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Recent content by SoundFx

  1. SoundFx

    Unconverted saiga 7.62x39 prices

    Yup. For better or worse. Lol Would be hilarious to see who has the craziest parts stash.
  2. SoundFx

    Unconverted saiga 7.62x39 prices

    That looks very nice. Don’t get me wrong. I love AK’s. Less now than I used to, but still. Have built dozens, stamped and milled. To me the value was a lot of learning about machining, riveting, dimensions and all that. Sold or gave away all my larger build tools before the Great Escape from CA...
  3. SoundFx

    Unconverted saiga 7.62x39 prices

    It’s taken me forever to collect the parts for a couple of AK-105’s. So long that it’s more an exercise in becoming self-aware of completionist ocd than some kind of personal achievement. Unless you’re really into, and I mean REALLY into the idea of a parts clone, then pony up for the SGL or...
  4. SoundFx

    Rifle Scopes New Schmidt & Bender PM2 6-36x56

    I bought a TT 5-25 instead of a S&B 6-36 after being a Schmidt person forever. Part of the calculus was this service situation. Already have a 3-20US that needs the lubricant cleaning from the interior lenses. Part of it also was beating any sanction price increases on the TT’s (though I admit I...
  5. SoundFx

    White Oak Sold

    Woot! They’re gonna be local to me. Hope they keep up the quality.
  6. SoundFx

    SCAR 17 6.5 Creedmoor

    That’s my understanding. Similar to other manufacturers making the transition to a smaller firing pin aperture in the bolt face because of the increased 6.5cm pressure. Anyway, pardon my confusion. I read your post as potentially being a red flag against me purchasing another 6.5 barrel at some...
  7. SoundFx

    SCAR 17 6.5 Creedmoor

    Simply was curious as to why you preferred having an older bolt. Thought that perhaps you had a bad experience with one of the newer ones. I have a 20S that was originally in 6.5. Got it when they were still pretty new to the scene. It popped primers like crazy, and FN was cool and swapped my...
  8. SoundFx

    SCAR 17 6.5 Creedmoor

    Is there a durability or functional problem with the newer bolts?
  9. SoundFx


    Ugh. Just noticed this on my 3-20 US. Hopefully S&B’s service is decent now that it seems Jerry left.
  10. SoundFx

    Which AR15 to keep?

    I keep hoping to reach the threshold of AR’s where they go crazy and eat each other in the safe. Hadn’t happened yet but I’m going to try to remain optimistic. I need the room.
  11. SoundFx

    Gunsmithing Stuck 8.6 Blk case AR10

    Agreed. To be clear, when I dealt with my similar scenario, I used a brass rod that was fairly narrow diameter to move the carrier. Not a rod down the barrel. OP, if you’re still wrestling with this, also try using some kroil and gravity to your advantage. Try to move the carrier slightly and...
  12. SoundFx

    Gunsmithing Stuck 8.6 Blk case AR10

    Yeah, sounds like you have a primer in the cam pin opening on the bcg. That's still my bet on this one. Mine was a real bitch to deal with also. It took a fairly strong series of hammer blows on the brass rod to get it moving. Didn't scratch my receiver or mess anything up so not sure where...
  13. SoundFx

    Gunsmithing Stuck 8.6 Blk case AR10

    Had something similar not too long ago with a 6.5 MWS. Popped a primer which managed to get stuck in the cam pin path. Broke a SOPMOD stock mortaring that thing. Ended up using a brass rod through the ejection port knocking the carrier back little by little. Maybe that’s what you’ve got there?
  14. SoundFx

    SHOT 2025: US-Made SVD Dragunov from Insight Armory

    If they weren’t so expensive, I would have grabbed one of the recent B&T imported FEG’s. Maybe I’m just a pessimist but seems like the import would be the smarter buy than this US offering.
  15. SoundFx

    Suppressors Input on Suppressor for 357 lever gun & PCC

    I’d get a Wolfman. Can be run in short or long config. Tough. Sounds great. Lots of mounting options.