This-here is going to be a bit of a 'running commentary' as to the situation and the chain of events that we're dealing with here on our end. Some of this that we've learned/experience/are dealing with is practically unbelievable as well as unfathomable.
My 77 y/o Father in Law had a minor stroke/anyeurism this past January. He had been observed by my Mother in Law 'when it was happening' and she called us, to which we got him to the hospital in record time. The docs got him in practically immediately (health-care-aid didn't compute the concept of urgent when summoned) and didn't need to do surgery OR treat with 'clot-busting meds' because he wasn't "bad enough". (Still not sure what I think about that, so I'm leaving it alone.)
He was in the hospital for a week, before being released. During that week, he was in a room shared with one other gentleman, whom was in there for pneumonia.
24 hours after getting home, he started to 'relapse' and act weird. We were called, and we got him there AGAIN in record time, (especially after learning which corners/curves were able to be taken on two wheels
) He was then kept in for yet another week, being treated for pneumonia.
Go ahead, ask me how I/we feel about that one.
So, upon release from that second 'spa retreat', he has been a little pissed off/short of temper because of his deficit. Now let me explain.... his deficit was MINIMAL to say the least. At his age, the vast majority of others whom go through what he did, come out faring MUCH WORSE, and that is considering if they Come Out at all.
Blessed, massively.
The occupational therapist was at the home a few times, checking his abilities and whatnot, and little to no complaints there at all. The only things that hadn't happened yet, were the speech therapist and his knee replacement. He'd already had one knee replaced, and the other was supposed to be this past January, but he was in the hospital for the stroke at the time. So that got postponed. Didn't stop the pain/discomfort though.
Now, the deficit that Dad had was this. Item/word recognition. Any family member could pick up items and ask Dad to identify it/them. He did practically ALL of them. Some took a bit of time, and some took a bit of repetition. Except one thing. We could hold up a flashlight and he'd stammer/pop/fart/get frustrated as well as say things like "to look at" and "to see" but he couldn't get the word "flashlight".
And yet, about 1/2 hour to 2 hours afterwards, whenever anyone asked "what's bothering you" he'd reply "I can't say the damn word "Flashlight". Yup, you guessed it, he knew the word, and said the word,,, just not when he needed to.
How's that for a minor deficit, eh? He didn't trust himself driving the truck, though he'd back it and drive it up and down the driveway a number of times. He even drove it around the complex once, and giggled about it. But he didn't trust himself on the road at all yet. None of us pushed him, or forced him to do anything.
Which brings us to Monday night, two and a half weeks ago. They called us, needing help with the taps. We're like ?????? so we go over there, and they were replacing a cartridge in a leaky bathroom faucet. But it sprayed water all over, and everybody was mad. My Lady and I got in there, found the problem (a small rubber seal face wasn't replaced) so we put that in, put everything back together again, and all was good.
Except for all the water on the floor and carpet, and it seem 'pride', too. Mom was happy it was taken care of, and Dad was grumbling about the situation. He wouldn't look My Lady in the eye when we were leaving, but he did shake my hand when I took his to say goodnight.
***As an extra aside, I'll add in here that the itinerary for their first-ever Western Canada trip had just been finalized and confirmed, and My Lady gave them the dates and destinations for where they'll be going for almost 2 weeks in the coming months. This is something that they've wanted to do for decades, as well as Mom had finally tracked down a family member (in Vancouver) who'd been missing since the early 90's. They'd just gotten in touch a few months prior, and that spurred the "Go West Or Bust" determination. So all's good, eh?
The next morning (far earlier than they'd ever normally call) Mom calls and says "Dad just shot himself!!!!"..... We tell her to hang up and call 9-11 and we'll be right there. It seems, when we arrived there were a number of officers/cars there, and Dad had tried to eat a 12 gauge.
He succeeded in eating it, but he didn't succeed in his goal.
There's a whole new chapter of learning that has taken place in the past two and a half weeks, of things that I can truly say I never thought possible. I will go as far as to say that "medical miracle" is quite the statement AND concept.
This is all I can say for the moment, and will be adding more in due time. Cherish your family that you have. Look after your folks. I don't know what else to suggest at this moment, other than none of us had any idea/clue/hint of anything amiss. Same goes for any "professional" involved.
I'm smarter now, but I don't want to be. This is all shit that I didn't want to learn. Please Pray for him/us all too. Thanks.
My 77 y/o Father in Law had a minor stroke/anyeurism this past January. He had been observed by my Mother in Law 'when it was happening' and she called us, to which we got him to the hospital in record time. The docs got him in practically immediately (health-care-aid didn't compute the concept of urgent when summoned) and didn't need to do surgery OR treat with 'clot-busting meds' because he wasn't "bad enough". (Still not sure what I think about that, so I'm leaving it alone.)
He was in the hospital for a week, before being released. During that week, he was in a room shared with one other gentleman, whom was in there for pneumonia.
24 hours after getting home, he started to 'relapse' and act weird. We were called, and we got him there AGAIN in record time, (especially after learning which corners/curves were able to be taken on two wheels
Go ahead, ask me how I/we feel about that one.
So, upon release from that second 'spa retreat', he has been a little pissed off/short of temper because of his deficit. Now let me explain.... his deficit was MINIMAL to say the least. At his age, the vast majority of others whom go through what he did, come out faring MUCH WORSE, and that is considering if they Come Out at all.
Blessed, massively.
The occupational therapist was at the home a few times, checking his abilities and whatnot, and little to no complaints there at all. The only things that hadn't happened yet, were the speech therapist and his knee replacement. He'd already had one knee replaced, and the other was supposed to be this past January, but he was in the hospital for the stroke at the time. So that got postponed. Didn't stop the pain/discomfort though.
Now, the deficit that Dad had was this. Item/word recognition. Any family member could pick up items and ask Dad to identify it/them. He did practically ALL of them. Some took a bit of time, and some took a bit of repetition. Except one thing. We could hold up a flashlight and he'd stammer/pop/fart/get frustrated as well as say things like "to look at" and "to see" but he couldn't get the word "flashlight".
And yet, about 1/2 hour to 2 hours afterwards, whenever anyone asked "what's bothering you" he'd reply "I can't say the damn word "Flashlight". Yup, you guessed it, he knew the word, and said the word,,, just not when he needed to.
How's that for a minor deficit, eh? He didn't trust himself driving the truck, though he'd back it and drive it up and down the driveway a number of times. He even drove it around the complex once, and giggled about it. But he didn't trust himself on the road at all yet. None of us pushed him, or forced him to do anything.
Which brings us to Monday night, two and a half weeks ago. They called us, needing help with the taps. We're like ?????? so we go over there, and they were replacing a cartridge in a leaky bathroom faucet. But it sprayed water all over, and everybody was mad. My Lady and I got in there, found the problem (a small rubber seal face wasn't replaced) so we put that in, put everything back together again, and all was good.
Except for all the water on the floor and carpet, and it seem 'pride', too. Mom was happy it was taken care of, and Dad was grumbling about the situation. He wouldn't look My Lady in the eye when we were leaving, but he did shake my hand when I took his to say goodnight.
***As an extra aside, I'll add in here that the itinerary for their first-ever Western Canada trip had just been finalized and confirmed, and My Lady gave them the dates and destinations for where they'll be going for almost 2 weeks in the coming months. This is something that they've wanted to do for decades, as well as Mom had finally tracked down a family member (in Vancouver) who'd been missing since the early 90's. They'd just gotten in touch a few months prior, and that spurred the "Go West Or Bust" determination. So all's good, eh?
The next morning (far earlier than they'd ever normally call) Mom calls and says "Dad just shot himself!!!!"..... We tell her to hang up and call 9-11 and we'll be right there. It seems, when we arrived there were a number of officers/cars there, and Dad had tried to eat a 12 gauge.
He succeeded in eating it, but he didn't succeed in his goal.
There's a whole new chapter of learning that has taken place in the past two and a half weeks, of things that I can truly say I never thought possible. I will go as far as to say that "medical miracle" is quite the statement AND concept.
This is all I can say for the moment, and will be adding more in due time. Cherish your family that you have. Look after your folks. I don't know what else to suggest at this moment, other than none of us had any idea/clue/hint of anything amiss. Same goes for any "professional" involved.
I'm smarter now, but I don't want to be. This is all shit that I didn't want to learn. Please Pray for him/us all too. Thanks.