Re: Why Surgeon over Lawton for custom build?
I just went through this process, and narrowed it down to Stiller, Surgeon and Badger Ordenance. The issues I came across are:
1. Availability
2. Availability
3. Availability
I was looking for a .338 LA based on a REM700LA to put in an AICS. Surgeon only has their XL, which doesn't fit the REM700LA AICS, and according to Jason there, they don't even have the REM700LA on the schedule or any immeadiate plans to put one on the schedule. You can't get a AICS or AX chassis for the XL according to Jason, only through Surgeon when you buy their rifle. Now I dont' have any issue with this, its their choice what to make and sell, but it did limit my options.
I taked to Russ at Stiller, and my local smith had good things to say about all 3 actions. The problem with the Stiller, is its also a 4 month wait for the next run. My smith found a Stiller action for me, so its on order. Badger Ordinance would have been my next choice.
The Bighorn is a great looking action, and I spoke with AJ who seems real upstanding. But they don't yet make one for .338...