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Beto's Back, Baby!

Robert Francis O'Rourke, the fake Mexican?

He and Carlos Mencia should start a shitty talentless fake Mexican club, at least Ned (aka “Carlos”) had the tan and fake accent to kinda pull it off 😂
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Fucking wanker.


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Well he'll for sure have lots of Soros funding behind him. will also be interesting if Matthew Mc fuckingay will run as a demonrat against him.
I'm not a huge fan of "all hat, no cattle" Abbott but I'll vote for him in a heartbeat against either of those two fucksticks.

Shame Sorros, who kept his nazi name vs going back to his birth name of György Schwartz, didn’t hang with all the other nazis.
Good thing I dont watch cable news, Id have to endure this idiot jumping on tables and pretending he knows anything....... 🤔 Wait....... kinda sounds like every fuckstick politician ever....... can we please get a bucket of tar and some pillows...... 🙆‍♀️
Alan West was a lousy Congressman while serving the 18th district of Florida. He stayed in his hotel room to avoid giving a concession speech when he was defeated after one term. He moved to Texas soon after. I don’t think many conservative Texans would like to be represented by West.


but i dont know if id vote the Actor from Uvalde over West, but McNaugahyde did have some pretty smart things to say about not getting his kids vaxxed. He kinda took some punishment for it in the media and then it was swept under. I am also pretty sure he wont be anti-gun, knowing where he is from and how he was raised, but its possible if he's been corrupted by hollywood.

as well as many other roles, i did enjoy him as "The Pecker" in Tropic Thunder. :) though that has NOT A DAMN THING TO DO WITH HIS POLITICS AND IF ILL LIKE THEM OR NOT.
Alan West was a lousy Congressman while serving the 18th district of Florida. He stayed in his hotel room to avoid giving a concession speech when he was defeated after one term. He moved to Texas soon after. I don’t think many conservative Texans would like to be represented by West.
"Alan West is a political opportunist- among opportunists. Fuck, he isn't even from Texas, he just sees the state as a likely place to further his political ambitions. Fuck that. I'll vote for "All right, all right, all right" before West..."

I know his history and all that, I just wondered where he went. I know he got in a fight in the Airport a couple of days ago, but I haven't heard anything about him otherwise since then. He spoke at the 101st Airborne Association Reunion, and had everyone there ready to re-enlist. Seems like he's gotten a lower profile since his wife got that ticket. He seems to resonate with some pretty conservative people in our area of Texas.