John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
This month, we celebrate the birth of our savior. We celebrate best by honoring him. We do that by demonstrating our kindness. It is a season of good. A season of giving. While the struggle of this life can blind us to that ever present mandate to be kind, it is especially important in remembering the kindness which awaits us if we try to live an honorable life, and come to Him to be saved. He would have us treat others as he would treat us. Bless your enemies, as blessing those that bless us requires no sacrifice and is worth nothing. Christmas is a wonderful reminder of these philosophy's.
While some of us may be very blessed, others may be experiencing hardship. Those that are trying to lead a good life, should be offered a hand up. After all, it's usually easy to find those people which deserve such things. It is in this spirit that I make this post. Read this post carefully, and completely, as there are specific instructions that must be followed. Not I nor my staff will feel responsible if you neglect a step!
We honor the celebration of Christmas by giving. Give. Give until it hurts, and then give a little more. I'll start... and I encourage you to follow in whatever way you are able, with whatever resources you may have.
First, I'll be selecting multiple members of to receive a CPS free of charge. Those of you that respond to this thread with your favorite bible verse and inspirational message will be considered.
Merry Christmas!!!
Second, If you place an order for a CPS from December 18, 2021 (today) through midnight on December 25th, 2021... you can put your favorite bible verse in the comments field during checkout on the website and you will receive $50 off your purchase. You'll check out for the full amount, but we'll be
processing orders manually and will ensure you are charged the correct amount to reflect the discount. Due to already crushing order volume, we'll likely ship your CPS within 4-6 weeks of your order. Do not burden my staff by being forgetful here, as you will either follow instructions or you can accept your failings and move on. No bible verse, no discount!
Third, When you place your order... you can also make a donation to
Santa's CPS Fund! No matter what amount you want to give, just add the
Santa's CPS Fund item to your cart, with the amount you specify, and we'll charge your card accordingly and add it to
Santa's CPS Fund, and when that tally hits the value of a CPS, I'll jump in here and pick a participant from this thread to receive a brand new Competition Primer Seater for free! Santa and I are good friends, and I have assurances from the elves that Santa's CPS's get special priority treatment!
Fourth, The CPS's will be going up in price substantially in 2022. We've had the same price since 2015, but the cost of raw materials has gone to astronomical levels this past year and we can no longer absorb that. This is your last opportunity to get a CPS at a reduced price.
Fifth, You can donate to Santa's CPS Fund without ordering anything else, if you like. You can just bump the quantity and use the options to adjust how much you'd like to donate. We'll process cards manually, so we can ensure you will be charged the correct amount.
Donate To Santa's CPS Fund
Sixth, Let me share a gift with you that I've tried to continually share over the years. The library section at has some articles I've written which might help you progress as a shooter. Mentoring shooters is quite possibly my favorite thing to do, as it can save people so much precious time when attempting to figure out this wonderful sport. Please have a look and give a read! We also have a ton of free instructional content on our
youtube channel.
From my family here at Primal Rights, we wish you all a Merry Christmas!!!!!
Important Details - READ ME! (subject to change as needed)
This offer can not be applied to any previous or pending order. I know... missing out is no fun, but rest easy knowing we are thankful for your order you may have placed, and you certainly won't be disappointed with the product. We appreciate you!
These orders will be processed as soon as they are received, in the order they are received, and shipped in the order they are received, as we are able to ship them. With the Christmas vacation pending, we expect to be able to ship all orders by the end of January 2021. You'll need to be patient! I know it would be more fun to have it under the tree, but everyone is suppose to be done Christmas shopping by now anyway, right?

We will do our very best to ship your order as soon as possible!
Limit ONE (1) CPS per household/per order. You can order multiple CPS's if you like, but only one will have the discount applied.
If the steps outlined above are not followed, the discount will NOT be applied. So if you do not utilize the comments section during checkout as instructed... do not call and take it out on my staff. I will not be pleased. It's not their fault, nor mine, that you can't follow simple instructions.

No bible verse, no discount!
It starts when it starts, and when it's over... it's OVER. Sorry if you missed it, but you can always try next year.
Thank you,
Greg Dykstra
Primal Rights, Inc
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