or not it is by design.

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply." - Nathan Mayer Rothschild

"The US and UK governments' relentless backing for the global spread of genetically modified seeds was in fact the implementation of a decades long policy of the Rockefeller Foundation since the 1930's, when it funded Nazi eugenics research -- i.e. mass-scale population reduction, and control of darker-skinned races by an Anglo-Saxon white elite. As some of these circles saw it, war as a means of population reduction was costly and not that efficient." - F. William Engdahl in his book "Seeds of Destuction"

Signed; A Pureblood
Holy cow. . . just based on the first few sentences, I highly doubt you are who you think you are.

Before I start I'll admit that my mind works like that of a criminal investigator at all times. Why did so-and-so do this, or that, was that natural, if not why so, etc etc. This post is intended to supply the reader with enough actual factual material to enable critical thought to take over, once the facts are established.

You obviously have all the answers.

What a screed and that is as nice as I can put it.
I don’t understand the OP.
He’s convinced that Russia is losing, but then continues to scream that we need to keep giving to Ukraine.

Oh yeah, I remember...
The Bloods and the Cripps are fighting it out, but the Bloods give a 10% kickback from their drug sales to the Chief of Police. The Chief in turn promises to keep turning a blind eye to their crimes, and send merchandise from the evidence locker to help them. Onlookers are surprised that the Cripps can keep fighting in spite of the Chief’s help, while pretending to be oblivious to the fact that the Cripps are getting help from all the other Gangs that hate the Cops out of general principle.

Which Gang are we supposed to be rooting for again?
Whew, 8 pages so far, I may as well throw my opinion in the hat. Before I start I'll admit that my mind works like that of a criminal investigator at all times. Why did so-and-so do this, or that, was that natural, if not why so, etc etc. This post is intended to supply the reader with enough actual factual material to enable critical thought to take over, once the facts are established. Putin is not getting his ass kicked, never has been. The Nazi propaganda machine that encompasses the west is constantly lying, mockingbird style. Im sure if you are aware you have seen the compilations where the "reporters" or "news anchors" are all parroting the exact same words. Remember Vlad told the world Ukraine had a Nazi problem, and it sho nuff did, it was borne out to be the truth. In US you have Alinsky tactics being used by Nazis, actually implying that conservatives are the Nazis. Anyone calling anyone a Nazi in the US is most assuredly a Nazi. Anyway this goes back well over 100 years, and is only a part of it. This is a long train ride, and it is still rolling. You will not have seen the scenery while you were sleeping, so now wake up and take a look at factual history to get caught up on what you missed, because its important, and its alot, and it has a lot to do with where we are today. I am using this link because it isnt wordy and gets to the point in a simple bullet point style timeline. Great link HERE

A few takeaways from the link above that clearly illustrate that racial purity was not Hitlers idea at all. (So who is the original Nazi?)

1904: German Alfred Ploetz founds the Archive for Racial and Social Biology, which becomes the chief journal of the German eugenics or race hygiene movement. Ernst Haeckel popularized eugenics in Germany. John D. Rockefeller issues "Occasional Letter No.1" detailing plans to mold the people, reduce national intelligence to the lowest common denominator, destroy parental influence, traditional and customs, and eliminate science and real learning, "in order to perfect human nature". (Sound familiar?)

Thats just a taste of the historically accurate truth from the link above. Its easy to see who the Nazis are. Hollywood is full of them, preaching satan and flashing signs and symbols, promoting all the same things the Nazi regime espoused, putting on a big show for the Ukraine situation, attacking the bad orange man, on and on. They are simply Nazi party members. I have a very strong theory that Hollywood was populated in part with Lebensborn children- do you think after the US used Operation Paperclip to import the "best and brightest" that they just let all the sons and daughters of the SS stay in Germany? They brought them to the US and put them on a pedestal for people to worship, in Hollywood. There are entire publications devoted to shoving "star" peoples money, looks, lifestyles, and ideals into your never gonna quite be as good as they are head. Anyway, if you think the "US Government" brought this about, refer to the the last link that goes back over 100 years. Paperclip was all about what Rockefellers, et al; wanted, for their eugenics program to continue- and it still is. History says it was Hitlers idea- that he loved movies- but probably more along the lines of- Hitler was ordered to develop movies for propaganda by his handlers, so in the 1930s the Nazis began collaborating with Germany, who even had a party headquarter in Hollywood.

Today you see Hollywood openly acting as a propaganda arm, for this post we'll highlight Ukraine. Ukraine is simply another regime change snaked in by the same people who have run the show for 100 years, who have obviously become much more powerful over time, especially given that they have had access to the wealth afforded by the US and its taxpayers. One of Rockefellers big things was to not use HIS wealth to fuck you over, he wanted you to pay for your own fucking over, and so you have what they call modern medicine where they wring the last fucking dollar out of you knowing youre going to die from the "treatment" they are giving you. I digress. Regime change is how the Nazis operate, its a dusty old playbook. SO what Putin was trying to tell you when he announced his military operation regarding Ukraine, is that he had a Nazi problem and he wasnt going to allow it, on his border. He didn't point out places like Hawaii, Phillipines, Cuba, etc etc had the same problem, (or more recently places such as Venezuela or Syria). Putin simply pointed out that there was a Nazi problem, which says volumes in a single sentence. Anyone who can be persuaded to think that a puny little country like Ukraine can take on Russia has had their mind clouded by mockingbird MSM and Hollywood propagandists. In this day and time all anyone needs to do to know the truth is listen to Hollywood "stars" and CNN, and flip the script. Look at the regime changes brought on by the US original overlords, such as the invasion of California in 1846, quite awhile before Hitler was born or the moniker "Nazi" was invented.... to do so, is to look past the frontman into the eyes of the wizard of oz.

There never was a Nazi takeover of the USA, it has always been so, but the 13 families would like you look at the frontman. Why is it you hear of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos being the worlds richest men? Frontmen, whether or not it is by design.

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply." - Nathan Mayer Rothschild

"The US and UK governments' relentless backing for the global spread of genetically modified seeds was in fact the implementation of a decades long policy of the Rockefeller Foundation since the 1930's, when it funded Nazi eugenics research -- i.e. mass-scale population reduction, and control of darker-skinned races by an Anglo-Saxon white elite. As some of these circles saw it, war as a means of population reduction was costly and not that efficient." - F. William Engdahl in his book "Seeds of Destuction"

Signed; A Pureblood

Thank you ChatGpt
History has the answers, friend, its in the links. I am a nobody but I am unvaccinated so far as the so called covid vaccine goes, so my dna is intact, thats all. Seems to me youre spouting off before you read anything or even a single link, so it is I who doubt you know what you think you know. If you'd read it at all, you'd have said I had theory, not answers.
From your link, "About Us":

Rochester IMC Principles of Unity​

  1. We strive to provide an information infrastructure for people and opinions who do not have access to the airwaves, tools and resources of corporate media. This includes audio, video, photography, internet distribution and any other communication medium.
  2. We support local, regional and global struggles against exploitation and oppression.
  3. We function as a non-commercial, non-corporate, anti-capitalist collective.

Rochester IMC involves volunteer participants and allied collectives organized along anti-authoritarian principles of open and transparent decision-making processes, including open public meetings; a form of modified consensus; and the elimination of hierarchies.


  • To encourage a world where globalization is not about homogeneity and exploitation, but rather, about diversity and cooperation.

To quote you: "This post is intended to supply the reader with enough actual factual material", doesn't sound like theory to me.

You probably should delve a bit deeper into your "investigative mind", not rely on suspect sources, and quit trying to justify preconceived notions. Instead of proving a theory with facts your are making facts fit your theory with the help of biased sources. A true investigative mind assumes nothing and proves everything.

Otherwise you have about as much veracity as our climate change "scientists".

If you think Putin's sole or even main reason for invading Ukraine was to rid his border of Nazis, you are naive at best.

Your obsession with Nazis is remarkable. You Antifa, bro?
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From your link, "About Us":

Rochester IMC Principles of Unity​

  1. We strive to provide an information infrastructure for people and opinions who do not have access to the airwaves, tools and resources of corporate media. This includes audio, video, photography, internet distribution and any other communication medium.
  2. We support local, regional and global struggles against exploitation and oppression.
  3. We function as a non-commercial, non-corporate, anti-capitalist collective.

Rochester IMC involves volunteer participants and allied collectives organized along anti-authoritarian principles of open and transparent decision-making processes, including open public meetings; a form of modified consensus; and the elimination of hierarchies.


  • To encourage a world where globalization is not about homogeneity and exploitation, but rather, about diversity and cooperation.

To quote you: "This post is intended to supply the reader with enough actual factual material", doesn't sound like theory to me.

You probably should delve a bit deeper into your "investigative mind", not rely on suspect sources, and quit trying to justify preconceived notions. Instead of proving a theory with facts your are making facts fit your theory with the help of biased sources. A true investigative mind assumes nothing and proves everything.

Otherwise you have about as much veracity as our climate change "scientists".

If you think Putin's sole or even main reason for invading Ukraine was to rid his border of Nazis, you are naive at best.

Your obsession with Nazis is remarkable. You Antifa, bro?

Fuck Farfcom
History has the answers, friend, its in the links. I am a nobody but I am unvaccinated so far as the so called covid vaccine goes, so my dna is intact, thats all. Seems to me youre spouting off before you read anything or even a single link, so it is I who doubt you know what you think you know. If you'd read it at all, you'd have said I had theory, not answers.
Rothschilds and Nazis?
Find another source, you’ve been duped.
The pro Ukrainian smooth brains are getting harder and harder to find. After the Ghost of Kiev was shot down in flames seems like the edge came off.

Within a year there will be a book written about the propaganda machine fueling the Ukrainian craze.

The hoax that Ukraine could defeat Russia with US tax dollars will stand right up there with the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, the George Floyd hoax, Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation hoax, and the vaccine safe/effective hoax.
They also said that artificial sweeteners were safe, WMDs were in Iraq, and Anna Nicole married for love.
Yeah, well guess what. When you go to war things get broken that cost a lot to fix. Just ask people currently living in their basements in Gaza.
And the price of eggs in china is what?
Is Kiev still intact? Are the Russians operating the nuclear power plant? Is most of the infrastructure of Ukraine intact?
Why would Putin not destroy all of that if he wasn't standing behind his original goals? Shut Down the water, power and transportation and Ukraine is done for in a couple weeks. Instead he's grinding up their military of Ukraine and as a bonus he's turning the hearts and minds of the world against the CIA installed regime of Ukraine. Well except for a few like you
Russia invades Afghanistan , CIA/Reagan supplies the Afghanis , a proxy war between US/USSR that lasts for years. Years later our "allies" that we supplied with weapons there turn on us: aka 911.
When this war ends what's going to happen? Study history of the US, how many real/true allies do we have? The majority of our friends are our friends because of our money.
When this is over, if Zelensky is still alive and in power, will he do what Mao did in China at the end of WW2? That is, round up all the weapons from his people? He talks democracy being saved, I'm more inclined to save his life and place in power.
One thing Trump was definitely right about was that China has lots of money because they don't get into military conflicts all over the world.
Keep our money and equipment here and use it for our southern border. Think how much of the national debt is from financing wars around the globe.
I'm not saying we should be isolationist but we need to look after things here at home. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, now Ukraine, when is the lesson going to be learned?
Russia has lost as many troops in the last 7 months of fighting in Ukraine, (almost 54,000), than we lost in 10 YEARS in Vietnam! Their equipment losses are even more staggering.

This war is going horribly wrong for Putin. It is devastating Russia both morally, as well as economically. They can't keep this up, and Putin knows it. Last week someone from his elite inner circle gave up his location. They hit his limousine, and damaged it.

Ukraine is now taking back captured Russian territory with the advanced weapons they're receiving from us and other countries. The Javelin Missiles are proving to be devastating to their tanks and armored personnel carriers.

The people of Russia are turning against him, and he is on borrowed time. It's only a matter of time before they get him. He has cost the politically powerful Russian oligarchs there billions of dollars in seized property and currency worldwide. They are NOT happy with him.... And remember, they are the ones who put him in, and keep him in power.

And even if these numbers are inflated by 50%, it is still staggering.

Thanks for spreading the propaganda, FED.

Russia is not losing this, contrary to what you are constantly fed. There was no way Ukraine was ever going to prevail and you can thank the installed Usurper for starting this whole thing as well as wasting Billions of our hard earned money.

Trump would never have let it get to this point.

Funny how Putin took Crimea during the Oh-Zero regime, then suddenly stopped during the entire time Trump held office. Only to resume when XIDen was installed.

Coincidence? You decide.
Though it was a bit before my time, I'm getting fall of Saigon vibes. At the end of the Vietnam conflict south Vietnamese refused to enlist for the slaughter as they felt their own government was corrupt, and America's commitment in congress was obviously uninterested in backing the continued failure.

Someone may remember in a post at the beginning of the UKR conflict I mentioned how we have a long history of guiding other nations down the path of assured destruction. So far this has been no different. It's a literal handshake of the devil.

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No one "set a trap" for Putin. Like many dictators before him, and the many that will follow after, he became a victim of his own damn creation. He thought he was bigger and tougher than he was.

He also thought people were more afraid of him than than they were, or are. Now he's paying the price for his stupid overestimation of himself.
What information are you using to inform this assessment?
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Though it was a bit before my time, I'm getting fall of Saigon vibes. At the end of the Vietnam conflict south Vietnamese refused to enlist for the slaughter as they felt their own government was corrupt, and America's commitment in congress was obviously uninterested in backing the continued failure.

Someone may remember in a post at the beginning of the UKR conflict I mentioned how we have a long history of guiding other nations down the path of assured destruction. So far this has been no different. It's a literal handshake of the devil.


It’s kind of like the Pirates refrain “Deadmen tell no tales”.
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So enough of the bullshit, why hasn't Russia won? It doesn't require a 4 paragraph dissertation to explain. Remember, this coming February 25th, this will have been going into its 3rd year. That's just 77 days from now. Ol Vlad isn't looking so good, is he?
Ukraine’s devastating losses have seen them open conscription ages up from 17-70. LOLOLOLOL
IMHO, Russia hasn't won yet because they have not completed their main objective, which is bleeding the US dry of money and military resources.
So... You think $75 billion dollars over 2 years is, "bleeding us dry". Seriously? Just to give you something to think about. Illegal aliens in California alone cost their local taxpayers $22.8 billion annually.

Forget trying to understand Ukraine, you need to educate yourself about the U.S. economy.
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Russia has always fought wars by throwing meat into a grinder until their overpowering numbers prevail or new leadership takes over and decides on a different path. This war will be decided the same and if it is allowed to continue without leadership change, they will ultimately win by numbers alone...
Ukraine’s devastating losses have seen them open conscription ages up from 17-70. LOLOLOLOL
And what do you think military eligible Russian men are doing? Here's a clue for you. If you need more, just let me know.

So... You think $75 billion dollars over 2 years is, "bleeding us dry". Seriously? Just to give you something to think about. Illegal aliens in California alone cost their local taxpayers $22.8 billion annually.

Forget trying to understand Ukraine, you need to educate yourself about the U.S. economy.
You think $75 billion is all that has been sent there? And regardless of what the total is, we're fucking broke.
Just remember, he gets his info from the folks who gave us "81 million votes", "2 weeks to flatten the curve", "safe and effective vaccine", and "hunters laptop is Russian dis-info".
Don't forget "weapons of mass destruction!"

Exactly the crowd who will cheer when Biden sends our life's blood into the grinder. Gotta stop o'l crazy Putin from taking over all of Europe, you know domino effect and all. Same narrative for the normies we have seen for decades.

Never mind the fact that Putin was the one initiating peace talks with the UN security council and EU, for the past fifteen-twenty years.

I know...I know, now I'm a pro Putin commie-Naz#-supremazisstzz and bla bla bla..

It's all so fucking sad at this point.
And where does yours come from?
you realize you have identified yourself as a cucksucking, taint licking, rim job expert, right?
you're clear on that?
maybe you should quit now?
i could be wrong, and maybe somebody here doesn't think you're an ignorant asshole, but i kind of doubt it.
time to pick a new username.
you realize you have identified yourself as a cucksucking, taint licking, rim job expert, right?
you're clear on that?
maybe you should quit now?
i could be wrong, and maybe somebody here doesn't think you're an ignorant asshole, but i kind of doubt it.
time to pick a new username.
You shouldn’t have held back.

Asians, sheesh, always so polite.
No. That is called indoctrination. Nice try though. Keep going, you'll catch on eventually.
Olexandr! long time no see. I thought the Moscali got you. Don't forget to mark on your calendar for the NATO Christmas party on the 24th. Every commissar who made at least a thousand disinformation posts will get a personal blowjob from Zelenski. Slurpa Ukraini, tovarish!
the average Ukrainian has more in common ethnically, culturally, religiously, and economically with Russians than they do with the rest of Europe, which has turned into a Sodom and Gomorrah of Oikophobia and faggotry.

The installed leadership of Ukraine has more in common with the rest of Europe than they do with the people of Ukraine.
@billt Now its your turn to bitterly come to terms knowing that with all the money, equipment and intelligence assistance your team still lost.
You're going to get tired shoveling your own shit. This should keep you busy for a while. If you need more, just let me know.