Rifle Scopes Noob 6.5prc / 30moa rail zeroing question


Jan 8, 2025
Lubbock, TX
I am new to LR and have been having a heck of a time getting a good zero on my ruger precision 65prc with an Arken EP5 gen1 mrad mounted with vortex rings w/ 0moa at 100yd. I was finally able to get it looking good today but in order to do so I had to dial down as far as the Arken would allow. When i run the numbers on it, in order to account for that 30moa i need to dial down 8.7 milrad (87 clicks), but this just didn't do the trick. Ultimately I had to dial down somewhere in the 15 milrad range to get it looking good and I am wondering if that is indicative of something being off or mounted incorrectly, or maybe there is something putting cant on that I am not figuring in. I know the rail has 30moa, according to the vortex specs the rings have zero moa. Does anyone else have a similar setup? Is taking 100% decline reasonable?

This is what I was using for math
  • 1 MOA = 1.047 inches at 100 yards.
  • 30 MOA = 30×1.04730 \times 1.04730×1.047 ≈ 31.41 inches of shift at 100 yards.
  • 1 MIL = 3.6 inches at 100 yards
  • So, 31.41 inches ÷ 3.6 inches per MIL ≈ 8.72 MILs.
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You are assuming your turrets are where the actual adjustment would be what 30 moa is qualified to in mils. It’s obviously not. Dial to where you need to be to be zeroed and then rezero the elevation knob and set the zero stop if you like and you are done. Stop worrying about numbers and what they should be.
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So looking up the arken I believe you just use the turret to zero and loosen the screws to set the zero stop but, I typically don’t worry about how much it takes to get to zero but your probably good just set it and go shoot it and see how it does.
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