Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

damn 6.5CM owners at it again....

and pics cuz of rulz
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damn 6.5CM owners at it again....

and pics cuz of rulz
View attachment 8414202
Lol so many questions…

What’s the goo in the center of the cervixes represent? Why are some blue and some yellow? Why is there a triangle embossed in some of the goo? Why is some goo far from the rim, and some is near the rim?

Is this some baking template? Lol
  • Haha
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Lol so many questions…

What’s the goo in the center of the cervixes represent? Why are some blue and some yellow? Why is there a triangle embossed in some of the goo? Why is some goo far from the rim, and some is near the rim?

Is this some baking template? Lol
lol! Like many of us here in the pit, you have too much time on your hands.
Lol so many questions…

What’s the goo in the center of the cervixes represent? Why are some blue and some yellow? Why is there a triangle embossed in some of the goo? Why is some goo far from the rim, and some is near the rim?

Is this some baking template? Lol

Well, DUH - it’s for making creampies…
View attachment 8414075

"Only two people have ever flown the XF-84H Thunderscreech.

Theoretically it was the fastest propeller-driven airplane ever built; it could have attained a speed above 1000km/h, but was so difficult to fly that it was never taken above roughly 840km/h in testing. At the very least it was the *loudest* propeller-driven airplane ever built, due to its supersonic propeller tips. One of the test pilots made a single flight and was so terrified at the plane's handling that he refused to ever set foot in the cockpit again. The other test pilot made 11 flights for a total of 12 test flights before the project was canceled. Thankfully the plane didn't manage to actually kill either of the people who flew it, making it statistically safer than a Boeing 737."
While on patrol out in the Bering Sea a Soviet Bear bomber decided to buzz our cutter. Bears have 4 sets of counter rotating propellers and that thing was FUCKING LOUD!
Uhm..... you can't park there...

View attachment 8414212
Been there, done that. Wish I had photos of it.

We sunk an M1 at Ft Hood in 1984. C 1/8 1st Cav.

Shortly after getting our shiny new M1 tanks we were tasked to be OPFOR and attack a unit being graded on the defense. The smoke tracks laid a nice thick screen, and we charged through it like the Soviets to wipe them out. Lol. Naturally, we weren't supposed to win, so we had to do it again.
This time the smoke tracks did an extra thick smoke screen... and we once again came charging through the dense clouds ready to destroy. Difference is, I was over it, so I didn't even try. Sitting on the gunner's seat, I just rested my head to the side by placing my CVC on the ballistic computer, closing my eyes, and trying to get a nap. Suddenly water was coming in from the turret ring... then the mantlet... "Damn this is a deep hole!" I thought. Then... water (a lot) was coming in from the TC's hatch behind me! WTF over?

Turns out, neither Rich (our driver) or the LT could see anything in the extra thick smoke screen... and while barreling through it at 45 mph... we had skipped out to the middle of a pond... and sank. The water was coming in so fast and hard I couldn't move. It had pinned me up against the cadillac's, and sight. The LT tried to climb out probably 3 or 4 time being sucked back in each time before he finally got out. I had to catch a breath, and wait for the turret to fill up. Once standing on the turret roof (knee deep in swampy pond water) we realized that Rich (our driver) hadn't made it out. I had to go back in and manually crank the main gun (that was directly over the driver hatch) out of the way. I ran out of breath and had to go down a second time. When I came up after that second time... he was up, standing on the front slope.

Two engineer D9s working together pulled us out.

Fun-ass shit there boys & girls... but nobody got hurt.

They deemed it the LTs fault for going so fast through the limited visibility. (which was the battle plan)
Tank was a total loss, and he lost 1/2 pay for 6 months.
…They deemed it the LTs fault for going so fast through the limited visibility. (which was the battle plan)
Tank was a total loss, and he lost 1/2 pay for 6 months.
That’s the most Army shit I’ve heard all week, the command threw the LT under the bus for following their orders so they didn’t catch the blame for dropping the ball on a pre op brief. 🙄