Been doing some work with different loads. I have a load that shoots good with the 168 SMK, But I am looking for a load that will have better long range performance (800-1200)
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The bottom 2 rounds are loaded with 168 SMK the middle one is loaded to the max I can fit in a McRees mag. the top one is touching the lands in the factory rifle. (EDIT add 1.003 to the OAL of the top bullet, Just realized I measured them with the ogive tool.... DUR)

In this picture they are all loaded at max oal to fit my mag

After all this. I think this rifle has way to much free bore. Its very had to tune a good load with anything but the 168 SMK, I have noticed the 168 SMK Ogive is alot more toward the tip of the bullet than any of the others.
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The bottom 2 rounds are loaded with 168 SMK the middle one is loaded to the max I can fit in a McRees mag. the top one is touching the lands in the factory rifle. (EDIT add 1.003 to the OAL of the top bullet, Just realized I measured them with the ogive tool.... DUR)

In this picture they are all loaded at max oal to fit my mag

After all this. I think this rifle has way to much free bore. Its very had to tune a good load with anything but the 168 SMK, I have noticed the 168 SMK Ogive is alot more toward the tip of the bullet than any of the others.
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