Looking for a bit of help. My 700 has a 20" 1:12 twist barrel and I see a lot of people using 175 and 178 grain bullets for long range. So I loaded up some hornady 178's under 43 grains of varget and went to the range. Ok groups at 100 and 200 yards, but they sucked at 300. I had previously shot Sierra 175 under 43 grains of varget at 500 with sub MOA results. Both loads were at 2.810 OAL. Has anyone had any experience with the 178's, this is my first time loading them. My rifle loves 168's. I shot 3 shots at the same 300 yard target to make sure I wasn't the problem and all three shots were touching. I'm looking for a starting point for a 1000 yard round preferably mag length.