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    • ocabj
      The assumption is the optics from China will be about 10%, the optics companies using pieces parts from China should be slightly less...
    • ocabj
      ocabj replied to the thread Triggercam 2.1+.
      I no longer have the 2.1 as I sold it when I realized it didn't fit the ZCOs. However, from what I can recall from memory, the housing...
    • ocabj
      ocabj replied to the thread Zco mpct 2x reticle low power.
      Bottom half is blurry because I handheld a camera behind the scope and it's not square to the optic. In any case, you should be able to...
      • Ocab-20250210-175352-1200.jpg
    • ocabj
      ocabj replied to the thread X - Vectronix Shooting Solutions.
      Being in SoCal, I don't see cold weather much. But I was in Paulden for the NRL Hunter Pro-Am a couple weekends ago and it was about 20F...
    • ocabj
      ocabj reacted to Conqueror's post in the thread Triggercam 2.1+ with Like Like.
      I heard back from Labradar, officially the 2.1+ will fit down to a 40mm ocular with the included collars.
    • ocabj
      ocabj replied to the thread Triggercam 2.1+.
      I haven't tried anything but my ZCOs. However, it comes with 8 sleeves, with the thickest one having an internal diameter of about...
    • ocabj
      ocabj replied to the thread Triggercam 2.1+.
      I forgot about this thread. I got one a couple weeks ago.
      • Ocab-20241212-200343-1200.jpg
    • ocabj
      ocabj replied to the thread Garmin Xero C1 Pro chronograph.
      I charge maybe every 6-8 range sessions, but I don't leave my Garmin on in radar mode for long periods of time. I will shoot a string...
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