Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

Back when the first Berettas were issued in the 80's there were several mishaps. The slides came off the back into the shooters face. IIRC. We were hearing all kinds of scuttlebutt but I don't think that the truth was ever passed along.
Probably something @THEIS would know.
I saw slides crack, but never one fly back. Reason we were given was that some of the 9mm ammo was originally intended for SMG and was hotter than the 9mm nato the gun was designed for. No idea if that was true, but our armory did have MP-5s.
Always look stupid, enemy might be running low on ammunition.

I've had the privilege of speaking with a number of POWs from WWII through Vietnam. One of the VN vets (LTC) talked about a guy in the Hanoi Hilton called Joe. The LTC said he was the smartest person he had ever met. Joe had the Camp commander convinced he was an idiot and they pretty much left him alone. Several years into their confinement, Joe planned an escape. A guard broke protocol and wasn't were he normally would have been and the POWs killed him. The noise brought other guards and that was the end of that. The camp commander spent the next day torturing Joe to death.

Did I ever mention how much I hope the VNs are still eating rat meat?
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Ive flown in that plane.

She was not around at the time....
I did get to fly with a female pilot named Erica who at the time flew with the outfit down the way. Excellent pilot and was very attractive. No makeup or working it for a photo shoot. Just a flannel shirt, jeans, and boots like those.
Then one days she wore Carhartts. I was 21 or so. I walked around in a daze for a while.....
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