Just wanted to share with you folks on here. Today I shot my first ever F-Class match at ENGC in Nebraska. It was a 600 yard match and was a fabulous time. Everyone was super friendly and helpful. I knew several of the guys from an orientation I went to last year and a shooting buddy of mine (Herb) and I went out on Thursday so I could shoot at the range and get a feel for things.
Weather today was perfect in my opinion with temps topping out around 68 degrees and winds out of the SW at about 3-5mph. Sky started off overcast but cleared up as the third strings were being fired.
The match at ENGC is a 20x3 course of fire with two sighters to start each string of 20 for a total of 66 rounds.
As this is something I've wanted to do for years it was really awesome to be laying on the line for the first time. And, the rifle in .240 NMC that Randy Gregory built along with the stock that Carl Bernosky built me did very well. The new rest that Bob "The Viper" Pastor did for me not only turned heads but guided the rifle smoothly and with precision. I even managed to keep all my shots in the 9, 10, and X ring.
I also had the pleasure of shooting next to my friend Herb who shot a total of 598-31X with back to back 200's on the second and third relay with his .284 Winchester...he won the match.
Working the pits was something I had also never done but found very satisfying. There is something really cool about seeing the down range accuracy first hand the moment it happens. And it was actually enjoyable to know that I was giving good fast accurate service to the shooter.
So much thanks to all of those that have helped in making a dream come true of finally being able to shoot F Class competition. This is way more fun than you guys ever let on! ;-)

Oh ya, in case you are wondering I shot a 196-6X, 193-6X, 194-6X for a total of 583-18X which put me 5th overall and 4th in F-Open. It was a very pleasing day indeed.
Just wanted to share with you folks on here. Today I shot my first ever F-Class match at ENGC in Nebraska. It was a 600 yard match and was a fabulous time. Everyone was super friendly and helpful. I knew several of the guys from an orientation I went to last year and a shooting buddy of mine (Herb) and I went out on Thursday so I could shoot at the range and get a feel for things.
Weather today was perfect in my opinion with temps topping out around 68 degrees and winds out of the SW at about 3-5mph. Sky started off overcast but cleared up as the third strings were being fired.
The match at ENGC is a 20x3 course of fire with two sighters to start each string of 20 for a total of 66 rounds.
As this is something I've wanted to do for years it was really awesome to be laying on the line for the first time. And, the rifle in .240 NMC that Randy Gregory built along with the stock that Carl Bernosky built me did very well. The new rest that Bob "The Viper" Pastor did for me not only turned heads but guided the rifle smoothly and with precision. I even managed to keep all my shots in the 9, 10, and X ring.
I also had the pleasure of shooting next to my friend Herb who shot a total of 598-31X with back to back 200's on the second and third relay with his .284 Winchester...he won the match.
Working the pits was something I had also never done but found very satisfying. There is something really cool about seeing the down range accuracy first hand the moment it happens. And it was actually enjoyable to know that I was giving good fast accurate service to the shooter.
So much thanks to all of those that have helped in making a dream come true of finally being able to shoot F Class competition. This is way more fun than you guys ever let on! ;-)

Oh ya, in case you are wondering I shot a 196-6X, 193-6X, 194-6X for a total of 583-18X which put me 5th overall and 4th in F-Open. It was a very pleasing day indeed.
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