Maggie’s Man's Best Friend Thread

Drake, my best friend, went to work with me on holidays, been to 8 different states and just under 2600 retrieves in his 9.5 years of life. Not sure I’ll be able to get another dog. Loosing him has been harder than loosing people. I could add 100 photos of him and still not show em all. Wife always says I have more pictures of him on my phone than I do her. She’s not wrong. Said good bye yesterday.


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Drake, my best friend, went to work with me on holidays, been to 8 different states and just under 2600 retrieves in his 9.5 years of life. Not sure I’ll be able to get another dog. Loosing him has been harder than loosing people. I could add 100 photos of him and still not show em all. Wife always says I have more pictures of him on my phone than I do her. She’s not wrong. Said good bye yesterday.
So sorry
Drake, my best friend, went to work with me on holidays, been to 8 different states and just under 2600 retrieves in his 9.5 years of life. Not sure I’ll be able to get another dog. Loosing him has been harder than loosing people. I could add 100 photos of him and still not show em all. Wife always says I have more pictures of him on my phone than I do her. She’s not wrong. Said good bye yesterday.

So sorry for your loss

Drake, my best friend, went to work with me on holidays, been to 8 different states and just under 2600 retrieves in his 9.5 years of life. Not sure I’ll be able to get another dog. Loosing him has been harder than loosing people. I could add 100 photos of him and still not show em all. Wife always says I have more pictures of him on my phone than I do her. She’s not wrong. Said good bye yesterday.
So sorry man. It really can be tough. It makes you not want to ever have another dog. My boy is getting up there and that very thing has been on my mind a lot lately. That said, I'd never give up all the joy that my best buddy has brought to me and my family, nor the security and peace that my boy has brought to me and my family for anything.
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Drake, my best friend, went to work with me on holidays, been to 8 different states and just under 2600 retrieves in his 9.5 years of life. Not sure I’ll be able to get another dog. Loosing him has been harder than loosing people. I could add 100 photos of him and still not show em all. Wife always says I have more pictures of him on my phone than I do her. She’s not wrong. Said good bye yesterday.
Oh hell, very sorry. I hope you feel better soon.
Drake, my best friend, went to work with me on holidays, been to 8 different states and just under 2600 retrieves in his 9.5 years of life. Not sure I’ll be able to get another dog. Loosing him has been harder than loosing people. I could add 100 photos of him and still not show em all. Wife always says I have more pictures of him on my phone than I do her. She’s not wrong. Said good bye yesterday.
Sorry for your loss.
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Drake, my best friend, went to work with me on holidays, been to 8 different states and just under 2600 retrieves in his 9.5 years of life. Not sure I’ll be able to get another dog. Loosing him has been harder than loosing people. I could add 100 photos of him and still not show em all. Wife always says I have more pictures of him on my phone than I do her. She’s not wrong. Said good bye yesterday.

I’m sorry for your loss, I lost my first dog last year and it was one of the toughest things I’ve ever went through. I used to laugh because I had over 1,700 pictures of her on my phone taken over the 3 years I knew her.

It wasn’t until she was gone that I realized how few that actually was and I deeply regret not getting more of the fun times we had together in picture and video.

However getting our puppy Cedar definitely helped with the grief, she took our minds off our pain in a way I’m not sure I could have easily done without her. I know the week with no dog in the house was rough.

Dollie before she got sick

Cedar attempting to scam snacks.
Drake, my best friend, went to work with me on holidays, been to 8 different states and just under 2600 retrieves in his 9.5 years of life. Not sure I’ll be able to get another dog. Loosing him has been harder than loosing people. I could add 100 photos of him and still not show em all. Wife always says I have more pictures of him on my phone than I do her. She’s not wrong. Said good bye yesterday.
Sorry for your loss...........he was a member of the family,..............loosing a family member is hard in many ways..............just know he has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.......and is waiting for you to join him when it is time.............always remember the good times, and the joy he brought into your life.

I thank God every night for the wonderful animals that he has blessed us with............
Drake, my best friend, went to work with me on holidays, been to 8 different states and just under 2600 retrieves in his 9.5 years of life. Not sure I’ll be able to get another dog. Loosing him has been harder than loosing people. I could add 100 photos of him and still not show em all. Wife always says I have more pictures of him on my phone than I do her. She’s not wrong. Said good bye yesterday.
That's a Heartbreaker.
The more you love them, the more it hurts.
Dogs don't live long enough.
I’m sorry for your loss, I lost my first dog last year and it was one of the toughest things I’ve ever went through. I used to laugh because I had over 1,700 pictures of her on my phone taken over the 3 years I knew her.

It wasn’t until she was gone that I realized how few that actually was and I deeply regret not getting more of the fun times we had together in picture and video.

However getting our puppy Cedar definitely helped with the grief, she took our minds off our pain in a way I’m not sure I could have easily done without her. I know the week with no dog in the house was rough.

Dollie before she got sick
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Cedar attempting to scam snacks.
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There is only one thing that can fill the hole in your hart after you loose a dog, another dog. When I lost Ranger, I totally "lost it", talking balling, snot bubbles the entire thing. He was the best.

Then I was looking through a bunch of dogs at a shelter and saw this guy.

I call this his booking photo, you know he did it, he knows he did it and he is happy about it.

Now 13 years down the road and he is an old man, him and his baby sister are at odds now and again, she has yet to learn that all belongs to him. I will likely fall apart again when I loose him. The cool part is we are going to get to retire together.

The pups turned three weeks old today and it was first real bath with soap day. About half of them basically fell asleep getting washed, Willow was happy just to not be constantly harassed for a bit.

When I was wrapping up evening chores I was greeted by a new man’s tastiest friend.


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Working with our new pup and trying to reign in the biting. He might be 10 weeks-ish now. When he first comes out of the kennel in the morning he needs little corrections. Usually just a ‘tssst’. Sometimes accompanied with an extremely light fingers touch to his side. My wife and I are the only ones giving him the bigger scruff of the neck holds until he submits. After one of those he is usually good to go for a while. But often with my 5 and 3 year old he likes to play bite bite litter mate dominance games when we aren’t paying rapt attention. I have resorted to pretending like I’m not watching so I can catch him in the act and correct him immediately. If he bites them and either my wife or I walk up he reverts to perfect angel status. ”What, who me?!”

Does he just need more time or is there something else I can do? I figure after enough corrections he’ll figure it out and quit. But I just want to make sure there isn’t some simple thing I’m missing.

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Working with our new pup and trying to reign in the biting. He might be 10 weeks-ish now. When he first comes out of the kennel in the morning he needs little corrections. Usually just a ‘tssst’. Sometimes accompanied with an extremely light fingers touch to his side. My wife and I are the only ones giving him the bigger scruff of the neck holds until he submits. After one of those he is usually good to go for a while. But often with my 5 and 3 year old he likes to play bite bite litter mate dominance games when we aren’t paying rapt attention. I have resorted to pretending like I’m not watching so I can catch him in the act and correct him immediatel. If he bites them and either my wife or I walk up he reverts to perfect angel status. ”What, who me?!”

Does he just need more time or is there something else I can do? I figure after enough corrections he’ll figure it out and quit. But I just want to make sure there isn’t some simple thing I’m missing.

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I have dealt with that many times, some are worse than others. Our latest shepherd was bad for her first few months, she gave my wife a heck of a time while never touching me . They grow out of it over time and some training .

Great looking pup, is it a sable ?
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I have dealt with that many times, some are worse than others. Our latest shepherd was bad for her first few months, she gave my wife a heck of a time while never touching me . They grow out of it over time and some training .

Great looking pup, is it a sable ?
I honestly can’t tell WTF he is. My latest thoughts are melanistic blanket back black and tan. But he has some penciling on his paws…I don’t know. His folks are both blanket backs.
Working with our new pup and trying to reign in the biting. He might be 10 weeks-ish now. When he first comes out of the kennel in the morning he needs little corrections. Usually just a ‘tssst’. Sometimes accompanied with an extremely light fingers touch to his side. My wife and I are the only ones giving him the bigger scruff of the neck holds until he submits. After one of those he is usually good to go for a while. But often with my 5 and 3 year old he likes to play bite bite litter mate dominance games when we aren’t paying rapt attention. I have resorted to pretending like I’m not watching so I can catch him in the act and correct him immediately. If he bites them and either my wife or I walk up he reverts to perfect angel status. ”What, who me?!”

Does he just need more time or is there something else I can do? I figure after enough corrections he’ll figure it out and quit. But I just want to make sure there isn’t some simple thing I’m missing.

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Mine are 18 months old now, they still play bite me, my fault because I will get on the ground wrestle with them. That being said when they were little pups several times they drew blood and I literally bit them back on the ear or neck, got a weird look in return. They responded to that more than me holding their mouth closed, which just made them madder.
Mine are 18 months old now, they still play bite me, my fault because I will get on the ground wrestle with them. That being said when they were little pups several times they drew blood and I literally bit them back on the ear or neck, got a weird look in return. They responded to that more than me holding their mouth closed, which just made them madder.

Mine is six now and she nipped a lot when we got her. She was 15 weeks old the day we brought her home.

The thing that got her to quit was when she would bite, I'd tuck her cheek between her molars with my index finger and squeeze her snout closed with my other fingers.
The third time I did it, it worked because I made sure it was hard enough to hurt a little and drew a bit of blood.
She hasn't nipped since that day.

We can play rough as hell now, but she's got a very soft mouth.
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Great pic. Looks like my Jakey. I have a question for you guys. My German Shepherd has hip dysplasia and probably won't make the summer. It literally tears my heart out. I am thinking about an Anatolian Shepherd. I need a dog that will kill coyotes. What are the pros and cons of this breed?
Great pic. Looks like my Jakey. I have a question for you guys. My German Shepherd has hip dysplasia and probably won't make the summer. It literally tears my heart out. I am thinking about an Anatolian Shepherd. I need a dog that will kill coyotes. What are the pros and cons of this breed?
The food bill.
This was Lisl von Schlaf. She passed away on 05JAN24 in her sleep at 11 years, 3 months, and 9 days. I miss her dearly. She was my fifth German Shepherd Dog I raised and trained from a pup. She was the most intelligent of the lot, and I think a lot smarter than I knew. She was so easy to train she would have a command learned in less than an hour and never forget it. Excellent personal protection dog, knew basic and advanced obedience, agility exercises, and tracking.

Her ashes are sitting beside me.
