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Recent content by RyanScott

  1. R

    Knights Armament 6.5 creedmoor

    So did a number of precision rifles. The two port brake on small arms is not a mystery or a novelty for the military. The KAC two port is something they would have to test of course.
  2. R

    Knights Armament 6.5 creedmoor

    The military had significant numbers of rifles with two port suppressor mounts 15 years ago.
  3. R

    Optics TNV/PVS-14 Omni VII GP

    Yes. I’ll PM you.
  4. R

    Accessories WTT: Geissele SD-C and HSNM for SD-Es

    I’m too blitzed on painkillers to make any deals today. I’ll PM y’all back tomorrow. Ryan
  5. R

    Accessories WTT: Geissele SD-C and HSNM for SD-Es

    PM me please. I can’t look today, just had surgery, but I’ll look tomorrow.
  6. R

    Is H&K G28 better than Knights SR-25?

    India has an excellent procurement record. Look at the INSAS.
  7. R

    Mk12 Mod 0 vs Mod H performance?

    Had dinner with a group one time that included a guy who killed a Taliban at 900 yards with a Mk12. Also a guy who used an M4 with RCO and green tip at 600. These things don’t bounce off even at extreme ranges for 5.56.
  8. R

    43 Mile Bullseye!

    That’s not your choice. Your choice is artillery now or A-10s later or maybe never. In a fight in Korea or against the Russians or Chinese you will never receive Close Air Support. It would be a misallocation of resources for that to occur. Aircraft excel at Air Interdiction and that’s...
  9. R

    43 Mile Bullseye!

    You’re the one presuming that aircraft would disappear. Point in fact, doctrinally in major combat operations aircraft will be used for AI and not CAS. Artillery will fight an artillery duel on their own. The Army finds air parity over itself to be sufficient for its purposes. Obviously the...
  10. R

    Night Vision Alternative to FOM for night vision?

    Above 64 line pair in an unmagnified system I can’t tell the difference. But a low EBI sure helps.
  11. R

    Proof SS AR15 Barrel?

    Your link says both cut and button rifles. Mike used to use buttoned barrels at ABS but that was a long time ago.
  12. R

    43 Mile Bullseye!

    @Crewdog135 The Army should control all airspace under the maximum ordinate of rocket and cannon artillery for a certain distance around all units. 50-100km forward has been proposed. I’m unsure who was asked, the people I know preferred Close Combat Attack (it’s called something stupid now)...
  13. R

    Proof SS AR15 Barrel?

    Do you typically prefer premium cut rifled barrels to low cost button rifled barrels?
  14. R

    43 Mile Bullseye!

    The problem is that the airspace would typically belong to the Air Force, and it should belong to the Army. Personally I think that this is a waste. It’s much cheaper to build a guided rocket because the acceleration is so much less.