Bullets for the 223 with 1 in 9 twist ?


Full Member
Aug 10, 2012
I know it's no doubt been ask a thousand times be for.

But I missed all of the post,I guess...Anyway I have this
McGowin bull barrel with the 9 twist.I thought about an 8
twist but the man said a 9 will do well...So I took his word
for it..So what is the heaviest bollets anyone on here has
used and to what accuracy was you getting..I have 69 grain
Sierra on hand and I tried some 73 gr Bergers with good
results..Just wondered if anyone has tried any that were
over the 73 grain? I know all rifles have their on
preference...And with things like they are,I might have a tough
time getting any more Bergers..Thanks so much for
anything you have to offer this old fart....John
I would think, if you watch out for excessively long bullet designs, you should be OK with up to 75 grains. Comparisons of the 75 BTHP and the 75 AMAX (the Amax is likely not to stabilize in a 1 in 9).
Doesn't mean I would not give it a try though.
I've read that some 1:9 barrels will shoot a 77gn bullet.When I tried them I was able to get 3/4 of an inch at 100.Did get one 1/2 inch group one time but could get them to hold a 1/2 inch for the life of me.Now I shoot the 69gn NCC and a 70gn Berger VLD,with 8208xbr.
I know you are asking about heavier weights, but I have had great success with the Hornady 68gr match bullet. 1/4 minute is common, with almost 100% sub 1/2 minute.
I tried 75 amax's with poor results out of a 1:9 remmy. I guess it is really a matter of trial and error at that point. I have seen 77 smk's work where 75 amax's would not. Different shapes. I was shooting 400-600 and the 75's were all over he place.
As always, YMMV-Rob
My factory 700 LTR with a 1-9" will shoot the 75 AMAXs amazingly well (.3s at 100).

I was pleasantly suprised to say the least.

What is the recipe for that load if you don't mind my asking. I have the same gun and a box of 75 AMAXs that I have been meaning to test.


I mainly 69smk reloads and a bunch of store bought Federal 64gr that shoots 3/4 moa when I don't want to reload.
I just bought 500 69 smk off gunbroker for 125 bucks,i know its high but at least i got something to load. The 77 grainers are even harder to find unless your local gander mountain or cabelas or bass pro gets them in.
I just bought 500 69 smk off gunbroker for 125 bucks,i know its high but at least i got something to load. The 77 grainers are even harder to find unless your local gander mountain or cabelas or bass pro gets them in.

Keep an eye out at the major e-tailers. Having a brainfart right now, but one of them had them in stock just last week. Didn't last long obviously, but the vendors ARE getting product in. Just need to get in before the gougers do and then turn they turn around and resell it to you at a profit :(
Fellas, you guys hitting over 500 yards are using bolt actions and not gassers right? Damn, some of your distances are insanely impressive for such a light bullet.

It is not all that easy but can be done if the combo is working. Spotter and others input invaluable. It is best when you have a backstop that kicks up good to show you up. [like a prarie dog mound:} ]
This has become a pretty good thread for the OP. Lots of input.
I would need someone to pick up the bullet when it hits the dirt at 400 yards then hold it in the air making swooshing sounds as they ran down range to at least 700 yards then throw it against the steel plate for me.
What is the recipe for that load if you don't mind my asking. I have the same gun and a box of 75 AMAXs that I have been meaning to test.


I mainly 69smk reloads and a bunch of store bought Federal 64gr that shoots 3/4 moa when I don't want to reload.

Lapua Brass
75 A-MAX
24.0 gr Varget

Standard disclaimer - reduce starting load by 10% and work up cautiously.