I started to see a few mounds come up within the cracks of my driveway. I was able to sweep the mounds away and apply Raid "Ant & Roach" killer to those cracks. It seems to have worked for the cracks. But now they made a huge mound at the base of my little patch of lawn where my mail box is located. I bought some "lawn pest killer" in granular form and a spreader. I wanted to confine the spread of the pesticide. But first, I had to knock down he mound and rake out the grass.
They swarmed all up my pants legs, etc. And they HURT! Immediately, I brushed off my legs and calves. And I got some more Raid Ant & Roach killer for concrete parts of the driveway. I was able to spread the granular insect killer on the lawn itself and wet it down. It's also going to rain tomorrow so, hopefully, that will help. I have a liquid insect killer arriving on Wednesday from Amazon and I'll apply that as needed.
As for my skin, I'll watch for the welts they say fire ants leave, followed by the blisters. I'm hoping the infestation wasn't that bad but we'll see. I did ensure that I was completely brushed off before I went inside my house, and I then took a shower to wash off the wounds...... BTW, USE COLD WATER, NOT HOT!!!
Ask me how I know....

The greater question is did I kill all the entire infestation or not and how did it get there in the first place? I'll check around the neighborhood but I don't see my neighbors having these issues. I can't imagine someone just dumping a colony on my property and they just "burried down." These came from the ground up. I have to figure out where they came from and how to take'em down. But I guess I may have to wear PPE when I do it so I don't get bit.
They swarmed all up my pants legs, etc. And they HURT! Immediately, I brushed off my legs and calves. And I got some more Raid Ant & Roach killer for concrete parts of the driveway. I was able to spread the granular insect killer on the lawn itself and wet it down. It's also going to rain tomorrow so, hopefully, that will help. I have a liquid insect killer arriving on Wednesday from Amazon and I'll apply that as needed.
As for my skin, I'll watch for the welts they say fire ants leave, followed by the blisters. I'm hoping the infestation wasn't that bad but we'll see. I did ensure that I was completely brushed off before I went inside my house, and I then took a shower to wash off the wounds...... BTW, USE COLD WATER, NOT HOT!!!
Ask me how I know....
The greater question is did I kill all the entire infestation or not and how did it get there in the first place? I'll check around the neighborhood but I don't see my neighbors having these issues. I can't imagine someone just dumping a colony on my property and they just "burried down." These came from the ground up. I have to figure out where they came from and how to take'em down. But I guess I may have to wear PPE when I do it so I don't get bit.