Re: Am I missing something here? 338 Lapua with #14 RC
Very common with our brass, as we tend to run to the upper specs in terms of dimensions. I hear this quite frequently, and it's not usually aproblem. Most manufacturers make a number of shell holders that overlap quite a bit in what they are used for. The RCBS #3 is a great example. Intended for the 308-30/06 and similar cases, it will also work for the 257 Roberts, 6mm Rem and several other cases that are based off the 7mm Mauser. These cases are better served by an RCBS #11, which will also work in most of the 308-30/06 based cases on the market. Whenever you have a 308 (or other .473" head diameter case) that seems tight in a #3, try a #11 and that will usually solve the problem. Ditto in the 338 Lapua Magnum. Instead of the #14 shell holder, try the one intended for the 45/70, and it should fit just fine. Sorry, don't have trhe RCBS reference number for that one on hand.
Often, the fit on these is so close that one RCBS shell holder won't fit, while another of the "same" size will, with no problem. Just need to be a bit more flexible in choosing a shell holder, and regard the listings as more of a "guide" than an "absolute." This seems to be especially true when dealing with cases that are produced by both SAAMI and CIP signatories.
Hope that helps.