Got a chance to get together with some of the fellas here on the hide and do some long range shooting. Had targets from 100 yards to 2030 yards. Four guys ended up getting hits with .388 lapua, .338 norma, .50bmg and .408 cheytac!
We also ended up recovering a .338 bullet that I think the fellas here may enjoy seeing.
.338 Match King 300gr bullet recovered at 2030 yds
Group shot with shooting location in background 2030 yards away
View from target to shooting tents
Proud poppa after his first hits with new rifle at 2030yds
We also ended up recovering a .338 bullet that I think the fellas here may enjoy seeing.
.338 Match King 300gr bullet recovered at 2030 yds

Group shot with shooting location in background 2030 yards away

View from target to shooting tents

Proud poppa after his first hits with new rifle at 2030yds