Sidearms & Scatterguns Suggestions for concealed carry rigs


"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"
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  • Jul 27, 2007
    Just received my Virginia CCW permit in November. Never really felt the need before but with all the stuff thats been going on it felt like time. Ive been carrying a Glock 30 in an IWB polymer holster or a 1911 in a reversible leather. Both work ok but seem a bit cumbersome especially when sitting for extended periods. Looking for thoughts and suggestions especially with spring and summer coming and less heavy coats to hide the print.
    G19/23/32/36 in a Milt Sparks Summer Special 2 IWB on the strong side. This holster will allow an RMR milled in the back of the slide (with rear sight in front of it if you care). Two full sized mags on opposite side for balance. Done.
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    I've always made my own. If I don't get it right, make another one. I'm sue you've heard the old adage on holsters. Buy 5 and try one at a time. Get a box. Every time you find something wrong with a holster, throw it in the box. Every time you throw one in the box, buy a couple more. After a few years of this you might have one you really like.
    Cargo pants / Cargo shorts and pocket holsters work well if you have few other options based on weather / dress, especially if you sit a lot.
    not the fastest draw option, but it does beast ankle carry by a fair bit.
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    Same as my winter carry, just without the coat.
    I'm old school and like comfort and easy access, sitting in the car, sitting at a restaurant, riding a bike, etc. After watching the Freeway Church security guard take a round because he had to basically stand to access his weapon...… I don't care to be that guy.

    I've carried since 1984 and my go to is a shoulder holster especially with heavier packages. My Para P12 .45 12+1 and two spare 12rd mags isn't light but in the Galco shoulder rig I don't even pay attention to it. Same for my SIG P226 and P320 X-Carry.

    I just ordered this for my SIG P365:
    If the quality is good I'll order one for the X-Carry as this is the one company I've found that makes holsters to accommodate modern optics like the SIG Romeo. In the summer time a light weight t-shirt and a short sleeved button front linen shirt or a vest provide cover.

    The other option allowed by the P365 is front pocket carry..... with appropriate pant/pocket. Jean style pockets don't work.

    The other major factor is I had back surgery on L3-L4 in 2002, and carrying in/on the waste band creates a fair amount of discomfort. I've been walking 5 miles a day in the country for the last 10 years and always carry.
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    Cargo pants / Cargo shorts and pocket holsters work well if you have few other options based on weather / dress, especially if you sit a lot.
    not the fastest draw option, but it does beast ankle carry by a fair bit.

    I bought 3 new pair of cargo type pants, all a couple inches larger at the waist. Seem to work well. I could never get used to the ankle carry thing, I may try the pocket option, thanks.
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    A lot depends on your size/frame and what you intend to carry. Also, as mentioned by others, you have to consider any health issues that would impact your carry. I have read numerous times and have come to believe that carrying a gun, any gun, is uncomfortable. The key is to mitigate that as much as possible. I'm short, on the small side, and have back issues all of which impact the size of the pistol, type of holster, and position of carry for me. I suspect those things would apply to anyone with the exception that you big type guys can pull off things I can't. Years ago, I carried a light-weight officers model 45 in a shoulder rig. I believe it was a Galco. I also had a custom leather IWB holster which I alternated between depending on what I was doing that day. The shoulder rig was the most comfortable--relatively speaking.

    I now carry a Sig 365XL in either a CrossBreed or Vedder IWB appendix carry. I have come to appendix carry late having been afraid of potential serious problems. I'm older and don't use it much, but I'm kind of fond of my stuff down there.? Also, we have big arteries that you don't want to start leaking. With proper attention and technique, I believe appendix carry is safe and I have found it the most comfortable position for carry. I find it much easier to reach my pistol and my draw is such quicker than any place else. A little long--hope this helps.
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    You disregarded my post. Why would you care if your pistol leaves a small bump somewhere when you would be the only one to even realize its there? I have never noticed a pistol on someone and I carry often myself. Do you think people are looking for it? If they are who cares?

    i could give a shit if the grip leaves a small bump under my shirt. Its not against the law if it prints anyhow.
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    For my full sized HKs carried behind hip IWB Ive always found the Comp-Tac holsters to be comfortable, conceal well and stable. Its usually hotter than Hades here so 80% of the time I have to dress more for sweaty t-shirt weather. Im a big fan of carrying a smaller Walther PPS AIWB in a Garret Silent Thunder for that.
    Carried many different guns and calibers. Started with and then ended with an LCP w/ a laser.

    Once heard "what's the best gun to carry?" Answer; "the one you'll carry".

    The LCP is just an easy carry pistol in a Crossbreed IWB holster or similar. It's light and small. Keep a larger gun in your car/truck. That's my advice.

    LCP .380 auto
    Walther PPS 9mm
    Dan Wesson Guardian .45
    Dan Wesson ECO .45
    Springfield Armory XDS .45
    Back to the LCP .380. Keep the XDS in the truck* and have a IWB holster and mags if I feel the 'need'.

    Colorado allows for loaded pistols in vehicles but not rifles. I think it's a hunting thing with the rifles.
    Glock 26 owb desantis holster in the winter. Gun on right hip, 15 round mag on left.

    Summer is glock 26 IWB holster. However just picked up a Ruger EC9S that will be my primary summer choice for inside the pocket carry as well
    Carried many different guns and calibers. Started with and then ended with an LCP w/ a laser.

    Once heard "what's the best gun to carry?" Answer; "the one you'll carry".

    The LCP is just an easy carry pistol in a Crossbreed IWB holster or similar. It's light and small. Keep a larger gun in your car/truck. That's my advice.

    LCP .380 auto
    Walther PPS 9mm
    Dan Wesson Guardian .45
    Dan Wesson ECO .45
    Springfield Armory XDS .45
    Back to the LCP .380. Keep the XDS in the truck* and have a IWB holster and mags if I feel the 'need'.

    Colorado allows for loaded pistols in vehicles but not rifles. I think it's a hunting thing with the rifles.

    I agree with this as well. I’ve carried several guns over the years. Some my own some Dept issued and always find myself coming back to my 26. Tried 1911, glock 23 etc etc. Having something is better than nothing. I found myself carrying a lot less when the dept suggested we carry our glock 22 off duty....

    My backups are Supressed SBR AR15 or CZ Scorpion in the truck
    Hi Rise OWB side carry is the most comfortable for all day wear in my experience.

    A good holster will tuck the grip of a full sized pistol into your side and can conceal under a over sized t-shirt. Something smaller like a glock 43 you can forget its even there.
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    You disregarded my post. Why would you care if your pistol leaves a small bump somewhere when you would be the only one to even realize its there? I have never noticed a pistol on someone and I carry often myself. Do you think people are looking for it? If they are who cares?

    i could give a shit if the grip leaves a small bump under my shirt. Its not against the law if it prints anyhow.


    Didnt mean to hurt your feeling, sir.? And I didnt ignore your post, if you note I gave it a smiley thing.

    Yeah, most dont notice, and as you said I dont give a damn, but I also can see that being 'CONCEALED' is a definite advantage. If you were going to shoot up a Wally World whose the first one you'd shoot? The guy with the gun showing. Dont be that guy.

    Thanks for the comment.

    Didnt mean to hurt your feeling, sir.? And I didnt ignore your post, if you note I gave it a smiley thing.

    Yeah, most dont notice, and as you said I dont give a damn, but I also can see that being 'CONCEALED' is a definite advantage. If you were going to shoot up a Wally World whose the first one you'd shoot? The guy with the gun showing. Dont be that guy.

    Thanks for the comment.
    I was questioning the smiley face thing which is why I asked. I wanted your commentary. I have been carrying for well over a decade. You are barely trying to start. How many people in the last 10 years have you said to yourself “yep he is packing heat.”

    Nobody knows if you carry because a dang grip makes a small protrusion when you bend over. Your worries are not reality. I am trying to help you make an easier decision based on experience.

    Appendix carry for me is the easiest.
    I wear a owb Longs Shadow holster with a XDS 9mm with a spare magazine and flashlight on my weak side under a lightweight vest, or patterned button up shirt. I leave the shirt untucked and unbuttoned for cover.
    When I need to be more discreet I wear a Crossbreed gun holster, mag holster and a pocket flashlight. I only do this out of necessity because it is not as comfortable.
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    I love carrying the Glock 19. It’s so easy to hide for such a big pistol. I prefer appendix carry. I like the T-Rex Arms sidecar holster. It’s really comfortable and holds an extra mag. I also carry on my back hip iwb. Right above my right butt cheek. Appendix is easier to hide. Back hip is slightly more comfortable. The more you carry the more comfortable it gets. Like a ring or watch. You forget it’s there and feel naked without it. I would definitely try out a Glock 19 though. They look big and hard to carry but I swear they made that gun perfect for concealed carry. Good luck!
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    I carry Appendix and sit a lot - driving is half of my job. I think Appendix is uncomfortable when sitting if one is carrying a little extra around the waist. When I started if was poking me and pissing me off and then I lost 30 pounds and it works well.

    Just sayin....Appendix ain't for everyone but if yer lean it's way better than if you have a little tire.

    When its warm - M&P 2.0 Shield IWB appendix carry in a hard plastic holster with adjustable cant/retention.

    In winter I carry a p320 full size or a full size M&P. Both with high mounted OWB. Just easier for me to clear more clothing which isnt an issue in summer.

    I forget the brands of holsters. Most were just cheap Amazon purchases. They seem to do the job good enough.

    Im a medim sized dude and wear more sport-fit clothing. I may print a lttle here and there(depending) but I doubt its enough for most to notice.

    Whatever is chosen you need to put in the time for practice to increase proficiency.
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    Just for shits and giggles, I IWB carried a full size double stack 1911 for a day at work, auto technician. I’m 6’ 180lbs, nobody noticed or cared other than me for strapping 6lbs onto my hip.

    I do get where your coming from and also try to minimize to possibly of detection, but after 13 years of ccw, that’s not as big of a priority anymore. 90% Of the general populace don’t notice cause they wouldn’t even know what to look for in the first place.

    To add to the suggestions, I’ve never used Alien Gear holsters, but their on my list to try out with a CZ P10c.

    When its warm - M&P 2.0 Shield appendix carry in a hard plastic holster with adjustable cant/retention.

    In winter I carry a p320 full size or a full size M&P. Both with high mounted OWB. Just easier for me to clear more clothing which isnt an issue in summer.

    I forget the brands of holsters. Most were just cheap Amazon purchases. They seem to do the job good enough.

    Im a medim sized dude and wear more sport-fit clothing. I may print a lttle here and there(depending) but I doubt its enough for most to notice.

    Whatever is chosen you need to put in the time for practice to increase proficiency.


    As the HMFIC says, "You cant miss fast enough to win a gunfight. Get out an practice."
    Just for shits and giggles, I IWB carried a full size double stack 1911 for a day at work, auto technician. I’m 6’ 180lbs, nobody noticed or cared other than me for strapping 6lbs onto my hip.

    I do get where your coming from and also try to minimize to possibly of detection, but after 13 years of ccw, that’s not as big of a priority anymore. 90% Of the general populace don’t notice cause they wouldn’t even know what to look for in the first place.

    To add to the suggestions, I’ve never used Alien Gear holsters, but their on my list to try out with a CZ P10c.

    Ive been looking at the Alien Gear stuff. Looks well thought out. Thanks.
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    Glock 26 with 15 round mags and a IWB holster (alien gear are decent for the price or comptac) or if you want something a little smaller, the S&W Shield 9mm is the best bang for your buck.....
    I appreciate all the great comments. I think I just solved the problem, at least for cooler weather. Carrying IWB on the rear cheek/hip had always pressed into an already arthritic hip, and hurt, but it worked. Per several of you I just tried appendix carry and 'voila' it nestles in there like a cold bottle of IPA on a hot summers day. Even easy driving.
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    Winter 92fs in a galco shoulder rig summer I'm in cargo shorts from May to Sept a bodyguard revolver or PPK in a holster in the right pocket and extra ammo loose for the bg or 2 extra mags for the 32. I've had the ppk for along time the bg 2 years. I don't carry at least half the days of summer which I need to change. The truck has either a 308 or carbine with 40rds each and every day. I also have a full-size pistol of some persuasion with 2 loaded mags in a keyed Hornady large pistol safe between the driver's seat and the console also every day
    For carry ammo I run 2 hollowpoints then fmj the rest of the way. I shoot the fmj every trip and know it is going to run in the 92. I shoot the 32 about once a month in the summer and less in the winter. I load the same way 2 hp's the rest are fmj. The bodyguard has 2 hollowpoints and 3 +p wadcutters. If the 2 hp's don't do anything I'm shooting the hips or the head next and I know the fmj and wadcutters are going to penetrate
    You could get 100 people to tell you to buy Uncle Bobby Joe's holster and when you get it, you hate it. Holsters are kinda like shoes, you have to try on a few before you find the one that YOU like. Sure, I can tell you which one I use, but in reality, that information is not going to help you out.

    There's no 1 holster fits all. sorry!
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    I’ve carried a sig p938 for 5 years straight every day in a crossbreed holster in the 4 o’clock position. Very comfortable

    i want to switch to either a sig p365 or 365xl for more ammo capacity. I’ll get another crossbreed holster for it. No reason to switch

    I’m up and down ladders, crawling under stuff, driving, and moving around all day long. I forget my gun is there
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    The single most important piece is a real/good gun belt . Double layered stiff leather . It'll cost but you get what you pay for . Comptac and Bladetech for polymer , Bianchi and Galco for leather . Go to a LGS and try them with your carry piece . Get a stroe employee to help . Check how it rides and hides . Most importantly check your hook up . Grasp it as though you are gowing to draw . Bad angle , polymer hitting the web of your hand or anything that interferes with a solid hook up ..
    You may go thru a few holsters before you find that perfect fit . Clothing is another issue . What fits and looks good on you may not be accomadating to carry . When you find t shirts or button downs that work with concealed carry buy two or three .
    As for your carry piece that's subjectie and experimental also . I don't carry smaller than a commander sized double stack single action . Even in the summer I carry full sized . Carry what you shoot well and find ways to make it work . Most of all good luck .
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    After a decade of carrying a G27 IWB strongside I finally got sick of pulling my shirt down. Open carry is legal here but I don't care for the attention.

    A few years ago I stated carrying a Sig P938 in a High Noon front pocket, and have since bought a P365 with a Recluse and a G43 in a Sticky Holster.

    At 6'1", 240 I have a hard time finding 36" waste pants that don't look like skinny Jean's and even if I buy XXL shirts they don't add length, just belly girth I don't need added. All of my pistols print because I have quads. In 3-4 years of pocket carry I have only noticed one person bust me and I was standing 2' away from his face trying to take a seat.

    I really, really like front pocket carry. It sucks for the car and is a slow draw but I carry, so I'm better off than I would be with that shit sitting on top of the safe at home. Just make sure you stay situationally aware and the draw probably won't matter.

    Welcome to the club... if you find the holy grail of CCW please share. I think most of us have 3-10 carry pistols and 6-12 holsters looking for what's just right.

    Edit: I just can't bring myself to appendix carry. My daughters boyfriend appendix carried a G19 until he did his hospital rotations in November. After seeing what happens if something goes wrong he immediately changed back to strong side.
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    Well, winter here in MN you can get away with about anything.

    I carry a HK vp9 no extra mags but this is about to change.

    This has started to become more of a focus of my thoughts of late.

    With that in mind I’ll give you an option not mentioned yet.

    An off body carry option.

    Vertx pack

    In use video


    Different sizes and styles available, COLORS too! ?

    So yeah,
    plenty of mags, armor option, ifak storage and.... if you have an appropriate sized sbr it fits as well.

    All of that and it doesn’t look out of place or stands out.

    I may feel stupid to wear at first but no one will give it a second thought.

    It may be to out of the ordinary for you.

    Hope this gives you at least a little food for thought.

    Best of luck!
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