CCI Tactical ammo...

Re: CCI Tactical ammo...

I thought that stuff was a joke. I seen it for $20 for a bulk pack (IIRC 325rds) made to make the AR15-22 more reliable. IDK what the difference is between those and anyother round.
Re: CCI Tactical ammo...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DFOOSKING</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...even if it is accurate...why not call it target ammo, why go the "tactical" rigamaroll.</div></div>
The same reason Counter Sniper is still in business

Because people who don't know any better and just want to look cool at the range for their buddies will buy it. Higher price to someone not in the know means it's better right? If it's marked tactical it means it's better right? Do you see where i'm going with this...? I mean it may very well be quality "sniper" ammo but I have my doubts and skepticims about products marketed like this. I was VERY uneasy about Super Sniper scopes until I read Lowlight's review on them. Until then I thought they were just another Counter Sniper POS. The good thing about 22LR ammo is that even if it's expensive for a 22, it still doesn't even compare to the cost to shoot a centerfire in the same ammount. Buy a box and see if you like the stuff
If not you didn't lose much money and you can write a review for others to decide if they should try it or not.
Re: CCI Tactical ammo...

I wish one of the bulk rimfire ammunition manufacturers would produce a bulk pack of copper plated 22lr, that shoots about 1000fps. I'd rather pay 16 bucks for a box of generic plated subsonic, than $5 for 50 rounds of some stupid fucking tactical 22lr ammo.
Re: CCI Tactical ammo...

Awesome! I'm on the verge of wetting my tactical underwear just thinking about more super duper tactical stuff that will magically make me bad to the bone and stuff. This is the breakthrough I've been waiting for all my life! Now my .22 and CounterSniper scope will be certifiably tactical!

How so? Says so on the box, dummy!
Re: CCI Tactical ammo...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Viper 762</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Alderleet</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I wish one of the bulk rimfire ammunition manufacturers would produce a bulk pack of copper plated 22lr, that shoots about 1000fps. I'd rather pay 16 bucks for a box of generic plated subsonic, than $5 for 50 rounds of some stupid fucking tactical 22lr ammo. </div></div>

Remington Viper. 36g Plated Truncated Cone Solids. 1400fps(muzzle). $6 for 100 rounds.

I shoot them and love them.</div></div> Umm, those are about 400fps too fast...
Re: CCI Tactical ammo...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Viper 762</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Maybe not. I don't think that the Rem Viper is high velocity. We did a test last time I was shooting it. I shot the Rem Subsonic and the Viper and we recorded the shot and splash of the round. They were identical in timeframe. I dunno. The package says 1400fps. We know that not all manufacturers are as honest as we would like them to be. </div></div>
They aren't high velocity, they are in fact listed as hyper velocity. What kind of sophisticated equipment did you record the time of flight with if you did not have a chronograph? Maybe the sub sonic wasn't really sub sonic? The manufacturers aren't that far off.
Re: CCI Tactical ammo...

I have always liked CCI primers but I find the federal .22 to be more accurate and feed better and the aguila subsonic to be the best for subsonic if cost isn't a factor 60grn bullets! Great for a hushpuppy gun.
Re: CCI Tactical ammo...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Viper 762</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> bout a camcorder. And when played back, the time was the same. Hardly sophisticated...this I know, but it's what we had. Anymore questions Cupcake? </div></div>

No sir, I think you cleared that up quite well.
Re: CCI Tactical ammo...

Guys...I think we got a little off track here.The december issue of American Rifleman lists a comparison of .22 "tactical" rimfires.In the article they compared accuracy of the 8 rifles using various ammo, and among the ammo tested was the CCI Tactical.In 6 cases that ammo shot better groups than the other ammo, so I was simply asking if anyone has actually USED it themselves and found it to be accurate or shit.Yes, I know most cases labeling anything "tactical" is a marketing ploy.....didn't just wake up yesterday.I guess I'll order some up and try it out and see for myself.....
Re: CCI Tactical ammo...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Viper 762</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> bout a camcorder. And when played back, the time was the same. Hardly sophisticated...this I know, but it's what we had. Anymore questions Cupcake? </div></div>

Wait, did you measure the time of the sound?

Even if you shot at 100yds, and recorded it, the shot of a Remington Viper round only takes 0.214 seconds to get downrange. Remington SubSonic only takes 0.315 seconds to get to target. I know theres no way in hell you can be able to hear the difference of a 1/10 of a second.

Then you run into the variable of your camera's quality, which makes the margin even smaller, if the microphones pickup isnt very good.
Re: CCI Tactical ammo...

On topic...
The "Tactical AR" ammo is designed around the AR platform.
The brass is nickel plated for better cycling, uses a plated RN bullet for better feeding, and has a stout but clean powder charge to boot.

The funny thing is that the competition to this product is other CCI products.
It has been widely know that CCI Mini-mags are the best cartridge for a semi-auto & Full Auto platform like this.
From the outside, it looks like a bulk pack Mini-Mag that uses a nickel case.
As long as the price ends up being the same or lower than Mini-Mags, it should be a success.

I imagine folks that run full auto will eat this stuff up big time.
Full auto applications can be a bit more demanding.
Nothing worse than having misfires while doing Mag-Dumps.
The Nickel case will also keep it well feed.
Re: CCI Tactical ammo...

Thanks Dr for the information.I have ordered a batch of this ammo for testing ( Cabelas has it cheap)and I'm also going to do a comparo in my bolt rimfire.Viper no need to apologize it was still an interesting report on your part.Also to everyone else who chimed in it was all in good fun anyway.
Re: CCI Tactical ammo...

Well if the Dr. is right then I might give them a 2nd look. I just assumed that they put the tactical on the box and quadrupled the price to see if any morons would buy it.

I some times wonder if these companys put out products to see if anyone would buy it and don't all ways give them the benifit of the doubt. When I see Tactical on anything .22 my BS meter starts pegging.
Re: CCI Tactical ammo...

The bullet profile is very similar to Lapua Polar Biathlon, and that is the most accurate long range ammo I've found for my 10/22. I'd be interested in trying it out for that reason alone, putting aside all the "Tactical" nomenclature hoopla.
Re: CCI Tactical ammo...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Exhogflyer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Guys...I think we got a little off track here.The december issue of American Rifleman lists a comparison of .22 "tactical" rimfires.In the article they compared accuracy of the 8 rifles using various ammo, and among the ammo tested was the CCI Tactical.In 6 cases that ammo shot better groups than the other ammo, so I was simply asking if anyone has actually USED it themselves and found it to be accurate or shit.Yes, I know most cases labeling anything "tactical" is a marketing ploy.....didn't just wake up yesterday.I guess I'll order some up and try it out and see for myself..... </div></div>

Every .22 I've ever spent a bunch of time with, seems to have it's own likes, and dislikes as far as accuracy goes. with different ammo. Most of what I've shot did best with one of the Eley varieties, but, the waxy shit they put on their bullets doesn't do much good to the insides of h-cap mags.

I'll be looking forward to your report!
Re: CCI Tactical ammo...

Just recieved the ammo today and it looks good.Nicely plated bullets should help with fouling somewhat.....clean brass,not sure if it's nickel but there does appear to be some "coating" or finish on it.I'll TRY to get a range report this weekend if I can get dug out a bit from all this snow we've had here in the northeast.