I recently bought the new Ruger SR 762 and thought I'd share my experience with it thus far since these are new guns and there's not much info on them yet around the web. I'd also like to pick your brains about some of the issues I've had with it since I am new to gas guns and would like to figure this one out.
I bought this gun in early November when there really was almost nobody with experience with them and what I could find about the gun sounded good. It wasn't until it was already ordered that I started seeing people post about the feeding issues they were having.
I started shooting it early this month and now have about 800rds through it all with the 3 Pmags supplied from Ruger. Sure enough it didn't make it more than half way through the first magazine when it malfunctioned for the first time. A double feed. After that it "averaged" about one mal for every mag and a half for the first 100 rds and then about every two to three mags for the next 150-200 rds, mostly double feeds and a few failures to eject (it would extract the casing from the breach but not get it all the way out of the action).
All the malfunctions were with Prvi Partizan 145gr FMJBT ammo which i had a lot of and besides those mals shot pretty good. It seems that it started to shoot progressively more consistent the more rounds went through and for the last 400 or so rounds it has cycled every time with the rest of the Prvi and two boxes of Nosler 168gr match (there was one strange malfunction where the trigger would not reset while shooting the Nosler but when I opened up the lower I found a primer cap that had been blown out of the casing wedged in the trigger mechanism…weird. The Nosler blew out two primers in two boxes).
I have been running the gun on the number 2 gas setting and it is ejecting brass very consistently to the shooter's 4 o' clock. I tried to run it on 1 and it short stroked the very first round so I changed it back.
I have it set up running an SWFA SS fixed 10x and I changed the trigger out to a Geissele SSA-E which I put in immediately after watching reviews of the gun. I haven't fired the stock trigger. The accuracy is actually very good, I'll try to put up a couple groups if I can figure out how to do it. The groups themselves are by no means amazing (I think the best 100 yard 5 shot group is about 1.7 MOA) but I'll be the first to say that it reflects my crappy shooting and not the gun. The weapon is very accurate.
I had a chance to take it to 600 and then all the way out to 900 yards on a 16x18" pace of steel and I was impressed. At 600 shooting Partizan 145gr once I got my holdover figured out I was hitting about 7 out of ten (with my rookie rifle skills). At 900 the 145's were not really doing it (about one out of ten) but when I switched to the match loads I could hit it about half the time which I am totally happy with.
I'm shooting prone from a bipod at 7000' MSL and around 38 degrees F. My holdover at 900 yards was 9 mils and windage was 1 to 1.5 mils to account for the left to right wind.
Now for the advice part. When cleaning the gun I noticed a spot on the back wall of the upper receiver (if you look straight through the dust cover with the bolt back you can see it) where the metal is being gouged with a forward motion and actually displacing metal forming a burr. I checked the side of the bolt carrier that I though would line up with that part of the receiver and saw no damage (or even mark) so I decided that since it was actually cycling better now that I would continue to shoot it. For good or bad I put another 400 or so rounds through it checking it along the way. For a while the gouge and the burr was getting more pronounced then it kind of tapered off and now has stopped getting worse. It's like whatever is hitting it has carved out it's new home. The chromed bolt carrier still shows no signs of wear…also weird.
I'm going to now try to figure out how to put pictures up that show this damage but does anybody know what could be causing this and if I 'm destroying my gun by continuing to shoot it?
Like I said I am new to AR's but I really do like this gun. It is very well built and now that it cycles the ammo that I feed it it is a lot of fun to shoot. Hope this helps anybody looking at this gun as a potential buy. I'll try to put up some pictures when I can.
Safe shooting!

I bought this gun in early November when there really was almost nobody with experience with them and what I could find about the gun sounded good. It wasn't until it was already ordered that I started seeing people post about the feeding issues they were having.
I started shooting it early this month and now have about 800rds through it all with the 3 Pmags supplied from Ruger. Sure enough it didn't make it more than half way through the first magazine when it malfunctioned for the first time. A double feed. After that it "averaged" about one mal for every mag and a half for the first 100 rds and then about every two to three mags for the next 150-200 rds, mostly double feeds and a few failures to eject (it would extract the casing from the breach but not get it all the way out of the action).
All the malfunctions were with Prvi Partizan 145gr FMJBT ammo which i had a lot of and besides those mals shot pretty good. It seems that it started to shoot progressively more consistent the more rounds went through and for the last 400 or so rounds it has cycled every time with the rest of the Prvi and two boxes of Nosler 168gr match (there was one strange malfunction where the trigger would not reset while shooting the Nosler but when I opened up the lower I found a primer cap that had been blown out of the casing wedged in the trigger mechanism…weird. The Nosler blew out two primers in two boxes).
I have been running the gun on the number 2 gas setting and it is ejecting brass very consistently to the shooter's 4 o' clock. I tried to run it on 1 and it short stroked the very first round so I changed it back.
I have it set up running an SWFA SS fixed 10x and I changed the trigger out to a Geissele SSA-E which I put in immediately after watching reviews of the gun. I haven't fired the stock trigger. The accuracy is actually very good, I'll try to put up a couple groups if I can figure out how to do it. The groups themselves are by no means amazing (I think the best 100 yard 5 shot group is about 1.7 MOA) but I'll be the first to say that it reflects my crappy shooting and not the gun. The weapon is very accurate.
I had a chance to take it to 600 and then all the way out to 900 yards on a 16x18" pace of steel and I was impressed. At 600 shooting Partizan 145gr once I got my holdover figured out I was hitting about 7 out of ten (with my rookie rifle skills). At 900 the 145's were not really doing it (about one out of ten) but when I switched to the match loads I could hit it about half the time which I am totally happy with.
I'm shooting prone from a bipod at 7000' MSL and around 38 degrees F. My holdover at 900 yards was 9 mils and windage was 1 to 1.5 mils to account for the left to right wind.
Now for the advice part. When cleaning the gun I noticed a spot on the back wall of the upper receiver (if you look straight through the dust cover with the bolt back you can see it) where the metal is being gouged with a forward motion and actually displacing metal forming a burr. I checked the side of the bolt carrier that I though would line up with that part of the receiver and saw no damage (or even mark) so I decided that since it was actually cycling better now that I would continue to shoot it. For good or bad I put another 400 or so rounds through it checking it along the way. For a while the gouge and the burr was getting more pronounced then it kind of tapered off and now has stopped getting worse. It's like whatever is hitting it has carved out it's new home. The chromed bolt carrier still shows no signs of wear…also weird.
I'm going to now try to figure out how to put pictures up that show this damage but does anybody know what could be causing this and if I 'm destroying my gun by continuing to shoot it?
Like I said I am new to AR's but I really do like this gun. It is very well built and now that it cycles the ammo that I feed it it is a lot of fun to shoot. Hope this helps anybody looking at this gun as a potential buy. I'll try to put up some pictures when I can.
Safe shooting!

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