WOW! My hats off to David's wife, David, Jim, Richard, and John along with the fantastic RO's and Sponsors. You guys pulled off a World Class match.....and all in a day. I've attended several of David's carbine matches in the past and knew that it was going to be a quality match based off of prior experience and boy was it ever. I am new to the Precision rifle scene but not new to competitive shooting. I do this for fun and as a measure of improvement. I had an ABSOLUTE BLAST and learned alot about the areas that I need to polish up. I have always said that if there was only one match a year I could shoot, it would be one of David's. I still stand by that comment.
I carpooled to the match with the guys from Accurate Ordnance and we were having a conversation about people in general and David was part of that conversation. We talked about his awesome attitude and just all out good nature as well as him being a very talented all around shooter. I told Mark, David and Thomas that they were about to witness what Dave was really good at and I'm rather certain that although we were all dog tired on the ride home, our satisfaction and fun meters were pegged and they all confirmed that I was right in my comment.
The match flowed very smooth with very minimal downtime. The stages were challenging but not demeaning to the newer shooters. The prize table was most excellent for the return on a low entry fee, one day format type of match. I would love to see more matches of this nature around the country.
I shot my Accurate Ordnance built 6.5 Creedmoor at the match and it ran flawlessly and hit where I aimed every single time. When things failed, it was the nut behind the trigger's fault. I could not have asked for a better rifle to play this game with. I ran the Nightforce BEAST for glass. I can say that this match was the first real time that the scope was put through its paces in Match conditions and I am confident that it will be well received amongst the Tactical Precision shooting crowd. The eyebox was huge and ever forgiving when tested in all of the awkward positions that the match produced. The optics were bright and the resolution was crisp and clear. The adjustments were FAST and accurate with great tactile feel. As I have heard, it is a little intimidating at first, but it was a piece of cake to operate on the clock when the stress levels were high.
To Squad 3B.....Good times and great to get to meet and shoot with all of you. I hope to see more of you at future events.
I do know that Nightforce wants to be a bigger part of y'alls game and hopefully the BEAST will bring a little more relevance.
Congrats Jason for taking home the beautiful Accurate Ordnance rifle as a reward for the Match Winner title. I envy you as I wanted that rifle badly. I have been eyeballing it at their shop for a few weeks since they finished it. Nice job Dave Martin for the followup position and taking that Nightforce F1. John.....I was really eyeballing that Glock from the guys at Precision Tactical Arms Company - you surprised me when you swept in and scooped it up. I was wanting to add it to my collection of Glocks badly. You forced me in to picking up that Leupy but I am overly grateful for such generous sponsors. I got a kick out of all of the cameras that started flashing when I picked it up.

I will be sending my FDE Gen 4 G34 to those guys to get their good looking slide treatment and make it my new match gun as I am a huge Glock fan.
Thanks again to David Tapp, his lovely wife, Jim, Richard, John, all of the RO's, the sponsors, and the Brock's Gap Training Center for the use of their facility, and to all of the shooters for making this sport so great! The event was truly WORLD CLASS!
See you guys around!
Tod Litt
Nightforce Optics