Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

"Here's a scary thought; the Porsche 917, which won Le Mans 24 Hours for the first time in 1970, was capable of a top speed of 390km/h. And this is what its alloy space-frame chassis looks like in the flesh.

The bare chassis with no attachments weighs just 42kg. Skinny chassis was permanently pressurized with gas and there were gauges in the cockpit to alert the driver of chassis breaking''

Note all of the particulary thin tubing is just there to carry the fiberglass body shell


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@Lawless how are you feeling ?

Pretty good, still weak as chicken bone soup and coughing up crud. The worst symptoms lasted about 4 days and have been tapering off the last part of the week.

Yesterday he said he was better. I’m glad to hear that, he puts some incredible pics on here. His whole family had this mess.

Bro, your offer of assistance and other offers from various members has been so uplifting. From close to the other side of the country the people asking what I needed and how to get it to me was a beautiful picture of care.

I appreciate all the prayer and kind words.

God is still God, and He needs me here a while longer.

On another note. I had loaned my nephew my last remaining DSLR and all of my kit as his backup. He is shooting weddings, despite my plea that he not LOL.

He has another body now so I asked for it back and I will be getting back into shooting for joy and satisfaction.

I have enjoyed phone photography, it is challenging exploring those limits and we are blessed to have such great cameras in our pockets. Having my new grandson leads me to believe some more capable gear is needed.

More soon.

Also I will be digging through some of my old hard drives and posting some long ago pics. I may post a person or 2 but privacy issues will prevent some of that. Mostly other subjects I guess and I will put “From Lawless’ Files” at the top.