New Bag- ELR Pro:”The Lowlight”

Precision Underground

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    Many have probably heard rumblings of a bag we’ve been working on with @lowlight. Well it’s wrapped and it’s pretty bad ass! I’ll go over a few differences and what they mean for you choosing a bag.


    Our original ELR bag was aimed at helping guys shoot better. The locking fill plus it being pretty full allows you to really rely on the bag to do the work for you. Aiming with and relying on the bag 100% isn’t how we’d recommend shooting but reality is that 90% of average shooters do it this way. The bag is a huge success and guys love it. We have had a few, Frank included, who wanted less fill so they could use their support hand to pinch the stock through the bag.

    So we sent Frank a bunch of different things and went back and forth until we got it right and the ELR Pro aka the Lowlight was born. This bag has a larger cut size and less fill so it gives your support hand the room to get inside and be more in control. We also added an adjustable strap on the short side so you can get your hand in even if you’re running it really low. We use just slightly more of our fill additive in the pro so it’s a hair more “sticky” and will still locks in place when you get it where you want it.

    So which one do you need?

    If you’re using a body driven NPA you can really use either bag and shouldn’t have any trouble. You may have a preference depending on how you like to use your support hand but when you’re driving and aiming with your body the bag is in the back seat. You will be a able to use either to supplement your NPA. Just pick what’s more comfortable for you.

    When it really matters and when it will really make a difference in you’re shooting is if your aiming/driving with the bag. Some people will want to do this with their hand inside the bag and some just want to plop the bag down and let it do the work.

    We’ve rebranded the standard ELR to be the “EL-Rx”- Rx as in prescription for your bag troubles. If you want to plop the rifle down and let the bag do the work the Rx is what you’ll want. If you want more control and either have or are willing to put in some work to learn how to use more support hand more the Pro will be the best route.

    I don’t want guys to think they need the new bag to shoot “correctly”. Using the Rx doesn’t mean you don’t know how to shoot. I use a slightly smaller version of it and my middle name is fundamentals. I use very little bag and 90% body so snugging the more full bag under my NPA works well for me but I could honestly use either one and be fine. That being said I am going to run the Pro a bit and may end up on that end.

    We’re going to send Frank some so he can use them in his classes and maybe give one away at a class when it’s deserved. So go sign up and learn to shoot and you may get a bag out of the deal!

    Fire away if you have questions. We haven’t really gone over rear bag theory with Frank that’s just my take on it so if he’s instructing you listen to him not me lol. Tag him here if you have questions on it and he’ll probably show up.

    Here’s the link to get us to send you one.
    Can you make it with a strap and a sling swivel like the strapped ELR bag? It’s nice to attach to the rifle when moving between stages
    Yea that’s an option. I’m not sure we added it to the site yet but we could add it to the bag the same as the others if you want.
    I got the ELR Pro bag. I did a 4 day training with lowlight in Alaska where he gave me the TAB rear bag and taught me his way of controlling the stock with the support hand/bag and have been doing pretty well. Combination with NPA and proper rear bag support, my groups shrunk a lot with my 308 and being able to spot impacts, no muzzle flip, straight back recoil.

    Quality of the ELR Pro is great as usual like all of PU's other bags. The fill is good, and the amount of fill does exactly as stated. The rifle can sit in the bag and have the bag wrap around the stock where it can be pinched/controlled with the buttstock. As seen in the pictures below it is a bit wider and taller, though in use, the amount of fill of the ELR Pro allows the bag to collapse to about the same height as the collapsed TAB rear bag.

    Having used the TAB rear bag for over a year and through a lot of rounds / matches, the ELR Pro felt a bit fat. It felt a bit uncomfortable to get my hand around and squeeze. Pinching the stock was fine, but pinching the stock and also doing minor elevation adjustments was difficult for me. It's probably just getting used to it, but it was just a bit wide for squeezing and pinching at the same time.

    It is though an interesting combo if used like my old ELR (I guess the renamed ELR Rx) where the locking fill just kept the rifle in place. So in some sense the new way to use the bag seems like a hybrid. Locking fill keeps the rifle vertically supported, and then it's just the pinching of the stock with the 'ears' of the bag.

    I am guessing also being wider, possibly has some added stability with the connection to the ground. I'll have to play with it a lot more, but these are my initial thoughts.

    I got the ELR Pro bag. I did a 4 day training with lowlight in Alaska where he gave me the TAB rear bag and taught me his way of controlling the stock with the support hand/bag and have been doing pretty well. Combination with NPA and proper rear bag support, my groups shrunk a lot with my 308 and being able to spot impacts, no muzzle flip, straight back recoil.

    Quality of the ELR Pro is great as usual like all of PU's other bags. The fill is good, and the amount of fill does exactly as stated. The rifle can sit in the bag and have the bag wrap around the stock where it can be pinched/controlled with the buttstock. As seen in the pictures below it is a bit wider and taller, though in use, the amount of fill of the ELR Pro allows the bag to collapse to about the same height as the collapsed TAB rear bag.

    Having used the TAB rear bag for over a year and through a lot of rounds / matches, the ELR Pro felt a bit fat. It felt a bit uncomfortable to get my hand around and squeeze. Pinching the stock was fine, but pinching the stock and also doing minor elevation adjustments was difficult for me. It's probably just getting used to it, but it was just a bit wide for squeezing and pinching at the same time.

    It is though an interesting combo if used like my old ELR (I guess the renamed ELR Rx) where the locking fill just kept the rifle in place. So in some sense the new way to use the bag seems like a hybrid. Locking fill keeps the rifle vertically supported, and then it's just the pinching of the stock with the 'ears' of the bag.

    I am guessing also being wider, possibly has some added stability with the connection to the ground. I'll have to play with it a lot more, but these are my initial thoughts.

    View attachment 7614661

    Thanks for taking the time. If the bag feels too wide you may be running it with the stock too deep in it. The Pro is meant to be pinched on the top 1/3 with some but not a lot of fill in the “ears” between your hand and the stock. If the stock is way down in it it will be a lot wider because of more fill on the top end. That being said we can always take some fill out if you need more room for your hand.

    On the elevation adjustment. Our fill is going to squeeze differently than a typical poly fill. If you’re used to a tab bag and you’re squeezing up to make adjustments ours will take a little getting used to. But you’ll likely never go back once you get it. The only thing you’ll need to do differently than the tab is just take some pressure off the bag before you squeeze. That will let the fill move around easier. So you’re not squeezing the stock up; you’re lifting the stock up with your shoulders/core, squeezing up on the bag, and then settling the stock back down on target. We’re talking 1/2-1” not a big movement. As you get used to doing this you can start to find your aim with your core rather than the bag. So as you lift up and settle back down you’re pulling into your shoulder and looking to land on target without the help of the bag. You’ll learn to make tiny shifts with your body to land on target. This is the road to a true NPA and less reliance on the bag. The good part is you can keep shooting the way you do now as you get there by making this small change in how you adjust your aim.

    If you want to be a pincher- IMO a pincher should do just as above. Don’t try to raise the stock with your support hand. Raise the stock with your body, pinch a bit tighter, and then settle back down. You’re connected to the ground, the rifle is connected to you and on target, and you pinch the stock just to make the reticle be still, not to aim or control the rifle.

    There are a different ways to get it done. You just need to know what it is you’re trying to do so the pieces fit together. You do have to use a bit of a different technique to squeeze our bags if you’re used to just squeezing to adjust the stock. But this turns out to be a bonus as it’s leading you toward good fundamentals.
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    I’ll admit that this seems like just what I’m needing for my .338. It’s the style of bag I prefer and seems to be the right size too.

    I’ve tried to hold off buying any more bags, since they multiply in my garage, but what’s a guy gonna do?
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    I’ll admit that this seems like just what I’m needing for my .338. It’s the style of bag I prefer and seems to be the right size too.

    I’ve tried to hold off buying any more bags, since they multiply in my garage, but what’s a guy gonna do?
    Do we just need to add that in order comments or call in?
    I just added the option to the site. I will say if you use one already and like it go for it but if it’s just a thought you may want to test it out first. I personally don’t like using a bag QD’d to the stock but some people do. We have had guys order them and then ask if they could swap out for a non-QD. Not saying there’s anything wrong with it but it’s definitely personal preference.
    I just added the option to the site. I will say if you use one already and like it go for it but if it’s just a thought you may want to test it out first. I personally don’t like using a bag QD’d to the stock but some people do. We have had guys order them and then ask if they could swap out for a non-QD. Not saying there’s anything wrong with it but it’s definitely personal preference.
    Noice 🤙. I’ve got a strapped ELR in my collection. It comes in handy from time to time when a third hand is needed and detach when shooting.
    I just added the option to the site. I will say if you use one already and like it go for it but if it’s just a thought you may want to test it out first. I personally don’t like using a bag QD’d to the stock but some people do. We have had guys order them and then ask if they could swap out for a non-QD. Not saying there’s anything wrong with it but it’s definitely personal preference.
    I have a couple of bags that have QD straps (IE SAP Run N Gun). I personally think the weight of this one would make it awkward and would mean having to remove your hand from within the strap.
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    Many have probably heard rumblings of a bag we’ve been working on with @lowlight. Well it’s wrapped and it’s pretty bad ass! I’ll go over a few differences and what they mean for you choosing a bag.

    View attachment 7610057

    Our original ELR bag was aimed at helping guys shoot better. The locking fill plus it being pretty full allows you to really rely on the bag to do the work for you. Aiming with and relying on the bag 100% isn’t how we’d recommend shooting but reality is that 90% of average shooters do it this way. The bag is a huge success and guys love it. We have had a few, Frank included, who wanted less fill so they could use their support hand to pinch the stock through the bag.

    So we sent Frank a bunch of different things and went back and forth until we got it right and the ELR Pro aka the Lowlight was born. This bag has a larger cut size and less fill so it gives your support hand the room to get inside and be more in control. We also added an adjustable strap on the short side so you can get your hand in even if you’re running it really low. We use just slightly more of our fill additive in the pro so it’s a hair more “sticky” and will still locks in place when you get it where you want it.

    So which one do you need?

    If you’re using a body driven NPA you can really use either bag and shouldn’t have any trouble. You may have a preference depending on how you like to use your support hand but when you’re driving and aiming with your body the bag is in the back seat. You will be a able to use either to supplement your NPA. Just pick what’s more comfortable for you.

    When it really matters and when it will really make a difference in you’re shooting is if your aiming/driving with the bag. Some people will want to do this with their hand inside the bag and some just want to plop the bag down and let it do the work.

    We’ve rebranded the standard ELR to be the “EL-Rx”- Rx as in prescription for your bag troubles. If you want to plop the rifle down and let the bag do the work the Rx is what you’ll want. If you want more control and either have or are willing to put in some work to learn how to use more support hand more the Pro will be the best route.

    I don’t want guys to think they need the new bag to shoot “correctly”. Using the Rx doesn’t mean you don’t know how to shoot. I use a slightly smaller version of it and my middle name is fundamentals. I use very little bag and 90% body so snugging the more full bag under my NPA works well for me but I could honestly use either one and be fine. That being said I am going to run the Pro a bit and may end up on that end.

    We’re going to send Frank some so he can use them in his classes and maybe give one away at a class when it’s deserved. So go sign up and learn to shoot and you may get a bag out of the deal!

    Fire away if you have questions. We haven’t really gone over rear bag theory with Frank that’s just my take on it so if he’s instructing you listen to him not me lol. Tag him here if you have questions on it and he’ll probably show up.

    Here’s the link to get us to send you one.
    I like my ELR a lot but my mini is always my go to because I can pinch the ears in on the bag rider easier so I can understand what Frank is preferring for the ELR.
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    We are online only at this time. We’ve got some vendors asking to stock stuff but we’ve got to expand a bit before we can handle that without our online customers suffering.
    I have two matches this weekend and I'm looking to try a new rear bag. Thought I'd try out yours but wanted to feel it in hand before I bought.

    I'm also curious about your fill. I'm sure it's an industry secret but I've found some "sand" I'd like to try as a fill and I'm curious if yours is similar.
    I have two matches this weekend and I'm looking to try a new rear bag. Thought I'd try out yours but wanted to feel it in hand before I bought.

    I'm also curious about your fill. I'm sure it's an industry secret but I've found some "sand" I'd like to try as a fill and I'm curious if yours is similar.
    I have one of their bags if you want to try it. It’s the normal ELR with the locking fill. Shoot me text when you have a chance and I’m sure I can get it to ya before this weekend
    I have one of their bags if you want to try it. It’s the normal ELR with the locking fill. Shoot me text when you have a chance and I’m sure I can get it to ya before this weekend
    That would be awesome. Thanks.

    Do you think the fill is similar to what I've discussed with you? If you remember that convo.
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    I have two matches this weekend and I'm looking to try a new rear bag. Thought I'd try out yours but wanted to feel it in hand before I bought.

    I'm also curious about your fill. I'm sure it's an industry secret but I've found some "sand" I'd like to try as a fill and I'm curious if yours is similar.
    It can’t really be that secret. If a company wants to rip us off all they have to do is buy a bag and cut it open. I’m still not going to post it here and at least make them feel skanky while cutting our bag open lol.

    It’s not like sand but has a bit of a sand characteristic. Someone said kinetic sand and that’s pretty close. Buy one and send it back if you don’t like it.
    It can’t really be that secret. If a company wants to rip us off all they have to do is buy a bag and cut it open. I’m still not going to post it here and at least make them feel skanky while cutting our bag open lol.

    It’s not like sand but has a bit of a sand characteristic. Someone said kinetic sand and that’s pretty close. Buy one and send it back if you don’t like it.
    The best stuff was that stinky fill you had!
    It unfortunately lost its essence over time :(
    I am hearing that while its a slightly larger bag, its a less full bag. Not sure where that puts it overall compared to ELR.

    My daughter has been using the ELR but at class it was too low for a higher bipod setting. Marc lent her a fat/small TAB bag ind it worked well. Unfortunately they didnt seem to have any to sell when we got home.

    If she needs something a little bigger than the ELR which bag to use?
    I am hearing that while its a slightly larger bag, its a less full bag. Not sure where that puts it overall compared to ELR.

    My daughter has been using the ELR but at class it was too low for a higher bipod setting. Marc lent her a fat/small TAB bag ind it worked well. Unfortunately they didnt seem to have any to sell when we got home.

    If she needs something a little bigger than the ELR which bag to use?
    We can make her one that’s taller than standard. We do a XL for some which is basically a Pro but with more fill. How much taller does she need?
    How much of a difference is the XL to the Pro from a size perspective. Debating if I can't live without one of these.
    The pro and XL size is actually the same. The pro has much less fill though so it’s a completely different bag. They’re like polar opposite bags. If you like the XL and how it works you may not like the pro because it will rely more on you to use your hand to hold the stock rather than the bag doing a lot of the work.
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