Advanced Marksmanship IOTA target

Nap Mag

The Activity
Full Member
Mar 6, 2017
hey everyone,
just got the IOTA (indoor optical training aid). Does anyone know of a website/resource for a good wallpaper that can be displayed on a laptop/iPad that can function as a target? For example, how about a picture of a steel target at a known distance. Or better yet, a video which even includes mirage
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I have one that is Powerpoint based that I got from somewhere but I can't seem to be able to post it as an attachment. It is quite large (11.4 MB) so you can PM me your email and I can get it to you provided your email server lets large files through
I use a high quality picture with lots of small targets in random places and use the backlighting of my laptop to make the picture bright.

If anyone is interested in buying an excellent condition 30mm IOTA, PM me.